Eerie Parallels

What I am seeing is rightists (and presumably Republicans) attacking anyone who disagrees with them and then turning around and claiming they were attacked first.
Because they were. You can't get upset when people start punching back. That's all I have to say to this.

This is like getting mad at the snake for biting your heel after you stepped on it. It was your ignorance of the environment that led to your harm.
Ya…one guy = all the leftists. Typical.
Another leftie that claims it wasn’t all over social media shortly after the election. “ selective memories “ because it makes you look like the communists you are.

No one buys your gaslighting anymore. How sad.
Because they were. You can't get upset when people start punching back. That's all I have to say to this.
Of course it’s all you have to say about because no rightist is honest enough to admit that they were right in there punching away just like the leftists they decry. The ultimate irony is they criticize the left for politics of victimhood, and look who’s doing it now.
Of course it’s all you have to say about because no rightist is honest enough to admit that they were right in there punching away just like the leftists they decry. The ultimate irony is they criticize the left for politics of victimhood, and look who’s doing it now.
I'll keep repeating myself if I must.

We're only playing the game you started.

Whitehall is right. You're crying victim now, after people started punching back at members of your party for picking the wrong fights with the wrong people.
Another leftie that claims it wasn’t all over social media shortly after the election. “ selective memories “ because it makes you look like the communists you are.

No one buys your gaslighting anymore. How sad.
Just like your little hillbilly insurrection, these desperate attempts by a shrinking, rabid minority cult are not going to work.
Don't try to justify his rhetoric.
Not justifying anything just want remind you of the horrific policy you actually enacted of 100% family seperation, literally forceably taking children from the arms of their parents and losing them. One asshole’s stupid statements are nothing compared to what yo actually DID.
Not justifying anything just want remind you of the horrific policy you actually enacted of 100% family seperation, literally forceably taking children from the arms of their parents and losing them.

We can play this game too:

If you want this fight to end, stop throwing the punches. Be the one who shakes hands, not throwing them. If not, be ready for a beating.
I see. It’s all up to one side to submit roll over and pee, eh, while you keep throwing the you deny you are throwing? Your side of course being utterly blameless (disclaimer: heavy dose of sarcasm)?

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