Eerie Parallels

Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 111 of your fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It will lead to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it will also be a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It will eventually turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews are their enemies. The message you give in the beer hall that day will pervade and consume the masses. It will cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbräukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 111 brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The same exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by "electing" this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.
Maybe this makes sense to someone who is utterly ignorant of any historical context, or whose brain is severely handicapped by Trump cultism .

In educated, rational circles, this speech was much more a parallel to Roosevelt's speech at the beginning of WWII.
Does not matter. You're not American, assface. So fuck off!

Real Americans will give you exactly what you deserve, turdboy.

You actually think your retarded leftist dumbshit ass is going to boo Americans up?

We live for squashing pieces of shit like you. You're going to get crushed like a bug, bitch!

Imagine that sock having 2-3 padlocks in it..k?

You do know sharing your cuck fantasies like this in public is incredibly funny don't you? 😂
It is? I fail to see the difference between Hitler convincing his countrymen that Jews were their enemies and a sitting president saying the same thing about his political opposition.

Also, one could say it's quite disrespectful to all the men who died on the beaches of Normandy when people like you put Presidents like that in power, spouting the EXACT same sentiment Hitler did, the very same sentiment they went over there to quash.

Don't lecture me. Don't even dare.
You fail....well, I can agree with that.
If the Jews had tried to overturn a free and fair election, they would have deserved the public condemnation that you're enjoying right now.

The difference is that you guys tried it, you failed....and now you're being ostracized for continuing to support the insurrectionists and spreading of lies about the 2020 election. You know those people broke the law--you can't injure a cop and get away with it. You know the election wasn't rigged. Yet you continue to support the scum who injured the cops and repeat lies about the election. Hence the speech by YOUR PRESIDENT tonight.
Jan 6th parallels the Beer Hall Putsch.
It is pretty simple. You ignore parallels in rhetoric and demonization: against Democrats, leftists, Muslims, immigrants…that are not an isolated incident but a pattern. It makes your OP more ironic than accurrate.
Like I told curry boy this morning, if the shoe fits, wear it. Also, I have defended Muslims on this very board before, so your memory is flawed, to begin with. Among other things, I strive to keep my sanity in this here political maelstrom. I will, however, not shy away from punching back, either.

But even if what you say is true, you've ignored all the demonization and hatred of Trump supporters, conservatives, Christians, gun owners, pro-lifers, and conservatives belonging to the demographic that Democrats claim to "own."

I also note your lack of an opinion either way on Biden's speech last night. I'm sure you have nothing but high praise. I only see a "but you too!" card on the table. If you were a competent member of society you would be wanting to seek harmony with your fellow man, not this. But since the die is cast, we have little choice but to play the game your side started, and I will play to win.

I have one message for the Democratic party:

Don't make enemies of kind people. Their wrath is far more ruthless and unforgiving than the evilest man alive.
It’s okay honey. Everyone knows you can’t wait until people that hurt your feelings get hauled off to gas chambers. You’ve been frothing at the mouth for it ever since Pedo Joe was installed.
Sounds more like it’s you lot frothing at the mouth for violence if rhetoric is anything to go by.

In educated, rational circles, this speech was much more a parallel to Roosevelt's speech at the beginning of WWII.
Bullshit. It led 2000 people to attempt an overthrow of the Weimar Republic. Was he trying to instigate an insurrection?

Look here, people, look at someone defending Hitler. You must be proud of yourself.
The MAGAts
It led 2000 people to attempt an overthrow of the Weimar Republic. Was he trying to instigate an insurrection?
No it didn't. Roosevelt's speech did not do that. Those people did that. Biden was speaking out against the Trump cult insurrectionists.
It makes your OP more ironic than accurrate.
When you lack a sufficient rebuttal stated facts or opinions, you simply label them as "ironic" and prance along in completely willful ignorant bliss.

That, ma'am, is the textbook definition of irony.
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Like I told curry boy this morning, if the shoe fits, wear it. Also, I have defended Muslims on this very board before, so your memory is flawed, to begin with. Among other things, I strive to keep my sanity in this here political maelstrom. I will, however, not shy away from punching back, either.

But even if what you say is true, you've ignored all the demonization and hatred of Trump supporters, conservatives, Christians, gun owners, pro-lifers, and conservatives belonging to the demographic that Democrats claim to "own."

I also note your lack of an opinion either way on Biden's speech last night. I'm sure you have nothing but high praise. I only see a "but you too!" card on the table. If you were a competent member of society you would be wanting to seek harmony with your fellow man, not this. But since the die is cast, we have little choice but to play the game your side started, and I will play to win.

I have one message for the Democratic party:

Don't make enemies of kind people. Their wrath is far more ruthless and unforgiving than the evilest man alive.
(Warning, this is a rant)…..What I am seeing is rightists (and presumably Republicans) attacking anyone who disagrees with them and then turning around and claiming they were attacked first. Where is the language of violence and hate coming these days? Primarily the right. They are attacking gays, transgenders, minorities, sending death threats to doctors who treat transgender youth and falsely claiming tbe do surgery on them. Passing laws that bars them from getting treatment. And now the whole “don’t make enemies of them” when they are the ones engaged in victimizing and the stripping away of rights has pretty much washed away any initial sympathy I might Have had. Your (general you) MAGA world is not a bright. It has no positive messages. No joy. It’s a world where only one party ever wins, where transgender people cease to exist beyond being freaks in a circus side show, where same sex marriage is no longer a right and raped women are forced to stay pregnant. The MAGA message and rhetoric is completely devoid of hope, growth and humanity. How many times have you heard rightists HERE call for a bullet in the head, and we need to start shooting people (ie Dems, leftists etc)? Look at your own statements here. You (general you) sure don’t care about making us mad yet we aren’t going around threatening to shoot you or starting a civil war even though your president treated us like rubbish and demonized us while simultaneously proclaiming himself to be a victim.
Sounds more like it’s you lot frothing at the mouth for violence if rhetoric is anything to go by.

No it was lefties

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