Effects on children seeing their parents nude, having sex, et al.


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
excerpts from,

Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol. 17, No. 4, 1988, pp. 349-362.

The Relationship Between Adult Sexual Adjustment
and Childhood Experiences Regarding Exposure
to Nudity, Sleeping in the Parental Bed, and
Parental Attitudes Toward Sexuality

Robin J. Lewis, Ph.D., and Louis H. Janda, Ph.D.


A frequent concern raised by parents regards the potential harm to their child of seeing parental nudity, of exposure to nudity in others, (e.g., siblings, friends), and of sleeping in bed with parents. Although these are issues often raised by parents, surprisingly little has been written that empirically addresses these questions. The available literature primarily consists of experts providing advice on these issues without an empirical basis.




Seventy-seven males and 133 females were recruited from undergraduate psychology classes to serve as. subjects. In exchange for their participation, subjects received extra credit in their classes.


All subjects completed a questionnaire assessing retrospective reports of (i) frequency of sleeping in bed with parents between 0-5 years and 6-11 years; (ii) frequency of seeing parents, as well as others, naked between 0-5 years and 6-11 years; (iii) parental attitudes toward sexuality; (iv) subjects' level of comfort in discussing sexuality with parents; and (v) perceptions of parental discomfort regarding sexuality. Information on current adjustment and sexual behavior was also obtained. Items from these measures are presented in the Appendix. All items were responded to using a five-point Likert scale. Subjects completed this questionnaire in a large group setting. Given the sensitive nature of the questions, respondents were assured of confidentiality and all responses were identified by number only.



Childhood Nudity and Sexual Adjustment

An index of the frequency of parental nudity was calculated by summing responses to questions about seeing mother and father naked. A parental nudity index for ages 0-5 and 6-11 was then correlated with the items about current sexual adjustment. Thus, a 2 x 11 correlation matrix was generated separately for males and females.

For males, the 0-5 Parental Nudity Index was inversely related to reported discomfort about physical contact/affection, r(75) = -0.23, p < 0.05, indicating that increased exposure to parental nudity was related to less discomfort about physical contact/affection. Parental nudity during ages 0-5 was unrelated to any of the other sexual adjustment variables. Parental nudity during ages 6-11 was positively related only to a tendency to engage in casual sexual relationships, r(71) = 0. 24, p < 0.05. It is noteworthy that although a relationship between nudity and a tendency to engage in casual sex was obtained, we are not sure this really reflects respondents' actually engaging in casual sex. For males, the mean and standard deviation for this item were 2.62 and 1.23, respectively, indicating that most males did not endorse strong agreement for a tendency to engage in casual sex.

For females, parental nudity between 0-5 was related only to an increased frequency of sex relative to others, r(129) = 0. 18, p < 0.05. Parental nudity during this age range was unrelated to any of the other sexual adjustment variables. For females, parental nudity between 6-11 was positively related only to an increased tendency to engage in casual sexual relationships, r(129) = 0.18, p < 0.05. As with the male sample, examination of responses to this item indicates that most females did not endorse strong agreement with tendency to engage in casual sexual relationships.

In order to get an idea of the relationship of exposure to nudity in general, to adjustment, an overall nudity index was calculated by summing responses to questions about seeing mother, father, same-sex siblings; friends, and opposite-sex siblings/friends naked. This nudity index for ages 0-5 and 6-11 was correlated with the 11 items about current adjustment and behavior. Thus, a 2 x 11 correlation matrix was generated separately for males and females.

For males, 0-5 nudity index was inversely related to reported discomfort about physical contact/affection, r(75) = -0.23, p < 0.05. Nudity during ages 0-5 was unrelated to any other adjustment variables. Nudity during ages 6-11 was positively related to self-esteem, r(72) = 0.25, p < 0.05, knowledge about sex, r(68) = 0.26, p < 0.05, and a tendency to engage in casual sex, r(71) = 0.28, p < 0.05.

For females, nudity between 0-5 was related to less discomfort about physical contact/affection, r(130) = -0.17, p < 0.05, but was unrelated to any other adjustment variables. Nudity between 6-11 was positively related to increased frequency of sex relative to others, r(129) = 0.19, p < 0.05, and an increased tendency to engage in casual sexual relationships. r(129) 0.21, p < 0.05.


Parental Attitudes Toward Sexuality and Sexual Adjustment

In order to investigate the relationship among parental attitudes toward sexuality and adjustment, the 9 items related to parental attitudes were correlated with the 11 items regarding adjustment. Thus, a 9 x 11 correlation matrix was generated separately for males and females.

For males, a positive paternal attitude was related to increased self-esteem, r(72) = 0.24, p < 0.05, an increased tendency to engage in casual sexual relationships, r(71) = 0.33, p < 0.01, and increased comfort about physical contact and affection, r(75) = -0.35, p < 0.01 In addition, sons who felt comfortable discussing sex with their fathers also reported an increased tendency to engage in casual sex relationships, r(71) = 0.23, p < 0,05. Further, an inverse relationship occurred for males between frequency of discussion of sexuality in the family and sexual dysfunction , r(72) = - 0.23, p < 0.05 such that less discussion of sexuality was correlated with increased frequency of sexual problems. More discussion of sexuality was related to more comfort about physical contact and affection in the family, r(75) = -0.22, p < 0.05. For males, a positive maternal attitude toward sex, r(75) = -0.28, p < 0.05, perceived paternal comfort about talking about sex, r(75) = -0.38, p < 0.001, perceived maternal comfort about talking king about sex, r(75) = -0.22, p < 0.05, and more reported knowledge about sex, r(75) = -0.58, p < 0.001 were all related to respondents' comfort regard regarding physical contact and affection.

For females, a positive maternal attitude toward sex was related to increased self-esteem, r(129) = 0.19, p < 0.05. In addition, daughters who felt comfortable discussing sex with their mothers reported better feelings about themselves, r(129) = 0.21, p < 0.05. For females, happiness with sex life was positively related to increased comfort talking about sex with fathers, r(129) = 0.17, p < 0.05 and positive paternal attitudes toward sex, r(129) = 0.17, p < 0.05. Females reported an increased tendency to engage in casual sex when there was more discussion of sexuality in the home, r(130) = 0.20, p < 0.05, and with increased comfort talking about sex with fathers, r(129) = 0.24 p < 0.01. Further, positive paternal attitudes toward sex were related to increased knowledge about sex, r( 130) = 0.18, p < 0.-05.

For females, comfort about physical contact/affection was related to more reported physical contact/affection, r(131) = -0.36, p < 0.001, comfort talking about sex with mother, r(130) = -0.29, p < 0.001, comfort talking about sex with father r(132) = -0.22, p < 0.01, and more knowledge about sex, r(131) 1) = -0.25, p < 0.01.

Based on the apparent gender differences that occurred regarding respondents reports of parental attitudes toward sex, perceived parental discomfort about discussing sex, and subjects' comfort discussing sex with mother and father, a series of chi-square analyses were conducted to examine these differences. For these analyses, responses were classified into three levels based on the subjects' 5-point Likert scale responses where responses 1 and 2 were classified as low, response 3 was left as medium, and responses 4 and 5 were classified as high. Chi-square analyses were done for the following items: (1 and 2) "Rate the degree of comfort you felt in talking about sex with your mother (father)"; (3 and 4) "Rate the degree of comfort you think your mother (father) felt in talking about sex"; (5 and 6) "How would you characterize your mother's (father's) attitude toward sex"?

No gender differences occurred for any of the items related to mother. However, a significant difference between men and women occurred on all the items related to father. Regarding comfort discussing sexuality with father, sons tended to be more comfortable discussing sex with their fathers than were daughters. It is noteworthy that 77% of females and 52% of males felt uncomfortable talking about sex with their fathers.

Another gender difference occurred when respondents were asked to indicate their perception of father's discomfort level talking about sex. Again, more females compared to males perceived their fathers as uncomfortable in talking about sex.

Finally, a third gender difference occurred in respondents' indications of paternal attitude toward sex. Although about half of males and females perceived a neutral paternal attitude toward sex, of the remaining subjects, males tended to report a more positive paternal attitude toward sex than did females.

Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol

full text at link
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Nude tribes of humans were ask also?

Just clothed psychology undergrads. :) Questions about the effects were aimed specificly at Americans since European and other cultures already know it's not harmful. As per nude tribal types. :)
This is why I didn't bother commenting on it as yet. Until people read the study, if I comment on it they'll respond to that.

So simply saying I'm twisted absent any commentary by me shows you didn't read the article and took the lazy ignoramus' way out making a personal attack.

The 'European' reference above is IN the study text if people'd bother to go to the link and actually you know, read it.
The study found that exposure to parental nudity resulted in teens having sex more frequently than peers not exposed to parental nudity and that they engaged in casual sex more frequently as well.

These are not good outcomes, even apart from all morality claims.
People who go naked in front of their children are weirdos and probably don't shave either. And use health food store soap.
If I came in with a peer reviewed article from the Association of Nincompoops who believe in UFOs would that somehow make the claim that UFOs cause cancer true?
As I was reading this thread of yours, Delta Embassy, this scripture came to my mind. I am on topic because it has to do with a good lifestyle and what is good for your health which is the forum you did select! The scripture verse is this one :

Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body And refreshment to your bones.

Now King Solomon said that and he was Jewish too, you know. He was also the wisest man who ever lived upon the earth and I feel compelled to give this to you now because I believe it will be better for your health to listen to Solomon's advice in Proverbs than reading studies about children and their eyes seeing things they should not ever see. As it says, it will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. So meditate on that scripture and then buy yourself a bible so you can read more about it and get well.
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As I was reading this thread of yours, Delta Embassy, this scripture came to my mind. I am on topic because it has to do with a good lifestyle and what is good for your health which is the forum you did select! The scripture verse is this one :

Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body And refreshment to your bones.

Now King Solomon said that and he was Jewish too, you know. He was also the wisest man who ever lived upon the earth and I feel compelled to give this to you now because I believe it will be better for your health to listen to Solomon's advice in Proverbs than reading studies about children and their eyes seeing things they should not ever see. As it says, it will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. So meditate on that scripture and then buy yourself a bible so you can read more about it and get well.
....................^^ Sage advice from the most dishonest hypocrite Christian poster at USMB ... :cuckoo:
About 133 female college students volunteered for an extra credit course. Would it be likely that the coeds would write whatever the perimeters of the course dictated to be the best likely grade? Wouldn't they get together and make up stories that were likely to get the best grade especially if their little essays were anonymous?
The study found that exposure to parental nudity resulted in teens having sex more frequently than peers not exposed to parental nudity and that they engaged in casual sex more frequently as well.

These are not good outcomes, even apart from all morality claims.

The choice for teens or adults to have frequent sex or engage in casual sex more often can most certainly be a "good" thing, from the perspective of many humans.
The study found that exposure to parental nudity resulted in teens having sex more frequently than peers not exposed to parental nudity and that they engaged in casual sex more frequently as well.

These are not good outcomes, even apart from all morality claims.

The choice for teens or adults to have frequent sex or engage in casual sex more often can most certainly be a "good" thing, from the perspective of many humans.

Not really, not when looking at population wide statistics. All sorts of funky consequences arises, especially for women, things like higher rates of depression, higher likelihood of divorce, etc as the partner count increases. What we don't see is a happiness increase or better self esteem or anything long term. The good thing might be a momentary boost and that fades away.
Nothing like misrepresenting things to assert a position,

"It is noteworthy that although a relationship between nudity and a tendency to engage in casual sex was obtained, we are not sure this really reflects respondents' actually engaging in casual sex. For males, the mean and standard deviation for this item were 2.62 and 1.23, respectively, indicating that most males did not endorse strong agreement for a tendency to engage in casual sex."

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