Egregious Violations at Immigrant Detention Facilities

I think the perception that they are rapists, murderers, etc. comes from the fact that they are not being vetted. Of course, the ones who do make the news here are the ones who do nefarious, criminal things and are later discovered to have had the same criminal bents, even convictions, in the countries they come from. There are also lots of news articles about the gangs and that many of these "unaccompanied youths" appear to join with gangs that deal drugs, rape, and murder for the hell of it.
I believe that these invaders are vilified in large part because they do expect to be supported when they arrive here. That seems to be the hype they are being told in their home countries. The question I think many Americans ask is, how many of these people would leave their homes , and families, sometimes exposing their children and elderly to all manner of hardship, and brave the trek here if they did not have the expectation of free shelter, food, medical care, schooling, etc?
And, after reading many of your posts, I suspect you are one of these people who would see President Trump as despicable, regardless what he does. AMIRITE?
I think these people are wanting opportunity to live in safety and security. I further believe they want jobs and a chance to raise their children in freedom and peace.

Surprisingly, people are people. Some are bad, but, on the whole, most are sincere. But casting all of them aside as human feces is shortsighted at best, deliberately cruel at worst. Trump set the narrative. He framed the d bate.

And there are plenty of other things to find him ethically and morally wanting.
I agree that the greater majority of these people are as you depict them, but without proper process and vetting, how do we tell the difference between the wheat and the chaff? They are also starting off life in their new "home" by breaking the law, however minor you consider those laws to be. They should also be more patient and not compound their criminal status as illegals by failing to follow laws, rules, and regulations. The way even the most well-intentioned behave certainly reflects badly on them and their motives.
I believe that if we eliminated the government welfare tit, though, many of these people would simply stay in their own countries. Any part of immigration reform should minimize services and stop the "freebies" entirely. They want to come to this country, I do not think it too much to ask that they obey laws and processes in place to protect our country from the same kind of criminals and violence they claim to be fleeing.
1% of the population of both Guatemala and El Salvador have fled their countries in the past three months. Why? To listen to you it is because suddenly they heard that A,Erica would give them everything from homes to medical care to food and clothing.

Of course, that is not the case. Populations flee in such numbers due to the conditions in their country. This is a humanitarian crisis, not ambenefit crisis.

We should be flooding our southern border with judges, lawyers, doctors and aid workers. That is who we are.
They fled to the United States because they were told they would be allowed to stay. That's directly a consequence of douchebags like doing everything possible to allow them in.
They fled to the United States because they were told that there were high paying jobs just waiting for them. They were told they would be given nice big houses and get generous welfare benefits on top of the generous salaries. That's why they come.
Prove it or just shut up.
We should be flooding our southern border with judges, lawyers, doctors and aid workers. That is who we are.

No. Absolutely not.

We should be spending American resources for the benefit of the American people, and under no circumstances, for the benefit of foreign vermin attempting to invade our country.
We are not fearful, cruel, pitiless idiots. That's the stuff of Teump and his acolytes, not mature Americans.
I think these people are wanting opportunity to live in safety and security. I further believe they want jobs and a chance to raise their children in freedom and peace.

Surprisingly, people are people. Some are bad, but, on the whole, most are sincere. But casting all of them aside as human feces is shortsighted at best, deliberately cruel at worst. Trump set the narrative. He framed the d bate.

And there are plenty of other things to find him ethically and morally wanting.
I agree that the greater majority of these people are as you depict them, but without proper process and vetting, how do we tell the difference between the wheat and the chaff? They are also starting off life in their new "home" by breaking the law, however minor you consider those laws to be. They should also be more patient and not compound their criminal status as illegals by failing to follow laws, rules, and regulations. The way even the most well-intentioned behave certainly reflects badly on them and their motives.
I believe that if we eliminated the government welfare tit, though, many of these people would simply stay in their own countries. Any part of immigration reform should minimize services and stop the "freebies" entirely. They want to come to this country, I do not think it too much to ask that they obey laws and processes in place to protect our country from the same kind of criminals and violence they claim to be fleeing.
1% of the population of both Guatemala and El Salvador have fled their countries in the past three months. Why? To listen to you it is because suddenly they heard that A,Erica would give them everything from homes to medical care to food and clothing.

Of course, that is not the case. Populations flee in such numbers due to the conditions in their country. This is a humanitarian crisis, not ambenefit crisis.

We should be flooding our southern border with judges, lawyers, doctors and aid workers. That is who we are.
They fled to the United States because they were told they would be allowed to stay. That's directly a consequence of douchebags like doing everything possible to allow them in.
Two reasons throughout history explain mass human migration: natural calamities like famine, flood and earthquakes or political repression.

Being told they could stay here is the construct of fake news sources.
It's a proven fact, douchebag. What happened 1000 years ago isn't relevant to what is going on now, which is purely the result of political skullduggery.
Proven fact? You're just too damn susceptible to propaganda. Go to a Trump rally and leave the grownups alone.
These invaders are egregious and not the responsibility of America nor Americans
I do not apologize for my attitude toward these unfortunate people. I am not an ass, and those people are not third world human feces. How a person,with a soul can look into the faces of other people with souls and say such a thing is not merely insidious but wholly despicable.

Cruelty and derision have taken the debate to an untenable posture. We are talking passed one another rather than to one another. Those who held lofty moral standards prior to the advent of this presidency have checked those standards at the door and donned the unsavory artirudenof the professional wrestler, the huckster, The braggadocio. And so we slip downward as a nation, a people, a society. How awful, how unfortunate for us.

Who are the vast majority of those taking part in the invasion? Families? You can't show any picture showing the hoards of people being made up of families. You can't even say that anyone carrying a child or infant, is THEIR child.

Where in the world is there ANY justification for these people believing they are somehow ENTITLED to live in America?
Two reasons throughout history explain mass human migration: natural calamities like famine, flood and earthquakes or political repression.

Being told they could stay here is the construct of fake news sources.

They don't have to be told they can stay here, they see what is happening.
Then Congress should get off their useless ass and deal with the problem it is their inaction for deacades that have gotten us where we are now. It hardly seems right to blame Immigration and Customs Enforcement for not being able to deal with a problem Congress created and seems to have no interest in dealing with.
These invaders are egregious and not the responsibility of America nor Americans

As the leader of the free world, I believe we have a responsibility to help, free countries. I said free countries. If countries are going to elect people who offer them FREE everything, then convert to Socialism, as our youth today believe is a grand idea, turning into a dictator, then they have made their own bed.

Rise up, take back your country and we'll give you a helping hand.
Then Congress should get off their useless ass and deal with the problem it is their inaction for deacades that have gotten us where we are now. It hardly seems right to blame Immigration and Customs Enforcement for not being able to deal with a problem Congress created and seems to have no interest in dealing with.

The House would rather stab a sharp stick in their eye than allow a wall to be built in spite of the fact that they themselves supported and voted for one just a few years ago.
They are guilty just by coming here illegally.
They are not given the opportunity to come here legally. They are being denied access to our arcane, Byzantine system.
Wrong. They have just as much opportunity as the thousands who DO manage to legally immigrate to the US every year. They just don't like waiting in line, like many millions before them. Maybe they're afraid the freebies will run out before they have their chance to break the law and steal from Americans and legal immigrants.
Where are the judges and lawyers to expedite the asylum process?

Consider what it takes for a family to decide that where they currently live is no longer safe to live, to raise children, to earn a living. They uproot themselves, make a perilous journey all to seek freedom and safety. To journey to a land that calls itself free.

And when they finally get here, they are denied not only the succor of this land, but any means of legally entering it.

The triumph of the xenophobic.
Are you xenophobic? I know I am not. If what you describe is their declared motivation, then they should ecstatic to be allowed in and housed, as is fit, until they can be further processed. As it stands, they are receiving all the freebies they were most likely seeking, medical, schools, food, and shelter...and probably much, MUCH better than where they came from. And yet, they have the unmitigated nerve to whine that they aren't being treated nicely enough. Screw them. If they want "better" let them go the hell back where they crawled from and make that better. But they are lazy, cowardly, and determined to suck off our proverbial tits until those tits dry up and fall off. Then what? What do they do when we run out of other peoples' money to pay for their unreasonable demands.
If DHS can afford to transport these leeches anywhere in this country, they can damned well be issued a court date and transported back to their native rocks. They do not need to stay here.
You can apply any label you want to me but I know too many decent, honorable people from many other nations, of many ethnicities, races, and religions who came here legally. I respect their dedication and desire. These interlopers should be kicked to the end of the line (and I don't mean the front end, either).
I’m afraid we have diametrically opppsed attitudes toward immigrants.

You regard them as parasites, leeches and criminals.

I regard them as human beings in need of help.

I went to Sunday school while others watched Fox News.

So how many are you hosting at your own house?
We should be flooding our southern border with judges, lawyers, doctors and aid workers. That is who we are.

No. Absolutely not.

We should be spending American resources for the benefit of the American people, and under no circumstances, for the benefit of foreign vermin attempting to invade our country.
We are not fearful, cruel, pitiless idiots. That's the stuff of Teump and his acolytes, not mature Americans.

True, you have no fear of destroying the country. Fools have no fear of consuming Potassium Cyanide. Your lack of fear is precisely why sensible people shouldn't listen to you.
We should be flooding our southern border with judges, lawyers, doctors and aid workers. That is who we are.

No. Absolutely not.

We should be spending American resources for the benefit of the American people, and under no circumstances, for the benefit of foreign vermin attempting to invade our country.
We are not fearful, cruel, pitiless idiots. That's the stuff of Teump and his acolytes, not mature Americans.

True, you have no fear of destroying the country. Fools have no fear of consuming Potassium Cyanide. Your lack of fear is precisely why sensible people shouldn't listen to you.
Youprefer imstigational politics. And that breeds tyrants. I prefer aspirational politics. And that breeds leaders worthy of respect.
Then Congress should get off their useless ass and deal with the problem it is their inaction for deacades that have gotten us where we are now. It hardly seems right to blame Immigration and Customs Enforcement for not being able to deal with a problem Congress created and seems to have no interest in dealing with.
I agree 100% ICE officers and other "boots on the ground" are faced with the daily crisis. I'm sure most all of them feel the human pain that normal people would feel. Congressional officials have exempted themselves from the same laws the rest of us abide by. They steal our money to fund their pet projects, taking all the credit. They are immune to the pain and suffering the rest of us bear daily. They have not done their jobs for years and now continue their insane, demented "investigations" of a duly elected president who DOES seem to be trying to help us and US.
Then Congress should get off their useless ass and deal with the problem it is their inaction for deacades that have gotten us where we are now. It hardly seems right to blame Immigration and Customs Enforcement for not being able to deal with a problem Congress created and seems to have no interest in dealing with.

The House would rather stab a sharp stick in their eye than allow a wall to be built in spite of the fact that they themselves supported and voted for one just a few years ago.
President Trump is for it, therefore they will oppose it to their dying breath. Screw the American people. Screw the security of our nation. They don't care what their constituents want or need as long as they get to publish the President's tax records. Such hate is a mental disease. Obviously they are so deranged by their hatred they should be involuntarily committed and someone else elected to serve in their place.

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