Egypt: A display of Obama's incompetence

PoliticalChic is the only far right showing integrity here. Congrats for that.
lying wont make it true

"Then-Senator Barack Obama makes the case for an Obama Presidency on November 21, 2007 by saying he is uniquely qualified to bring stability to America's relationships in the Muslim world because he lived in an Islamic country during his youth and his half-sister is Muslim."
OBAMA FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease

Very true

He also said he was a friend of Israel
As with all Papa Obama promises, they have a very short "shelf life"
when compared to most politicians
1) We have no real evidence Ahmadinejad stole that election. Western Polling firms in fact showed him with a comfortable lead in the runoffs.

2) As everyone running in that election was an Ayatollah-Approved, Great Satan hating politician, what difference did it make to us which group the Ayatollah's let hold the meaningless office of President of Iran.

3) It's not like any of them would listen to us, us being the "Great Satan" and all. Frankly, "The Great Satan wants you to step down" would almost be like an endorsement!

  1. That was funny. Which western polling firms operate in Iran?
  2. It seemed to make a difference to the people of Iran, and Obama left them to rot.
  3. Everyone in Iran thinks we are the Great Satan? I though Obama was going to change the way the world sees us.

1- Can't be responsible for your ignorance...
Iranian presidential election, 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2- I'm still waiting for you tell me exactly what Obama was supposed to do, exactly...

3- As usual, the tiresome "We'll pretend there were all these great expectations of Obama that he failed to meet, so we have something to criticize" argument from the right.

Is this why you guys keep nominating mediocrities?

My ignorance?

  1. Wikipedia is not a polling firm, nor does it operate in Iran.
  2. He didn't seem to have a problem about not knowing what to do when the Mel Zelya tried to usurp the constitution of Honduras, did he?
  3. Obama didn't say he was going to change the way the US is viewed by the world? Am I supposed to pretend he didn't set out to change America's relationship with the Muslim world because he failed?
I am not a Democrat, or a Republican, or a member of any other party. Who is it you think I am nominating?
lol, you're an idiot.

You ain't got nothing. You thought you had something, but no. And now you resort to name calling like the little bitch you are.

Right, if you ignore that Romney wholeheartedly and unreservedly agreed with Obama's actions,

and if you ignore the fact that Obama said nothing about putting in a fascist regime...

You know, sometimes when you get it proven to you that you are full of shit on a subject, you should accept that fact quietly and with an ounce of dignity.

Why don't you try that one with me. Both of them being wrong does not make Obama right, except in the minds of people that think Romney is always wrong. Given that he is always wrong, and he agreed with Obama, doesn't that make Obama wrong?
this administration helps to overthrow the people in power in these countries and then JUST leaves the people to try and defend themselves against the wolves waiting to devour them, leaves them DEFENSLESS...

why wouldn't you think we would be SEEING this to now come back to BITE US IN THE ASS?

vote this incompetent administration out...WE ARE NOW going to PAY for them, hopefully it won't be another 9/11

What should they have done?
Given the Mubarak regime heaps of military aid maybe?

He turned Egypt form a longtime ally into something other than an ally. That makes him wrong, however you spin it.
Obama supports the military overthrow of Mubarek; a guy who he happily rubbed shoulders with. He supplies the Muslim Brotherhood with weapons to do it.

Then, he claims that they are not our ally.

How's that supposed to work?


Egypt has been one of our strongest allies in the Middle-East since before I went through basic-training in the U.S. Navy at NTC San Diego in 1974.

The Egyptian troops could be seen marching on the same grinder that I and other U.S. personnel marched on.

So what?

Once more, how exactly was Obama supposed to save Mubarek once his own people wanted him out and his military refused to kill their countrymen on his behalf?

I'm still waiting for you wingnuts to answer that one.

Let's try to stay in the real world here. The people were not demanding that Mubarek step down, they were speaking up for more say in their own lives. The military did not refuse to fire on their own people because they were never ordered to do so. In fact, the military actually demanded that Mubarek hand power over to them, and they held power for months.

Now, the real question, why did he feel a need to demand that Mubarek step down?
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Our freedom of speech is what makes America the free country that it is. If Islam can't stop rioting, killling and demanding for it to be curtailed. Why on earth do we want these people within our country?

You don't see Christians doing this shit. Yet, you point out how evil we're.

My ignorance?

  1. Wikipedia is not a polling firm, nor does it operate in Iran.
  2. He didn't seem to have a problem about not knowing what to do when the Mel Zelya tried to usurp the constitution of Honduras, did he?
  3. Obama didn't say he was going to change the way the US is viewed by the world? Am I supposed to pretend he didn't set out to change America's relationship with the Muslim world because he failed?
I am not a Democrat, or a Republican, or a member of any other party. Who is it you think I am nominating?

You... no one. You're a nobody and always will be.


1- Wiki listed western and Iranian polling firms all showing Mahmoud with the lead.. but I know that contradicts your argument, so pretend you didn't see it.

2- The Coup in Hondoras was condemned not just by the US, but the UN and the OAS.

3- Much like the economy, you aren't going to fix decades of bad policies in four years.
Let's try to stay in the real world here. The people were not demanding that Mubarek step down, they were speaking up for more say in their own lives. The military did not refuse to fire on their own people because they were never ordered to do so. In fact, the military actually demanded that Mubarek hand power over to them, and they held power for months.

Now, the real question, why did he feel a need to demand that Mubarek step down?

So I guess all that stuff we saw in Tahir square was an illusion, then?

Never mind. I don't want to know how many drugs you are taking to get to his alternate reality.
Once more, how exactly was Obama supposed to save Mubarek once his own people wanted him out and his military refused to kill their countrymen on his behalf?

Not about Mubarak so much as the Administration passively standing by and allowing a power void which was going to filled my the Muslim Brotherhood.

I think it was as much about getting a more anti-Israel faction in place.

Again- the world does not revolve around the Zionist Entity.

Egyptians have their own opinions about stuff... and it isn't necessarily what's important to us.

What Do Egyptians Want? Key Findings from the Egyptian Public Opinion Poll | Brookings Institution

Attitudes toward the United States continue to be unfavorable (85%).

Asked to name the two steps by the United States that would improve the views of the US the most, 66% identified brokering Middle East peace and establishing a Palestinian state, 46% identified stopping economic and military aid to Israel, and 44% identified withdrawal of American forces from the Arabian Peninsula.

Respondents were almost equally divided among those who would like to see Egypt maintain its peace treaty with Israel (46%) and those who would like to see it cancelled (44%). 10% would like to see the treaty amended. With regard to the prospects of lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, 55% indicated that they don’t believe this will ever happen, while only five percent said it will happen in the next five years, and 40% said it is inevitable, but it will take more time.

When asked in an open question to identify the two countries that posed the biggest threat to them, 97% included Israel in that list of two, 80% included the United States, and 20% included Iran. While Iran remains far behind Israel and the United States as a perceived threat, which is consistent with our polls over the past several years, those who identified Iran as one of the two biggest threats have increased from 8% in 2009 and 15% in October 2011 to 20% in the current poll.

Are you saying that, despite the fact that Obama supposedly sided with the people of Egypt, they still don't like us? And that that is somehow the fault of a film no one has ever seen because it doesn't actually exist?
Actually, the Italians did send troops to Iraq.

Multi-National Force

Do you even look stuff up before shooting off your mouth.

So then Germany is our enemy? Is that what you're saying, moron?

No, and nor did I say Egypt was our "enemy". I just pointed out that as an Ally, they are kind of useless.

For the record, except for the Brits, almost all of our allies are fucking useless. We are spending ourselves into a deep hole to keep the oil flowing and the sea lanes clear and putting out all the fires in the world, and all of these other countries are kindly thanking us by taking our jobs and markets.

Why we keep playing along, is the real question.

As an ally, England is kinda useless, that does not change the fact that they are an ally. Unlike you, the US does not base its choice of friends on what they can get out of them.

Strange how you also claim to hate greed.
Could anyone imagine if a private citizen in a Muslim country made an anti-Christian or anti-American film which was on you tube, and thousands of US citizens stormed a Middle East Embassy, killing people including the ambassador? You think the leader of the Muslim/Middle East country invloved would be sympathetic to the Amercan concerns?
OBENSHAIN: For Barack Obama, Muslims can do no wrong - Washington Times

If it were just the movie, yeah... that'd be one thing.

BUt it's the movie and the koran burnings and the invasions and the support of Israel and the pictures of torture.

All these greivences have a cumalitive effect.

Incidently, the only thing that was said was that this movie was out of line, which it was. Not said by Obama or our Ambassador to Egypt, but a low-ranking public affairs officer who didn't follow instructions and issued the statement.

I get it, the fact that they are killing people is our fault.

No wonder you don't think Obama apologized, you think he should have groveled for all the bad things us nasty Christians have done over the centuries.
Egypt has been one of our strongest allies in the Middle-East since before I went through basic-training in the U.S. Navy at NTC San Diego in 1974.

The Egyptian troops could be seen marching on the same grinder that I and other U.S. personnel marched on.

So what?

Once more, how exactly was Obama supposed to save Mubarek once his own people wanted him out and his military refused to kill their countrymen on his behalf?

I'm still waiting for you wingnuts to answer that one.

Let's try to stay in the real world here. The people were not demanding that Mubarek step down, they were speaking up for more say in their own lives. The military did not refuse to fire on their own people because they were never ordered to do so. In fact, the military actually demanded that Mubarek hand power over to them, and they held power for months.

Now, the real question, why did he feel a need to demand that Mubarek step down?

Because it was in the plan. Currently the Muslim Brotherhood has a spokesperson in our own Homeland Security Dept. Hillary's adviser is the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood member. They have been advising Obama on what to do. This didn't happen by accident.

All of the sudden every secular leader in the Middle-East is being asked to step down by Obama and his cronies.

Give me a fucken break.

It's not happening by accident.

What's even worse......we've been warning everyone about this for years.....but they said we were full of crap.

Ignorant liberal assholes. Useful idiots the lot of you.

Even Russia knows better and has been trying to help Syria's Assad from meeting the same exact fate.
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Could anyone imagine if a private citizen in a Muslim country made an anti-Christian or anti-American film which was on you tube, and thousands of US citizens stormed a Middle East Embassy, killing people including the ambassador? You think the leader of the Muslim/Middle East country invloved would be sympathetic to the Amercan concerns?
OBENSHAIN: For Barack Obama, Muslims can do no wrong - Washington Times

If it were just the movie, yeah... that'd be one thing.

BUt it's the movie and the koran burnings and the invasions and the support of Israel and the pictures of torture.

All these greivences have a cumalitive effect.

Incidently, the only thing that was said was that this movie was out of line, which it was. Not said by Obama or our Ambassador to Egypt, but a low-ranking public affairs officer who didn't follow instructions and issued the statement.

I get it, the fact that they are killing people is our fault.

No wonder you don't think Obama apologized, you think he should have groveled for all the bad things us nasty Christians have done over the centuries.

These people are ready to hand over our freedom of speech to kiss the ass of the islamic savages. O'boy, they can scream how evil christianity is and how it wants to curve freeoms, but here islam is doing it.

FUCK liberals. I don't want to see them protesting for freedom of speech ever again. I might go out there and tell them to SHUT UP. :mad:
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Obama supports the military overthrow of Mubarek; a guy who he happily rubbed shoulders with.

So then Germany is our enemy? Is that what you're saying, moron?

No, and nor did I say Egypt was our "enemy". I just pointed out that as an Ally, they are kind of useless.

For the record, except for the Brits, almost all of our allies are fucking useless. We are spending ourselves into a deep hole to keep the oil flowing and the sea lanes clear and putting out all the fires in the world, and all of these other countries are kindly thanking us by taking our jobs and markets.

Why we keep playing along, is the real question.

As an ally, England is kinda useless, that does not change the fact that they are an ally. Unlike you, the US does not base its choice of friends on what they can get out of them.

Strange how you also claim to hate greed.

Do you have some kind of serious reading comprehension problem? Because it's like what I wrote didn't even register into your brain...
I get it, the fact that they are killing people is our fault.

No wonder you don't think Obama apologized, you think he should have groveled for all the bad things us nasty Christians have done over the centuries.

I think we need to stop sticking our dicks into the beehive and complaining about getting stung.

If we are going to insist on playing Hall monitor in the Middle East, we'd better expect some spitballs thrown our way.

Or we can do the sensible thing and wash our hands of it and dedicate our resources to making our own country better. I don't see a point in building a school in Iraq or Afghanistan when our own are falling apart and teachers in Chicago have to go on strike to get the plumbing fixed.

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