Eerie Parallels

That's a lie.

Some people are descended from those who killed Nazis, and that's who you Nazi wanna-bes are fucking with. This ends very badly for you, brah.


Well, it is what it is.
flacaltenn You gonna ban me now?
It's a true story..
My parents hated Trump. They said his speeches gave them chills and we aren’t Jewish. They just remembered Hitler’s speeches being broadcast and felt the same vibe from Trump.
Aside from your faggotry, that's reason to be pissed off. Nice! Keep it up, idiot. Keep getting people pissed off at you and all the leftist shitbags. The midterms will go nicely! :up:
Sure, moron, keep downplaying this.


People are already pissed off.

Then you add this?
Republican allies on Capitol Hill and supporters of former President Trump are rallying to his defense as the fallout from the FBI's unprecedented search of Trump's Florida residence continues.

Yeah, TWICE, the fucking traitor we thought he was, just like his cult.
We will, you pieces of shit will not push much further without MAJOR pushback.

Yes we will, you pussy and you know what you'll do? Nothing. Nothing except come here and tell us how tough you're going to be the next time. 😂 It's always next time with you cosplayers.
Ain't no dicks in the butt when you faggots have holes in your heads, bitch.

I tell ya wut, that puts an immediate stop to sodomy. Prove me wrong!

Nothing stops sodomy like a cranium getting perforated. Whether it be with a shank, an icepick, a knife, an arrow, or a bullet. I guarantee those stop it every time. You won't be sodomizing ary another human being. You will be done.
Is that a MAGA tard's introduction to his cellmate?
Like to be a fly on the wall, the first night.
Some people are descended from those who killed Nazis, and that's who you Nazi wanna-bes are fucking with. This ends very badly for you, brah.


Well, it is what it is.
flacaltenn You gonna ban me now?
It's a true story..
So’s mine. No need to be psychotic about it. Now, am I a Nazi or a Commie? I’m confused.
Lol. Just look at you, trying to paint all of his supporters, all 74 million of them, as mindless obedient automatons, when it's people like you who hang on every word Biden says.

You have some nerve. You ignore the 512 riots in the Summer of 2020 that made J6 look like a schoolyard brawl. Spare me your gaslighting.

Trump had thrown out the Taskforce for 21 century Policing. You remember? It was designed to restore confidence in US law enforcement and respect for them.
Kind of disrespectful to those who actually did suffer under the Nazis. It’s ludicrous to compare them to crybaby Trumpistas, who just got a small taste of what the rest of us have been getting from Trump. Act like adults, not squawking infants.

No, it is appropriate because the rhetoric is basically the same.
He won by 8 million votes... that's usually considered a landslide.

You are confused Moon Bat.

He didn't win jackshit. The sonofabitch stole the election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled districts.

It is not the people that vote that pick a winner. It is the people that count the votes.

Thanks to the pandemic created by the Chinese (who made the Biden family rich) the implementation of mail in and harvested ballots gave the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the opportunity they needed to steal an election.

The only question was were they in cahoots with the Chicoms in the beginning to created the pandemic or did they simply take advantage of the golden opportunity to steal the election?
If you look a little deeper you find that Hitler had support from the media at first and later took over the media. Similar episodes have occurred in the democrat party through the years. We live in dangerous times when the president accuses half the population of being a threat to democracy and the media agrees with him.
My parents hated Trump. They said his speeches gave them chills and we aren’t Jewish. They just remembered Hitler’s speeches being broadcast and felt the same vibe from Trump.
It looks like they passed their fucktardedness on to you, fucktard.
So’s mine. No need to be psychotic about it. Now, am I a Nazi or a Commie? I’m confused.
Does not matter. You're not American, assface. So fuck off!

Real Americans will give you exactly what you deserve, turdboy.

You actually think your retarded leftist dumbshit ass is going to boo Americans up?

We live for squashing pieces of shit like you. You're going to get crushed like a bug, bitch!

Imagine that sock having 2-3 padlocks in it..k?

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It never fails. The doddering old fool in the W.H. says something completely outrageous and offensive and his supporters pretend they are the victims. Biden needs to bow out gracefully before he ruins what's left of the democrat party and makes a bigger fool of himself.
It never fails. The doddering old fool in the W.H. says something completely outrageous and offensive and his supporters pretend they are the victims. Biden needs to bow out gracefully before he ruins what's left of the democrat party and makes a bigger fool of himself.
Was Dark Brandon being mean? :206:
It never fails. The doddering old fool in the W.H. says something completely outrageous and offensive and his supporters pretend they are the victims. Biden needs to bow out gracefully before he ruins what's left of the democrat party and makes a bigger fool of himself.
Text book example of projection there.
Think back with me, or try to imagine, the year 1919, at a beer hall in Munich, Germany. You are a young Adolf Hitler giving a speech to 111 of your fellow brownshirts, spreading malicious falsehoods and fear about the Jews to an agitated class of citizens still reeling from the country's defeat in WWI. It will lead to the failed Beer Hall Putsch, and it will also be a seminal moment in the rise of the Nazi Party. It will eventually turn an entire population against the Jewish, convincing them that Jews are their enemies. The message you give in the beer hall that day will pervade and consume the masses. It will cost 6 million Jews their lives by the end of WWII.

Now fast forward over a century to the speech by Joe last night. Replace the Hofbräukeller with Independence Hall, and replace the 111 brownshirts with anyone who took that speech in and agreed with it. What do you have? The same exact message, the same exact fear. The same exhortations that a certain segment of the population are threats to your way of life or causes of major societal ills. It was his attempt to turn the American population against those who voted for Trump or believe in any of Trump's policies. What will this lead to? A holocaust? A reckoning? Or finally a healing? Who knows?

Thanks, my dear liberal Biden voters, for setting this dangerous predicate by "electing" this man to office or electing anyone who helped him rise to power. And for your sakes, I hope that you don't get led down the same path that Hitler led Germany for two and a half decades. I don't want to be anyone's enemy, but after that heartless screed by Biden, it seems now that I have little choice. I am an enemy of my government for the ideas and opinions I hold and the people I vote for. If I am to be your enemy, then so be it. You have made one tonight.
trump rallies are eerily parallel to Nuremberg rallies.

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