Effects on children seeing their parents nude, having sex, et al.

Are other adjectives but everyone seems to prefer 'creepy.' It's like everyone goes to the same meeting or something and gets the same talking points memos.
Btw shart, regarding your 7 or 8 disagrees in 4 mins, I think it's like morphine in a hospital and only the first click gives it to ya. :) Either that or you're stuttering. :)
You are creepy, dude. Just flat out weird AND creepy. And not in a good way. In short...you give me the heebie jeebies.
Nope, DE, you are the new creepy with your sick ideas of sexualization.

Don't worry Delta. I do not find you to be "creepy".

You tend to think outside of the box of common indoctrinated human thought, and tend to explore "taboo" ideas at times that you may or may not embrace yourself.

You ask many questions that Mundanes are afraid to ask, or are uncomfortable asking. You seem to have a legit thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment... and you do not seem to allow indoctrination to hold you back from seeking it in places that Mundanes dare not look.

You are, for the most part, unlike many of the Mundanes on this forum. Your Nature seems different than theirs, which I do not find to be "creepy", but instead... interesting... which is rare.

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I cannot consciously agree with weirdos who advocate doing sexual things with and/ or to children.

You'd better hope a judge can. :ack-1:

Might wanna lookup projection. Dunno where you guys are getting that sort of thing considering I've only posted peer-reviewed science articles. And but for some personal replies haven't even commented on it yet. As Bugs Bunny would say, "It could be you Doc'."

Don't worry Delta. I do not find you to be "creepy".

You tend to think outside of the box of common indoctrinated human thought, and tend to explore "taboo" ideas at times that you may or may not embrace yourself.

You ask many questions that Mundanes are afraid to ask, or are uncomfortable asking. You seem to have a legit thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment... and you do not seem to allow indoctrination to hold you back from seeking it in places that Mundanes dare not look.

You are, for the most part, unlike many of the Mundanes on this forum. Your Nature seems different than theirs, which I do not find to be "creepy", but instead... interesting... which is rare.

What I find interesting with these threads is the scathing almost paranoid replies from some people. Not ripping these things out of a Penthouse Forums or something, these are PhD. authored peer-reviewed scientific articles. And yet the emotions they seem to illicit reveal Americans are even more gone than I'd thought.
Don't worry Delta. I do not find you to be "creepy".

You tend to think outside of the box of common indoctrinated human thought, and tend to explore "taboo" ideas at times that you may or may not embrace yourself.

You ask many questions that Mundanes are afraid to ask, or are uncomfortable asking. You seem to have a legit thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment... and you do not seem to allow indoctrination to hold you back from seeking it in places that Mundanes dare not look.

You are, for the most part, unlike many of the Mundanes on this forum. Your Nature seems different than theirs, which I do not find to be "creepy", but instead... interesting... which is rare.

Not mundane just not creepy. This issues are thought about by every responsible parent in seeking what is best for their children.
Nude tribes of humans were ask also?

Just clothed psychology undergrads. :) Questions about the effects were aimed specificly at Americans since European and other cultures already know it's not harmful. As per nude tribal types. :)

My initial reaction to the topic (I did not read the entire OP) was to wonder how the children raised in one room cabins, a common abode in the early 19th century would respond to the survey?

I suspect, one bed, and a child born nearly every year, would have far greater exposure on the children than presumed in the OP.
Don't worry Delta. I do not find you to be "creepy".

You tend to think outside of the box of common indoctrinated human thought, and tend to explore "taboo" ideas at times that you may or may not embrace yourself.

You ask many questions that Mundanes are afraid to ask, or are uncomfortable asking. You seem to have a legit thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment... and you do not seem to allow indoctrination to hold you back from seeking it in places that Mundanes dare not look.

You are, for the most part, unlike many of the Mundanes on this forum. Your Nature seems different than theirs, which I do not find to be "creepy", but instead... interesting... which is rare.

What I find interesting with these threads is the scathing almost paranoid replies from some people. Not ripping these things out of a Penthouse Forums or something, these are PhD. authored peer-reviewed scientific articles. And yet the emotions they seem to illicit reveal Americans are even more gone than I'd thought.

Education alone does not legitimatize an issue or uncreep that which is creepy. This topic and thread are creepy.
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My initial reaction to the topic (I did not read the entire OP) was to wonder how the children raised in one room cabins, a common abode in the early 19th century would respond to the survey?

I suspect, one bed, and a child born nearly every year, would have far greater exposure on the children than presumed in the OP.

Indeed. Colonial American families did sleep all in one bed, even marrieds having sex. Though I suspect it was more about staying warm and necessity than out of a desire to be closer.

There's numerous instances of this still being the case, but being as they're not American cultures I'm reluctant to use them. One culture's practices doesn't translate to another's like. Guess the closest parallel would be American Indians sleeping communally. And to some extent military members sleeping, using the toilet, and 'combat jacking' in one another's presence during combat deployments.

I used to think America's regressed socially but the more I think about the past approaches to these things, the more I realize we were never as neurotic about sex and normal human behaviours as we are right now. We've jumped the shark into a previously unknown level of squeamishness and neurotic behaviours. And most annoyingly, I can't figure out why. Religious conservatism doesn't seem adequate to explain it as many cultures have had periods of religious conservatism that didn't result in this kind of repression of normal human behaviours.
Thinking about it just now while going potty, I wonder if it's linked to how modern technology has removed from sight various natural bodily functions like using a toilet. I remember a story about the creation of modern toilets in England where the Queen using a primitive version complained about the smell. Basically like a modern portabody where it's just a hole droping into container.

Presumedly then, those early toilets made what you're doing hard to ignore as with the stink but since everyone did it, and made the stink it wasn't anything anyone would try to make into something immoral. "Everybody poops" as it were. :) Yet over time, and especially now with modern plumbing and toilets the stink is all but gone so we now seem to make waste elimination from our bodies something it's never been before.

As with sex in a one room home with no dividing walls or privacy curtains. Sex was overt and obvious but something married people did to make children or have fun. Yet now that it's able to be private and hidden away behind clsoed doors with soundproof walls and bedroom doors it's hidden away. And I wonder if we have some kind of natural reaction to things when they're hidden away that we assume they're bad? "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" as a saying goes about secrecy. So if hidden things are thought of negatively, then people having sex privately but then making it more public will be viewed as a negative. Even though it's just another thing everyone does as with going to the toilet.

Bathing too has become discreet and secretive. We have locks on bathroom doors even in our own homes. What's that suggest but we need to conceal our nakedness even from our own family.
Education alone does not legitimatize an issue or uncreep that which is creepy. This topic and thread are creepy.

Easy fix. Don't read it. You're obviously not mature enough for the material. Go read a comic book or something and let the grownups talk.
I looked through the keyhole once, I think it scared me for life...:ack-1::biggrin:

My grandparents had a very old turn of the century home with some doors with old-fashioned keyholes like that. :) More than seeing things though, growing up in the room next to my brother's, I had to endure the sounds he and his girly friends would make. Be my younger brother though I never did the bang on the wall thing, "I can hear you you know" not wishing to give him a complex. :)

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