Education Be Racist, You Honky

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.
Wow. Its racist to educate them now?

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.

Blacks want a completely different standard from the rest of society. I'd rather give them their own land and let them do it completely separated from the rest of society. This way we wouldn't have to deal with the blow back and the constant bitching.
Matthewt: 10431694 said:
Wow. Its racist to educate them now?

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.

Blacks want a completely different standard from the rest of society. I'd rather give them their own land and let them do it completely separated from the rest of society. This way we wouldn't have to deal with the blow back and the constant bitching.
Lets just clear out Nebraska and give it to them. No rules. All theirs. And build massive walls around it.
Matthewt: 10431694 said:
Wow. Its racist to educate them now?

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.

Blacks want a completely different standard from the rest of society. I'd rather give them their own land and let them do it completely separated from the rest of society. This way we wouldn't have to deal with the blow back and the constant bitching.
Lets just clear out Nebraska and give it to them. No rules. All theirs. And build massive walls around it.

I was thinking western Mississippi as the western half is already around 70-80% black.
Is this Nation expected to dumb itself down to the least common denominator for the sake of "racial equality"? :lol:

What oh what hath Obama wrought.

Two years to go, and I fear that we will not make it in one piece.
Wow. Its racist to educate them now?

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.

Blacks want a completely different standard from the rest of society. I'd rather give them their own land and let them do it completely separated from the rest of society. This way we wouldn't have to deal with the blow back and the constant bitching.
That's what Louis Farrakhan want's or he's going to tear this country up.. His words!
[QUOisE="Matthew, post: 10431721, member: 22889"]
Matthewt: 10431694 said:
Wow. Its racist to educate them now?

Micro aggression is relatively new. It can be anything. There is no limit on micro aggression. How dare a teacher correct grammar and punctuation. That's saying the student is wrong. Students are never wrong.

Blacks want a completely different standard from the rest of society. I'd rather give them their own land and let them do it completely separated from the rest of society. This way we wouldn't have to deal with the blow back and the constant bitching.
Lets just clear out Nebraska and give it to them. No rules. All theirs. And build massive walls around it.

I was thinking western Mississippi as the western half is already around 70-80% black.[/QUOTE]

Not isolated enough. They want whitey and especially white cops out of their lives. Okie dokey. Give them vast areas of land and build huge walls. See how it thrives haha.
Is this Nation expected to dumb itself down to the least common denominator for the sake of "racial equality"? :lol:

What oh what hath Obama wrought.

Two years to go, and I fear that we will not make it in one piece.
This is what happens when the fed interjects itself into matters it thinks it knows everything about, and the rest of us are just plain stupid up side of these god's with a little g. So many things could have been done differently, and they would have had a much better outcome for all, but we have all failed this nation over time, and the results are in, and they continue to come in daily now.
If you don't want professors lowering your grade for grammatical and spelling errors then stop making grammatical and spelling errors. What a novel concept.
Remember when Obama first began his campaign and sharpton said Obama wasn't "Authentic"? Can a Lefty tell me what he meant? If you can't, I can.
I wrote a piece years ago. It's on the web somewhere. It's called 'How Asians Will Save American Education.'

The OP is nothing new. Back in the early 90's, the ACLU accused abstractions like algebra and physics of being "racist," because many blacks wanted to understand such things, but so few could, therefore algebra was a "racist construct" against black understanding. You know we were once #1 on the planet in public education, now we're #37 or somewhere down there in the cellar.
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