Eerie Parallels

I think it is.

Who is viewing political differences in terms of war? Who is demonizing the opposing political party as The Enemy instead an opponant ? Thank Newt Gingrich for that one.

Disagreeing is not throwing punches.
Spare me the word salads, Coyote. Stop lying to yourself. Stand back and assess the field.

And yet, like a typical dishonest hack, you ignore….

Still waiting for your lying ass to admit left loon media was calling for reeducation and deprogramming of Trump supporters and their kids.
Still waiting for your lying ass to admit left loon media was calling for reeducation and deprogramming of Trump supporters.
You can keep on waiting sweetie, until you own up to what your own side does (I know, won’t happen).
The use of the phrase "punching down" suggests otherwise.
No. Punching down is death threats, harrassment to election workers and their families, broadbrushing teachers as pedos, using political power to punish individual companies or people who criticize you or speak up. It is when a person with power punches down.
You can keep on waiting sweetie, until you own up to what your own side does (I know, won’t happen).
Sorry honey…you quoted me. Now you are running away because you are proven to be a dishonest hack.

Big shock.
Sorry honey…you quoted me. Now you are running away because you are proven to be a dishonest hack.

Big shock.
I’m sure I am crushed. Does this mean you are returning to your normal mode of self-proclaimed victimhood, or are we in for another bout of whining?
No. Punching down is death threats, harrassment to election workers and their families, broadbrushing teachers as pedos, using political power to punish individual companies or people who criticize you or speak up. It is when a person with power punches down.
I bet you don't do any contextual research either to disprove those claims. You think mere insistence on your part is enough to disprove what I'm saying. So I invite you to prove me wrong. Put your back into it.


"Broadbrushing teachers as pedos"


"using political power to punish indivdual companies or people who criticize you or speak up."

See Biden Administration's interactions with social media companies during the pandemic and 2020 election in efforts to chill speech:

Third, when your party has both houses of congress right now, you can't accuse anyone of "punching down." You just can't. That's not how any of this works.
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I bet you don't do any contextual research either to disprove those claims. You think mere insistence on your part is enough to disprove what I'm saying. So I invite you to prove me wrong, put your back into it.


"Broadbrushing teachers as pedos"

Not sure I see your point here as this a perfect example of using a rare instance to demonize an entire profession.


"using political power to punish indivdual companies or people who criticize you or speak up."

See Biden Administration's interactions with social media companies during the pandemic and 2020 election in efforts to chill speech:


How Trump used his power to retaliate against Vindman, even interfering in his promotion.

DeSantis using his political power against Disney for criticizing his Don’t Say Gay law.

Censoring teachers on what they can and can’t teach when it comes to history, racism or LGBTQ issues.

Censoring private companies who provide training in diversity and inclusion.

Third, when your party has both houses of congress right now, you can't accuse anyone of "punching down." You just can't. That's not how any of this works.
You are wrong. We are a nation of states with governors and state houses.
You are wrong. We are a nation of states with governors and state houses.
I know I am right. My knowledge of government machinations says I'm right.

Your idealistic views are what lead you astray. Governments ruled by either side from the top down are capable of the same type of abuse. It just so happens that when Democrats do it, it is more noticeable.
Not sure I see your point here as this is a perfect example of using a rare instance to demonize an entire profession.
Not rare. This is endorsed by the largest teacher's union in the country.


Please have another. I have more at the ready.
Censoring teachers on what they can and can’t teach when it comes to history, racism or LGBTQ issues.
More like censoring parents and forcing them to put their kids in schools that force that ideology on them. Yanno, I'm gay, but I don't force that on anyone. And why would I ever care for straight teachers to teach kids about something they aren't?
I’m sure I am crushed. Does this mean you are returning to your normal mode of self-proclaimed victimhood, or are we in for another bout of whining?
^^Says the idiot who has been in this thread whining about being a victim.
Kind of disrespectful to those who actually did suffer under the Nazis. It’s ludicrous to compare them to crybaby Trumpistas, who just got a small taste of what the rest of us have been getting from Trump. Act like adults, not squawking infants.
Awww. Have you similarly criticized all your libtard pals who have claimed that Trump is a new Hitler?


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