Egregious Violations at Immigrant Detention Facilities

When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
---------------------------- and if they were seriously sick or deformed or cripples i think they were sent home .
The injuns just left the sick and elderly in the snow to die. Nobody criticizes the "Nobel savage." Maybe we should follow their example
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

I agree, that this shouldn't be happening.

We should be stopping these invaders from crossing our border in the first place, using whatever force is necessary to do so. That way, we wouldn't be having to spend so much of our own resources to house them and feed them, and care for them; and we wouldn't be having all these problems occur when there are so many of them that they completely overwhelm what resources we direct toward them.

I agree. Don't let them across the border.

No way should one red cent be spent taking care of people who shouldn't be here.

Keep them in Mexico. Let the Mexicans provide for their stupid asses.
Egregious my ass.
This is not unlike what inspectors find at restaurants all over the country.
And one whole paragraph about overcrowing?? WTF?? Obviously MSN hasn't been keeping up with how many are flooding the gates.
This is EXACTLY why we are trying to force Mexico to DO THEIR RESPONSIBILITY and hold migrants trying to enter their border instead of assisting them to come here.

If the OP is so concerned, he or she should go down there and volunteer to help.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
And they were determined to become Americans, to assimilate into our culture, they learned our language.
Failing to do the basic, humane thing, the government should do the legal thing. If immigration laws work only to deter immigrants, we can longer be seen as the last beacon of freedom? But immigration laws also work to welcome people.

If they can't flood the facilities with food and medicine, flood them with lawyers and judges. Apply the law to the lawful cases, innocence presumed before guilt.

They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
And they were determined to become Americans, to assimilate into our culture, they learned our language.

And they brought us the best parts of their own cultures to make America a better place.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
And they were determined to become Americans, to assimilate into our culture, they learned our language.

And they brought us the best parts of their own cultures to make America a better place.

They assimilated, and that doesn't mean they ignored their culture. It means they added it to their new American culture.

I have italian and Irish descent. I am an American, but one that celebrates St Patrick's day and traditionally cooks italian-american meals for several holidays (Christmas/Easter).

Things like that don't impinge on my acceptance of being an American.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
And they were determined to become Americans, to assimilate into our culture, they learned our language.

And they brought us the best parts of their own cultures to make America a better place.

They assimilated, and that doesn't mean they ignored their culture. It means they added it to their new American culture.

I have italian and Irish descent. I am an American, but one that celebrates St Patrick's day and traditionally cooks italian-american meals for several holidays (Christmas/Easter).

Things like that don't impinge on my acceptance of being an American.

I'm Italian and Irish decent too! :p
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.
And they were determined to become Americans, to assimilate into our culture, they learned our language.

And they brought us the best parts of their own cultures to make America a better place.

They assimilated, and that doesn't mean they ignored their culture. It means they added it to their new American culture.

I have italian and Irish descent. I am an American, but one that celebrates St Patrick's day and traditionally cooks italian-american meals for several holidays (Christmas/Easter).

Things like that don't impinge on my acceptance of being an American.

I'm Italian and Irish decent too! :p

and I have seen it from other cultures. My Ex-wife was Indian, 1st generation born here. They kept many cultural aspects from india at home, but were fully assimilated when it came to public interactions,education and work.

They even celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday.
My first wife is Mexican, legal. Her Mother came
Also here is na uncle and a couple cousins.... all legal.
All went through process.
All became citizens, all have/had jobs and paid taxes.
---- NONE ----
Came here illegally, took one cent of welfare or any other social program.
They are Americans.
People who tread across the desert illegally are not, or will ever be Americans.
Fuck them that come here, carrying "Viva Mexico" signs, Mexican flags... they should all be rounded up/arrested and sent to Mexico on sight.
My first wife is Mexican, legal. Her Mother came
Also here is na uncle and a couple cousins.... all legal.
All went through process.
All became citizens, all have/had jobs and paid taxes.
---- NONE ----
Came here illegally, took one cent of welfare or any other social program.
They are Americans.
People who tread across the desert illegally are not, or will ever be Americans.
Fuck them that come here, carrying "Viva Mexico" signs, Mexican flags... they should all be rounded up/arrested and sent to Mexico on sight.
This crisis, IS NOT a crisis that is Mexicans crossing illegally now, you do realize that, don't you?
My first wife is Mexican, legal. Her Mother came
Also here is na uncle and a couple cousins.... all legal.
All went through process.
All became citizens, all have/had jobs and paid taxes.
---- NONE ----
Came here illegally, took one cent of welfare or any other social program.
They are Americans.
People who tread across the desert illegally are not, or will ever be Americans.
Fuck them that come here, carrying "Viva Mexico" signs, Mexican flags... they should all be rounded up/arrested and sent to Mexico on sight.
This crisis, IS NOT a crisis that is Mexicans crossing illegally now, you do realize that, don't you?

That wasn't my point, specifically Mexican, as was not yours when you talked about Irish
Send this link to all those south of our border who are trying to get here. Let them know what they're in for if they reach our border.
Maybe that will cut down on the # of those who want to get here.
Better stay where you are, or stay in Mexico.
My first wife is Mexican, legal. Her Mother came
Also here is na uncle and a couple cousins.... all legal.
All went through process.
All became citizens, all have/had jobs and paid taxes.
---- NONE ----
Came here illegally, took one cent of welfare or any other social program.
They are Americans.
People who tread across the desert illegally are not, or will ever be Americans.
Fuck them that come here, carrying "Viva Mexico" signs, Mexican flags... they should all be rounded up/arrested and sent to Mexico on sight.
This crisis, IS NOT a crisis that is Mexicans crossing illegally now, you do realize that, don't you?

That wasn't my point, specifically Mexican, as was not yours when you talked about Irish
I agree on doing it legally.

How and why would a Mexican, trying to enter our country illegally, outside of border crossings, carry NEON SIGNS.... or any signs at all, drawing attention to themselves?
Failing to do the basic, humane thing, the government should do the legal thing. If immigration laws work only to deter immigrants, we can longer be seen as the last beacon of freedom? But immigration laws also work to welcome people.

If they can't flood the facilities with food and medicine, flood them with lawyers and judges. Apply the law to the lawful cases, innocence presumed before guilt.

They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.
Failing to do the basic, humane thing, the government should do the legal thing. If immigration laws work only to deter immigrants, we can longer be seen as the last beacon of freedom? But immigration laws also work to welcome people.

If they can't flood the facilities with food and medicine, flood them with lawyers and judges. Apply the law to the lawful cases, innocence presumed before guilt.

They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.

They are not given the opportunity to come here legally.

As are billions of others.
Failing to do the basic, humane thing, the government should do the legal thing. If immigration laws work only to deter immigrants, we can longer be seen as the last beacon of freedom? But immigration laws also work to welcome people.

If they can't flood the facilities with food and medicine, flood them with lawyers and judges. Apply the law to the lawful cases, innocence presumed before guilt.

They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.

No one has a right to immigrate to the country they want to, when they want to.

If we fixed illegal immigration, we could probably increase legal immigration.

Until then, sorry, not sorry.

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