Egregious Violations at Immigrant Detention Facilities

Then we need to deport these invaders, post haste. If they are immediately removed from our soil, their will be no "egregious violations". Send them back where they came from. I would even suggest handing out fliers, in their languages, that detail how to LEGALLY immigrate to the United States. Do not pass 'GO', do not collect $200. If we can afford to put them undocumented onto airplanes to all points US, we surely can load their asses onto flights heading back to their points of origin.
Failing to do the basic, humane thing, the government should do the legal thing. If immigration laws work only to deter immigrants, we can longer be seen as the last beacon of freedom? But immigration laws also work to welcome people.

If they can't flood the facilities with food and medicine, flood them with lawyers and judges. Apply the law to the lawful cases, innocence presumed before guilt.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

I agree. 24 hour turn around. At most.
Send them home, quickly.
For their own good.

It's not safe here. And build the wall.
Yes. Weve started shooting invaders who attempt to cross our border. Dont come! America is racist! Our president is a Nazi! Liberals are stabbing themselves and setting themselves on fire because it is so bad! Stay FAR away!
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

I agree. 24 hour turn around. At most.
Send them home, quickly.
For their own good.

It's not safe here. And build the wall.
Yes. Weve started shooting invaders who attempt to cross our border. Dont come! America is racist! Our president is a Nazi! Liberals are stabbing themselves and setting themselves on fire because it is so bad! Stay FAR away!

Weve started shooting invaders who attempt to cross our border

Crime doesn't pay.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities
Oh, you recognize there is a problem now? You and the rest of the Liberazzi were snickering at the "MANUFACTURED CRISIS" at the border and squealing about "FAMILY SEPARATIONS" just a few months ago. Good to see you realize the border is a shit show. Thank Mexico for allowing the massive caravans to cross from Central America to our border.
Egregious ... like not getting a biscotti with your latte?

It's obvious that you didn't read the article. Yet you made a snide and sick comment.

Disgusting but typical.


I didn't read the part where America forced them to come here.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities
Funny congress will not appropriate more money but we have people that are trying to put this on Trump. Then these same people yell that Trump is at fault when he does not bypass congress and approve more money to take care of those at the border.

Wish the crazies would make up their little minds whether they want Trump or congress to appropriate money.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities
Funny congress will not appropriate more money but we have people that are trying to put this on Trump. Then these same people yell that Trump is at fault when he does not bypass congress and approve more money to take care of those at the border.

Wish the crazies would make up their little minds whether they want Trump or congress to appropriate money.

If you're going to try and make sense out of partisan politics, we're going to have to send out for dinner... This is going to take a while.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

I agree, that this shouldn't be happening.

We should be stopping these invaders from crossing our border in the first place, using whatever force is necessary to do so. That way, we wouldn't be having to spend so much of our own resources to house them and feed them, and care for them; and we wouldn't be having all these problems occur when there are so many of them that they completely overwhelm what resources we direct toward them.
Everything was perfect under the Manchurian muslim....cept for thise dying in locked Semi-Trailers parked behind WalMart, and those 1000s' of bodies strewn across the desert
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.

Tell Daniel please.
The thousands of invaders that flooded our border is getting MUCH more than they deserve. They can get out any time they want. Say the magic words, "I want to go back." And they are on the next truck home.

If you are looking for sympathy for these forces. If there are 900 people in a facility designed to hold 125 whose fault is that? It's not OUR fault. We did not gather them up from their third world shitholes and deposit them at the border. There are 775 immediately deportable. They volunteered and now have no cause to complain.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
---------------------------- and if they were seriously sick or deformed or cripples i think they were sent home .
America is dangerous! Their countries should issue travel advisories!
Tell all the potential illegals not to come or we will eat their babies!

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