Education Thread: fellow Europeans, let's teach Americans about soccer! Biden Gets Very Confused When He Gets Told USA Tied With England In World Cup

Argentina assistant coach Pablo Aimar got emotional when Leo Messi scored yesterday

Look at what it means

OK; rugby and cricket are wonderful sports, and soccer is a good sport; Dad was European and soccer was HIS game, but I watched some of those Brady videos the last couple of years and the game looked good...until I watched a full game on the TV.

I'll stick with rugby and cricket but I can see why the other two have massive followings.

OK; rugby and cricket are wonderful sports, and soccer is a good sport; Dad was European and soccer was HIS game, but I watched some of those Brady videos the last couple of years and the game looked good...until I watched a full game on the TV.

I'll stick with rugby and cricket but I can see why the other two have massive followings.

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