Eerie Parallels


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 111 of your fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It will lead to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it will also be a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It will eventually turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews are their enemies. The message you give in the beer hall that day will pervade and consume the masses. It will cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbräukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 111 brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The same exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by "electing" this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.
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Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 100+ of his fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It led to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it was also a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It managed to turn an entire population against the Jewish. Convincing them that Jews were their enemies. The message Hitler gave was pervasive, and it consumed the masses. It cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbraukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 100+ brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies.

Thanks, liberals, you have set a dangerous predicate by electing this man to office, and I just hope for your sake that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.

He wasn't "elected".

He was installed.
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 100+ of his fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It led to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it was also a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It managed to turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews were their enemies. The message Hitler gave was pervasive, and it consumed the masses. It cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbraukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 100+ brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by electing this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.
Kind of disrespectful to those who actually did suffer under the Nazis. It’s ludicrous to compare them to crybaby Trumpistas, who just got a small taste of what the rest of us have been getting from Trump. Act like adults, not squawking infants.
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 100+ of his fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It led to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it was also a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It managed to turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews were their enemies. The message Hitler gave was pervasive, and it consumed the masses. It cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbraukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 100+ brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by electing this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.

See the source image
Kind of disrespectful to those who actually did suffer under the Nazis.
It is? I fail to see the difference between Hitler convincing his countrymen that Jews were their enemies and a sitting president saying the same thing about his political opposition.

Also, one could say it's quite disrespectful to all the men who died on the beaches of Normandy when people like you put Presidents like that in power, spouting the EXACT same sentiment Hitler did, the very same sentiment they went over there to quash.

Don't lecture me. Don't even dare.
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Nope. Suddenly your comprehension of the English language ceases to function at the part where he says "peacefully and patriotically."

Nice try. I will not entertain any more attempts to derail this thread.
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 100+ of his fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It led to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it was also a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It managed to turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews were their enemies. The message Hitler gave was pervasive, and it consumed the masses. It cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbraukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 100+ brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by electing this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.

That was an excellent analogy.
Nope. Suddenly your comprehension of the English language ceases to function at the part where he says "peacefully and patriotically."
So, the Trump humpers obeyed that one sentence?
It appears not.

They obeyed this.
"Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. And if we're wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we're right, and lot of them will go to jail. So — let's have trial by combat" — Giuliani

Nice try. I will not entertain any more attempts to derail this thread.
Right, a sorry attempt at making Biden parallel Hitler, when it was your dear leader that parallel's Hitler.

Donald Trump asked rally attendees to pledge their support to him, and photos of the event compared the scene to Nazi Germany.​

Struck a nerve? I do believe I have.
That’s all you’ve got? LOL!!! What a nothingburger. So what if you did strike a nerve, my analysis still stands and your response makes me realize I’m right. If you had a decent argument, you would have stated it. Since you didn’t, we’re treated to this piece-of-trash post.
That’s all you’ve got? LOL!!! What a nothingburger. So what if you did strike a nerve, my analysis still stands and your response makes me realize I’m right. If you had a decent argument, you would have stated it. Since you didn’t, we’re treated to this piece-of-trash post.
I don't need much with people like you.

You didn't have to click on this this thread, but you did. It obviously struck a nerve or you wouldn't be here in the first place. So gullible.
So, the Trump humpers obeyed that one sentence?
It appears not.

They obeyed this.
"Over the next 10 days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. And if we're wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we're right, and lot of them will go to jail. So — let's have trial by combat" — Giuliani

Right, a sorry attempt at making Biden parallel Hitler, when it was your dear leader that parallel's Hitler.

Donald Trump asked rally attendees to pledge their support to him, and photos of the event compared the scene to Nazi Germany.​

View attachment 690396
Lol. Just look at you, trying to paint all of his supporters, all 74 million of them, as mindless obedient automatons, when it's people like you who hang on every word Biden says.

You have some nerve. You ignore the 512 riots in the Summer of 2020 that made J6 look like a schoolyard brawl. Spare me your gaslighting.
Lol. Just look at you, trying to paint all of his supporters, all 74 million of them, as mindless obedient automatons,
Pretty much, the evidence is everywhere.

Every MAGA tard is defending Trump for taking classified documents from the white house, threatening the FBI and DOJ.
Making all kinds of excuses why Trump deserved those documents.
One guy in Cincinnati is dead for it.
when it's people like you who hang on every word Biden says.
Sure, we do.
You have some nerve. You ignore the 512 riots in the Summer of 2020
NO ONE ignored the riots dumbass.
18,000 people were charged and went to jail.

Do you hear of anyone demanding they're release?
Political prisoners?
They were really MAGA tards?
They just taking selfies?

It's always "whataboutism" with the Trump cult.
One incident had not even the slightest bit of resemblance to the other.
ONE was about a person dying in police custody.
ONE was about a lost election.

They aren't even remotely related.
that made J6 look like a schoolyard brawl. Spare me your gaslighting.
You're the one gaslighting, like your dear leader.
What democrat compared the riots of summer 2020 to the capitol riots?
NOT one.
I don't need much with people like you.

You didn't have to click on this this thread, but you did. It obviously struck a nerve or you wouldn't be here in the first place. So gullible.
Liars usually strike a nerve with normal people.
Not to the Trump cult, they love FOX and Trump, they love being lied to.
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 111 of your fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It will lead to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it will also be a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It will eventually turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews are their enemies. The message you give in the beer hall that day will pervade and consume the masses. It will cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbräukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 111 brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by "electing" this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.
If the Jews had tried to overturn a free and fair election, they would have deserved the public condemnation that you're enjoying right now.

The difference is that you guys tried it, you failed....and now you're being ostracized for continuing to support the insurrectionists and spreading of lies about the 2020 election. You know those people broke the law--you can't injure a cop and get away with it. You know the election wasn't rigged. Yet you continue to support the scum who injured the cops and repeat lies about the election. Hence the speech by YOUR PRESIDENT tonight.

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