Egypt demolishes homes for border buffer


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
2,100 tunnels were destroyed by Egypt along the Gaza border now homes are being destroyed. Embargo, threat from terrorism, preventing smuggling...... Not just Israel has suffered from the actions of Hamas. Not just Israel wants to prevent weapons from entering Gaza.
29 October 2014 Last updated at 14:17 ET


Buildings in the planned buffer zone are being demolished by the military

Egypt has begun demolishing homes along its border with the Gaza Strip as part of a planned 500m buffer zone that is intended to prevent weapons smuggling.

Residents living along the border with the Palestinian territory have been given 48 hours - and promised compensation - to leave their homes.

The buffer will include water-filled trenches to prevent tunnelling.

Egyptian media accuses Gaza's Hamas administration of aiding militants in Sinai. Hamas denies the charge.

Last week, more than 30 Egyptian soldiers were killed in a militant bomb attack on an army post in Sinai.

After the bombing, Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi passed a law authorising the military to protect state facilities - including power plants, main roads and bridges.

He also declared a three-month state of emergency in Sinai. Critics of the move said it allows the army to return to the streets and brings back military trials for civilians.


Residents began leaving their homes in the buffer zone on Wednesday, watched by troops

The planned buffer zone will reportedly stretch along the length of the 13km (8 mile) border.

Those who refuse to leave their homes within the deadline set by the authorities will have their property seized by force.

North Sinai's governor, General Abdel-Fattah Harhoor, said on Wednesday that 800 homes in the border city of Rafah had been evacuated.

Compensation has been offered to the displaced, except those whose homes are found to contain smuggling tunnels.

Some residents have complained that the government's action is breeding anger. Forcible displacement is a criminal act under the Egyptian constitution.

Militants operating in Sinai and in Gaza have been accused of using tunnels below the border to move weapons and fighters.

The tunnels have also played a vital role in the economy of the Palestinian territory, which has been struggling to cope with a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt in 2007 as a measure against Hamas.
500 meters? uhm------like less than 2000 feet THAT's A BUFFER ZONE?
It's like a "block" away
I wonder how much money the Israeli government is paying the Egyptian military to commit this treasonous act against it's citizens? ...... :cool:

A couple dozen egyptian just lost their lives because of a hamas bombing. This is about Egyptian security and being sick and tired of hamas fighters, weapons and smuggling.

Egypt offered the palestinians land in the sinai as part of a peace deal and they refused. Most of the homes on the sinai side are palestinian.

Egypt does not want coordination between hamas and the MB. If palestinians want to complain they should blame hamas, not Israel and not Egypt.
Egypt is right, Hamas and the Palestinians are wrong, so what is new?
I wonder how much money the Israeli government is paying the Egyptian military to commit this treasonous act against it's citizens? ...... :cool:

Have you ever met an Egyptian muslim, Sunni? Egyptian muslims grimace with HATRED when they say the word "BALESTINIAN" ---------my interaction with them is not recent-----more like 20----10 years ago

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