Egregious Violations at Immigrant Detention Facilities

They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.
Wrong. They have just as much opportunity as the thousands who DO manage to legally immigrate to the US every year. They just don't like waiting in line, like many millions before them. Maybe they're afraid the freebies will run out before they have their chance to break the law and steal from Americans and legal immigrants.
Where are the judges and lawyers to expedite the asylum process?

Consider what it takes for a family to decide that where they currently live is no longer safe to live, to raise children, to earn a living. They uproot themselves, make a perilous journey all to seek freedom and safety. To journey to a land that calls itself free.

And when they finally get here, they are denied not only the succor of this land, but any means of legally entering it.

The triumph of the xenophobic.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.
I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.
I'm afraid you have misinterpreted me. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. Bless them for all the richness they bring with them. Those who are flooding across our borders without legal permission, expecting all their needs to be taken care of, lying, cheating, and stealing from people who are fundamentally good-hearted and generous: those I view as the parasites, leeches and criminals they are. They need to go back to "GO", not to collect $200 but to go to "Jail". (Or go home.) Human beings have enough self respect to follow rules or make their own lives better without begging and being burdens on decent folk.
P.S. I didn't go to Sunday school nor do I watch Fox News.
About 56 people were shot and 6 killed in Chicago last weekend but (racist?) liberals pretend to be hysterical about alleged "egregious violations" in handling a hoard of illegal criminals who forced their way into the U.S. . No surprises here
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities
We have a million illegal immigrants per year invading America.
It's like adding a new major sized city to America every year.
The taxpayers are paying about $135 Billion per year to support them.
The illegals are looting the paychecks of Americans and then calling us racist.
We are not the bad guys.
The illegal aliens are the bad guys.
We have a legal immigration system for them to use.
and BTW, the racist Democrats are turning America into a third world chithole.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

Edward Smailto Ted Cruz

April 17, 2014 ·
Bill Gates, Soros profit from jailing illegals
Invested in company with bad publicity over inmate abuse, poor conditions
Published: 4 hours ago
author-image Aaron Klein About | Email | Archive
Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio. Follow Aaron on Twitter and Facebook.


Billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates – both supporters of immigration reform – are investors in a controversial private prison firm that houses detained illegal aliens.

Soros and Gates are shareholders in GEO Group Inc., which operates prisons under contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.

GEO has been represented by the lobby firm headed by Tony Podesta, the brother of White House counselor and Center for American Progress founder John Podesta.

GEO, the world’s largest operator of private prisons and detention centers, was known as the Wackenhut Corrections Corporation. It has faced a string of negative publicity following numerous deadly events in its prisons and accusations of inmate abuse and poor conditions.
Edward Smail
They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.

No one has a right to immigrate to the country they want to, when they want to.

If we fixed illegal immigration, we could probably increase legal immigration.

Until then, sorry, not sorry.
The xenophobe's shallow victory.

How am I a xenophobe if I support legal immigration from pretty much everywhere, as long as we get to dictate the parameters?

I am a lawlessnessaphobe.
By shutting down the entire process of seeking asylum, by denying access to legal recourse, the result is a triumph of xenonphobia.

No it isnt. You can shut it down on a temporary basis because you need to. We accept more legal immigrants than any other country in the world, give them opportunity and treat them fairly and somehow we are xenophobic..... just because we don't let everyone in whenever they want. These are great election points for you though when you can call Republicans racist before an election right?. Democrats will never let that narrative go
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.
Wrong. They have just as much opportunity as the thousands who DO manage to legally immigrate to the US every year. They just don't like waiting in line, like many millions before them. Maybe they're afraid the freebies will run out before they have their chance to break the law and steal from Americans and legal immigrants.
Where are the judges and lawyers to expedite the asylum process?

Consider what it takes for a family to decide that where they currently live is no longer safe to live, to raise children, to earn a living. They uproot themselves, make a perilous journey all to seek freedom and safety. To journey to a land that calls itself free.

And when they finally get here, they are denied not only the succor of this land, but any means of legally entering it.

The triumph of the xenophobic.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.
I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.
I'm afraid you have misinterpreted me. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. Bless them for all the richness they bring with them. Those who are flooding across our borders without legal permission, expecting all their needs to be taken care of, lying, cheating, and stealing from people who are fundamentally good-hearted and generous: those I view as the parasites, leeches and criminals they are. They need to go back to "GO", not to collect $200 but to go to "Jail". (Or go home.) Human beings have enough self respect to follow rules or make their own lives better without begging and being burdens on decent folk.
P.S. I didn't go to Sunday school nor do I watch Fox News.
It's the policy of excessive and unnecessary cruelty that I object to. It embarrasses our nation and shames our principles because the uncaring are in power.
This shouldn't be happening. This is the United States of America.

We can and have done much better than this.

This isn't making America great again.

DHS watchdog finds 'egregious violations' at immigrant detention facilities

Why won't the Democrats handle true Immigration Reform and, in the meantime, allocate more money for more beds? We've done better when there was a fraction of the number of illegal aliens coming across our Southern Border. It is a major crisis and the Democrats refuse to do anything.
When the huddled masses yearning to breathe free came to Ellis Island, they came through the front door.

They received no benefits from the government, no right to healthcare or a house, or a job.

That would be all four of my grandparents coming from Norway and Denmark about the turn of the last century.
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.

I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.

As you know, there are some of both. However, which country, anywhere in the World will willingly, in fact, encourage or force their best and brightest to come to America?
Wrong. They have just as much opportunity as the thousands who DO manage to legally immigrate to the US every year. They just don't like waiting in line, like many millions before them. Maybe they're afraid the freebies will run out before they have their chance to break the law and steal from Americans and legal immigrants.
Where are the judges and lawyers to expedite the asylum process?

Consider what it takes for a family to decide that where they currently live is no longer safe to live, to raise children, to earn a living. They uproot themselves, make a perilous journey all to seek freedom and safety. To journey to a land that calls itself free.

And when they finally get here, they are denied not only the succor of this land, but any means of legally entering it.

The triumph of the xenophobic.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.
I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.
I'm afraid you have misinterpreted me. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. Bless them for all the richness they bring with them. Those who are flooding across our borders without legal permission, expecting all their needs to be taken care of, lying, cheating, and stealing from people who are fundamentally good-hearted and generous: those I view as the parasites, leeches and criminals they are. They need to go back to "GO", not to collect $200 but to go to "Jail". (Or go home.) Human beings have enough self respect to follow rules or make their own lives better without begging and being burdens on decent folk.
P.S. I didn't go to Sunday school nor do I watch Fox News.
It's the policy of excessive and unnecessary cruelty that I object to. It embarrasses our nation and shames our principles because the uncaring are in power.
At some point even the most caring people in the world will grow jaded and worn when their good graces are abused repeatedly and egregiously. If these invaders dislike the treatment the receive, let them return to their countries of origin. They don't need to accept poor treatment.
For my part, I'm tired of being labeled any of a number of unpleasant things. I've grown beyond caring what I am called and have probably reached my personal tipping point for compassion. It is perpetually amazing that people claiming to come here to escape the most deplorable conditions can then bitch, whine, and moan that they aren't getting enough stuff fast, upon demand. They should be grateful for the opportunity they have stolen from others who do follow the rules. Seriously, no one invited them, they need to go the hell back to the shitholes they came from and work to improve their own conditions.
Where are the judges and lawyers to expedite the asylum process?

Consider what it takes for a family to decide that where they currently live is no longer safe to live, to raise children, to earn a living. They uproot themselves, make a perilous journey all to seek freedom and safety. To journey to a land that calls itself free.

And when they finally get here, they are denied not only the succor of this land, but any means of legally entering it.

The triumph of the xenophobic.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.
I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.
I'm afraid you have misinterpreted me. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. Bless them for all the richness they bring with them. Those who are flooding across our borders without legal permission, expecting all their needs to be taken care of, lying, cheating, and stealing from people who are fundamentally good-hearted and generous: those I view as the parasites, leeches and criminals they are. They need to go back to "GO", not to collect $200 but to go to "Jail". (Or go home.) Human beings have enough self respect to follow rules or make their own lives better without begging and being burdens on decent folk.
P.S. I didn't go to Sunday school nor do I watch Fox News.
It's the policy of excessive and unnecessary cruelty that I object to. It embarrasses our nation and shames our principles because the uncaring are in power.
At some point even the most caring people in the world will grow jaded and worn when their good graces are abused repeatedly and egregiously. If these invaders dislike the treatment the receive, let them return to their countries of origin. They don't need to accept poor treatment.
For my part, I'm tired of being labeled any of a number of unpleasant things. I've grown beyond caring what I am called and have probably reached my personal tipping point for compassion. It is perpetually amazing that people claiming to come here to escape the most deplorable conditions can then bitch, whine, and moan that they aren't getting enough stuff fast, upon demand. They should be grateful for the opportunity they have stolen from others who do follow the rules. Seriously, no one invited them, they need to go the hell back to the shitholes they came from and work to improve their own conditions.

And I cannot even imagine what this country is going to be like in another dozen years or so if we don't slow this invasion down.
We are going to have millions more uneducated people who do not speak English, and demanding taxpayers pay for their kids.
Year ago, I never thought we would be in this situation where millions of Americans simply do not care what is happening. Today, it's just par for the course.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.
I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.
I'm afraid you have misinterpreted me. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. Bless them for all the richness they bring with them. Those who are flooding across our borders without legal permission, expecting all their needs to be taken care of, lying, cheating, and stealing from people who are fundamentally good-hearted and generous: those I view as the parasites, leeches and criminals they are. They need to go back to "GO", not to collect $200 but to go to "Jail". (Or go home.) Human beings have enough self respect to follow rules or make their own lives better without begging and being burdens on decent folk.
P.S. I didn't go to Sunday school nor do I watch Fox News.
It's the policy of excessive and unnecessary cruelty that I object to. It embarrasses our nation and shames our principles because the uncaring are in power.
At some point even the most caring people in the world will grow jaded and worn when their good graces are abused repeatedly and egregiously. If these invaders dislike the treatment the receive, let them return to their countries of origin. They don't need to accept poor treatment.
For my part, I'm tired of being labeled any of a number of unpleasant things. I've grown beyond caring what I am called and have probably reached my personal tipping point for compassion. It is perpetually amazing that people claiming to come here to escape the most deplorable conditions can then bitch, whine, and moan that they aren't getting enough stuff fast, upon demand. They should be grateful for the opportunity they have stolen from others who do follow the rules. Seriously, no one invited them, they need to go the hell back to the shitholes they came from and work to improve their own conditions.

And I cannot even imagine what this country is going to be like in another dozen years or so if we don't slow this invasion down.
We are going to have millions more uneducated people who do not speak English, and demanding taxpayers pay for their kids.
Year ago, I never thought we would be in this situation where millions of Americans simply do not care what is happening. Today, it's just par for the course.
Sadly, what you say is true.
The deniers in this case are those who also insist on comparing this invasion of third world human feces to previous waves of immigrants are asses. Former immigrants, our grandparents, great grandparents, and even some of our parents, all wanted to take the opportunity to improve their lives and the lives of their children. They adapted to the American Dream and in most cases were marvelously successful. If they brought anything from their old lives, it was their culture. They melded their cultures into America.
The latest waves of criminal invaders are dragging their shit hole attitudes with them. They don't want to improve their lives through hard work and assimilation. They want to "improve" their lives by taking, stealing from all of our children's futures. And they have the temerity to complain!
I do not apologize for my attitude toward these unfortunate people. I am not an ass, and those people are not third world human feces. How a person,with a soul can look into the faces of other people with souls and say such a thing is not merely insidious but wholly despicable.

Cruelty and derision have taken the debate to an untenable posture. We are talking passed one another rather than to one another. Those who held lofty moral standards prior to the advent of this presidency have checked those standards at the door and donned the unsavory artirudenof the professional wrestler, the huckster, The braggadocio. And so we slip downward as a nation, a people, a society. How awful, how unfortunate for us.
I'm thinking that the real division on this issue is the perception of the motives of the immigrants. I think they are motivated to find physical safety for their families. And I think those who would demonize the immigrants believe that they all have nefarious motives.

Where did this belief come from? "They are rapists, they are murderers, they are drug dealers. And some, I assume, are good people!"

That statement showed me, at least, that Trump is a despicable human. Campaigning on the foundation of fear, suspicion and hatred. That train I shall never board.
Trump was telling the truth. The absolute truth. Why does Honduras and Guatamala have such high rates of violence? Why is El Salvatore so crime ridden? Why is Mexico corrupt and run by dangerous cartels? It's because of the people. They are violent criminals. This is their way of life. It is the foundation of their culture. It's why we will be just as bad, if not worse.

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