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Egypt- Morsi grants himself 'far-reaching' powers


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
"Far reaching" yea, when you grant yourself dictatorial powers, I'd say thats far reaching :lol:

The judiciary is the only gov. mechanism left he hasn't neutered and here we are, he in has effect by decree, absenting himself from their reach.

He neutered the military over the last several months by sacking the old guard in the command structure and installing his own, I posted then that that was the first and most dangerous step for him, as they were the only ones with the power to stop the MB if they had to be stopped, from doing exactly what Morsi is doing now.

Egypt's Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers

CAIRO — Egypt's president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year's uprising.

Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from any possible court decisions to dissolve it, a threat that had been hanging over the controversial assembly.

The Egyptian leader also decreed that all decisions he has made since taking office in June and until a new constitution is adopted and a new parliament is elected — which is not expected before next spring — are not subject to appeal in court or by any other authority. He also barred any court from dissolving the Islamist-led upper house of parliament, a largely toothless body that has also faced court cases.

more at-
Egypt's Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

exit question; if this holds- who was the US and the ME better off with, Mubarak or Morsi?
well, we've reached the limits of 'smart power' as the obama team describes their Foreign Policy ( an old term btw).

2 months ago obama said; the U.S. would not consider Egypt an ally, "but we don't consider them an enemy." Now, we aggrandize Morsi heavily by lauding his 'assistance' in brokering the cease fire, he then pockets his increased intl. stature and praise, heads back to Cairo and announces the last nail in the coffin of any 'democracy' or arab spring in Egypt....that's smart power?

Hamas and the MB played this beautifully, gotta say. :clap2:
Egypt under Morsi will become a major force in the Middle East. :cool:

sure, at 90 million people ensconced in the strategic position they occupy thats a given they always have been, and, they they have the left ball of Israel in one hand and Hamas and Hezbollah share the right ball.
What f*ckin country helped get that Dictator in place?

Oh yeah, the USA did.

as I inferred in my exit Question in the OP- when you install or support an SOB, its best hes OUR SOB;)

Morsi should keep in mind though, Mubarak was 'our SOB' until he wasn't. ;)

Egypt president Mohammed Morsi's powergrab brings angry clashes - CBS News

CAIRO Opponents and supporters of Mohammed Morsi clashed across Egypt on Friday, the day after the president granted himself sweeping new powers that critics fear can allow him to be a virtual dictator. At least 15 were reported injured.

In a sign of deepening polarization, state TV reported that protesters burned offices of the political arm of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group on several cities on the Suez Canal east of Cairo and in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, while Islamic extremists engaged in fistfights with Morsi opponents in southern Egypt.

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy activists converged on Cairo's Tahrir Square, angered at the decisions by Morsi. The decrees include exempting himself from judicial review, as well as a panel writing the new constitution and the upper house of parliament, and the power to enact any other measure he deems necessary to deal with a "threat" to Egypt's "revolution."


Chants of "Leave, leave" rang across Tahrir Square, echoing the calls from when it was the epicenter of last year's uprising. "Morsi is Mubarak ... Revolution everywhere."

Across town, in front of the presidential palace, Muslim Brotherhood supporters and other Islamists changed "the people support the president's decree" and pumped their fists in the air.

"God will humiliate those who are attacking our president, Mohammed Morsi," said ultraconservative cleric Mohammed Abdel-Maksoud. "Whoever insults the sultan, God humiliates him," he added...
The man the west was praising just a few day's ago for helping to get a cease fire between Israel and Hamas Egypt's President Morsi it seems has made a power grab granting himself new broad powers over any court and declaring himself the guardian of Egypt's revolution. Looks like ge could be taking the first step to become Egypt's new dictator.
CAIRO — Opponents of President Mohamed Morsi were reported to have set fire to his party’s offices in several Egyptian cities on Friday in a spasm of protest and clashes after he granted himself broad powers above any court declaring himself the guardian of Egypt‘s revolution, and used his new authority to order the retrial of Hosni Mubarak.

... and used his new authority to order the retrial of Hosni Mubarak.

not exactly a step towards national reconciliation - another basket case in the offerings for the Middle East.

hopefully the US will stay far away as Egypt sinks in the desert sand - in the short run probably good news for Israel.
What f*ckin country helped get that Dictator in place?

Oh yeah, the USA did.

as I inferred in my exit Question in the OP- when you install or support an SOB, its best hes OUR SOB;)

Morsi should keep in mind though, Mubarak was 'our SOB' until he wasn't. ;)

Egypt president Mohammed Morsi's powergrab brings angry clashes - CBS News

CAIRO Opponents and supporters of Mohammed Morsi clashed across Egypt on Friday, the day after the president granted himself sweeping new powers that critics fear can allow him to be a virtual dictator. At least 15 were reported injured.

In a sign of deepening polarization, state TV reported that protesters burned offices of the political arm of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group on several cities on the Suez Canal east of Cairo and in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, while Islamic extremists engaged in fistfights with Morsi opponents in southern Egypt.

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy activists converged on Cairo's Tahrir Square, angered at the decisions by Morsi. The decrees include exempting himself from judicial review, as well as a panel writing the new constitution and the upper house of parliament, and the power to enact any other measure he deems necessary to deal with a "threat" to Egypt's "revolution."


Chants of "Leave, leave" rang across Tahrir Square, echoing the calls from when it was the epicenter of last year's uprising. "Morsi is Mubarak ... Revolution everywhere."

Across town, in front of the presidential palace, Muslim Brotherhood supporters and other Islamists changed "the people support the president's decree" and pumped their fists in the air.

"God will humiliate those who are attacking our president, Mohammed Morsi," said ultraconservative cleric Mohammed Abdel-Maksoud. "Whoever insults the sultan, God humiliates him," he added...

yup...and, I defended Obama last month when he floated the idea of not entirely curtailing money to Egypt, but keeping some on the table, as a carrot, realizing that's Geo-politics and how you use the influence you have, in this case our $$$.

Now? hes screwed, he cannot go thru with it. hes got to cut him off. if he gives in then morsi knows he ( obama) can be had, and that Obama has just traded one dictator for another and Morsi is NOT the Wests friend, let alone ours, period. A total reversal which could be as catastrophic as Bushs Iraq venture strategically.

First as tragedy, then as farce? We've been here before ala Iran and the Shah and Khomeini.
If USA does not pay tribute on time other players will step in.
In fact, Egypt already signed financial deals with regional countries (Saudi-Arabia, Turkey) and institutions like EU, IMF.

We all know the board-game Risk, and Egypt is a winning-card.
Obama has no option other than taking credit from China and giving it to Egypt, independent of personalities (Mubarak, Morsi etc).
Egypt has serious problems on economical front and it has not yet switched camps by applying to China (lesser degree Russia) to help them.
Morsi's Power Grab Sparks Protests, Fires...
Egypt Demonstrators Clash With Police at Rally Against Mursi
Nov 23, 2012 - Clashes erupt among tens of thousands of demonstrators
Tens of thousands of demonstrators rallied in Cairo and other cities against a decree by Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi that placed his decisions above judicial review. Offices of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, headed by Mursi before his election, were torched in Alexandria and other cities, Al Jazeera said. Protesters filled Tahrir Square and clashes broke out near the Interior Ministry between activists and police for a fifth day. The Health Ministry reported 16 people hurt and the official Middle East News Agency reported eight policemen were seriously injured by Molotov cocktails.

Demonstrators chanted “the people want the regime down,” an echo of protests against Hosni Mubarak, and held banners that said “Mursi is the new Pharaoh” and “No to a new dictator.” Their demands include the dismissal of Mursi’s Cabinet, an overhaul of the police and the prosecution of officers responsible for killing and injuring protesters last year.

Mursi yesterday ordered the retrial of Mubarak-era officials, fired the prosecutor-general and blocked legal challenges to the assembly writing a new constitution, which secular and Christian groups have said is dominated by Islamists.

Mursi told a rally near the presidential palace that the aim of his actions was social and political stability, and said they were necessary to prevent Egypt’s transformation from being derailed by elements of the Mubarak regime. He acknowledged that not all the goals of the revolution have been achieved, a complaint made by youth activist groups.

International Praise

See also:

Clashes erupt across Egypt over Morsi's new powers
Nov 23,`12 -- Thousands of opponents of Egypt's Islamist president clashed with his supporters in cities across the country Friday, burning several offices of the Muslim Brotherhood, in the most violent and widespread protests since Mohammed Morsi came to power, sparked by his move to grant himself sweeping powers.
The violence, which left 100 people injured, reflected the increasingly dangerous polarization in Egypt over what course it will take nearly two years after the fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak. Critics of Morsi accused him of seizing dictatorial powers with his decrees a day earlier that make him immune to judicial oversight and give him authority to take any steps against "threats to the revolution". On Friday, the president spoke before a crowd of his supporters massed in front of his palace and said his edicts were necessary to stop a "minority" that was trying to block the goals of the revolution. "There are weevils eating away at the nation of Egypt," he said, pointing to old regime loyalists he accused of using money to fuel instability and to members of the judiciary who work under the "umbrella" of the courts to "harm the country."

Clashes between his opponents and members of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood erupted in several cities. In the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, anti-Morsi crowds attacked Brotherhood backers coming out of a mosque, raining stones and firecrackers on them. The Brothers held up prayer rugs to protect themselves and the two sides pelted each other with stones and chunks of marble, leaving at least 15 injured. The protesters then stormed a nearby Brotherhood office. State TV reported that protesters burned offices of the Brotherhood's political arm in the Suez Canal cities of Suez, Ismailia and Port Said, east of Cairo. In the capital Cairo, security forces pumped volleys of tear gas at thousands of pro-democracy protesters clashing with riot police on streets several blocks from Tahrir Square and in front of the nearby parliament building.

Tens of thousands of activists massed in Tahrir itself, denouncing Morsi and chanting "Leave, leave" and "Morsi is Mubarak ... Revolution everywhere." Many of them represented Egypt's upper-class, liberal elite, which have largely stayed out of protests in past months but were prominent in the streets during the anti-Mubarak uprising that began Jan. 25, 2011. "We are in a state of revolution. He is crazy of he thinks he can go back to one-man rule," one protester, Sara Khalili, said of Morsi. "If the Brotherhood's slogan is `Islam is the solution' ours is `submission is not the solution'," said Khalili, a mass communications professor at the American University in Cairo. "God does not call for submission to another man's will."

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A central planner taking power? Color me shocked.


It's good to be the king!

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