Egypt To Try 19 Americans For 'Banned Activities'...

The jizya (tax on non muslims) can only happen when Islam is the dominate religion and muslims control the government and legislate the law of the land.

Like I said, it will be many years until this situation takes place. :cool:

Muslims are a patient people. It may take many years but it will take place. That is what you are saying.

I'm not going to disagree with that.

For one thing, in very short years to come, there won't be enough freedom loving Christians to stop an islamic takeover. For another, the west is becoming degenerate and decayed. Historically cultures that come to this kind of decay collapse and are taken over by a people much stronger in their faith. The same way that the excesses of Rome were ended by Christianity. A third reason is that as western governments officially reject and discourage Christianity, anyone in the affected countries who reject the amorality that the west has become, almost have no where to go but islam. Which is why islam is growing fastest in those countries that are the most liberal.
I totally agree with your assessment of the future of the Western nations.

In my opinion, two factors are rapidly coming into play that will converge in the years ahead.

First, the secular liberal/progressive movements in our country will eventually destroy any vestiges of traditional American culture and religious values. This will create a vacuum in both of these areas that Islam can easily fill.

Second, due to the high birth rate among muslim families. The demographics of our nation slowly will change. As the number of Muslim American citizens increase exponentially.

The Muslims may eventually be the majority in Europe but I don't see it here in the States, at least not anytime soon. Hispanics are right on the cusp of being the majority and their birth rates are right up there with the Muslims, in fact most Muslim families I see here in the States don't really have that many children, most of them are well educated with good jobs and maybe 2 or 3 kids, whereas the Hispanics have like 4 or 5 kids each.
As long as islam was kept in its place, Europe was free to flourish. The bloom is certainly off that rose.
Actually, when Islam begins to permeate a society; the roses and everything else will naturally start to blossem for the benefit of all the people. :eusa_angel:
As long as islam was kept in its place, Europe was free to flourish. The bloom is certainly off that rose.
Actually, when Islam begins to permeate a society; the roses and everything else will naturally start to blossem for the benefit of all the people. :eusa_angel:

Ahhhh yes, we see how well that works where islam has a majority now.

Sorry but that's about the funniest thing I have read all day.
Muslims are a patient people. It may take many years but it will take place. That is what you are saying.

I'm not going to disagree with that.

For one thing, in very short years to come, there won't be enough freedom loving Christians to stop an islamic takeover. For another, the west is becoming degenerate and decayed. Historically cultures that come to this kind of decay collapse and are taken over by a people much stronger in their faith. The same way that the excesses of Rome were ended by Christianity. A third reason is that as western governments officially reject and discourage Christianity, anyone in the affected countries who reject the amorality that the west has become, almost have no where to go but islam. Which is why islam is growing fastest in those countries that are the most liberal.
I totally agree with your assessment of the future of the Western nations.

In my opinion, two factors are rapidly coming into play that will converge in the years ahead.

First, the secular liberal/progressive movements in our country will eventually destroy any vestiges of traditional American culture and religious values. This will create a vacuum in both of these areas that Islam can easily fill.

Second, due to the high birth rate among muslim families. The demographics of our nation slowly will change. As the number of Muslim American citizens increase exponentially.

The Muslims may eventually be the majority in Europe but I don't see it here in the States, at least not anytime soon. Hispanics are right on the cusp of being the majority and their birth rates are right up there with the Muslims, in fact most Muslim families I see here in the States don't really have that many children, most of them are well educated with good jobs and maybe 2 or 3 kids, whereas the Hispanics have like 4 or 5 kids each.

That's because we don't have enough muslims, YET! That will change as immigration patterns change. If you go to places like Dearbornistan, or Lewiston, Maine, you would have a different perspective. Dealing with this kind of threat requires an absolute ruthlessness that I doubt we possess any more. Among hispanics, only the cartels have that kind of ruthlessness and they don't care. That's why I expect if civilization of any kind is to survive, it's the Chinese who must carry it on. They might have moved on from rounding up dissidents and shooting them in the public park in front of crowds. They keep it hidden now. They would address muslim domination the same way they addressed the police station. No one survives.
That's because we don't have enough muslims, YET! That will change as immigration patterns change. If you go to places like Dearbornistan, or Lewiston, Maine, you would have a different perspective. Dealing with this kind of threat requires an absolute ruthlessness that I doubt we possess any more.
Why do you consider your fellow American citizens that profess Islam as their religion a "threat"?
The jizya (tax on non muslims) can only happen when Islam is the dominate religion and muslims control the government and legislate the law of the land.

Like I said, it will be many years until this situation takes place. :cool:

Muslims are a patient people. It may take many years but it will take place. That is what you are saying.

I'm not going to disagree with that.

For one thing, in very short years to come, there won't be enough freedom loving Christians to stop an islamic takeover. For another, the west is becoming degenerate and decayed. Historically cultures that come to this kind of decay collapse and are taken over by a people much stronger in their faith. The same way that the excesses of Rome were ended by Christianity. A third reason is that as western governments officially reject and discourage Christianity, anyone in the affected countries who reject the amorality that the west has become, almost have no where to go but islam. Which is why islam is growing fastest in those countries that are the most liberal.

Islam appeals to neutered men. It lets them feel powerful. That's why it's the fastest growing. It has nothing to do with morality. They are the most savage people on earth! Bar none!
Even though the west is shortly to be as dead as the dynasties of Egypt and the Empire of Rome, it's an error to think that the west and islam are the ONLY two factors in convergence. Don't discount China. Without strict population control used within China's cities, the Chinese can out demographic muslims easily. And, the Chinese are not troubled by tolerance and diversity. They do not have the kind of acceptance of decay that is so prevalent in the west. A few months ago muslim extremists took over a police station in an outlying province. The Chinese did not bother negotiating a peaceful end, they simply flattened the police station. The West would have brought in crisis counselors, hostage negotiators and found a way to accommodate demands. I have to admire that kind of ruthlessness.

If I were going to bet on some future domination, I woudn't bet on islam or the west. I'd bet on China.

And I have said since I was in China in 2002 that there is a lot the US can learn. They also have police hospitals for their drug addicts. A nurse who is a soldier is OK in the US, but you would have thought a nurse who was also a police office and who could arrest a patient who tried to leave treatment was the beast of the apocalypse the way my peers acted!
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Muslims are a patient people. It may take many years but it will take place. That is what you are saying.

I'm not going to disagree with that.

For one thing, in very short years to come, there won't be enough freedom loving Christians to stop an islamic takeover. For another, the west is becoming degenerate and decayed. Historically cultures that come to this kind of decay collapse and are taken over by a people much stronger in their faith. The same way that the excesses of Rome were ended by Christianity. A third reason is that as western governments officially reject and discourage Christianity, anyone in the affected countries who reject the amorality that the west has become, almost have no where to go but islam. Which is why islam is growing fastest in those countries that are the most liberal.
I totally agree with your assessment of the future of the Western nations.

In my opinion, two factors are rapidly coming into play that will converge in the years ahead.

First, the secular liberal/progressive movements in our country will eventually destroy any vestiges of traditional American culture and religious values. This will create a vacuum in both of these areas that Islam can easily fill.

Second, due to the high birth rate among muslim families. The demographics of our nation slowly will change. As the number of Muslim American citizens increase exponentially.

The Muslims may eventually be the majority in Europe but I don't see it here in the States, at least not anytime soon. Hispanics are right on the cusp of being the majority and their birth rates are right up there with the Muslims, in fact most Muslim families I see here in the States don't really have that many children, most of them are well educated with good jobs and maybe 2 or 3 kids, whereas the Hispanics have like 4 or 5 kids each.

That will likely be the ONLY thing that prevents islam from becoming the majority. Maybe we shouldn not be so nasty toward the Hispanics.
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That will likely be the ONLY thing that prevents islam from becoming the majority. Maybe we shouldn not be so nasty toward the Hispanics.
More US Hispanics drawn to Islam

With her hijab and dark complexion, Catherine Garcia doesn't look like an Orlando native or a Disney tourist. When people ask where she's from, often they are surprised that it's not the Middle East but Colombia.

That's because Ms. Garcia, a bookstore clerk who immigrated to the US seven years ago, is Hispanic and Muslim. On this balmy afternoon at the start of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, she is at her mosque dressed in long sleeves and a long skirt in keeping with the Islamic belief in modesty. "When I was in my country I never fit in the society. Here in Islam I feel like I fit with everything they believe," she says.

Garcia is one of a growing number of Hispanics across the US who have found common ground in a faith and culture bearing surprising similarities to their own heritage. From professionals to students to homemakers, they are drawn to the Muslim faith through marriage, curiosity and a shared interest in issues such as immigration.

The population of Hispanic Muslims has increased 30 percent to some 200,000 since 1999, estimates Ali Khan, national director of the American Muslim Council in Chicago. Many attribute the trend to a growing interest in Islam since the 2001 terrorist attacks and also to a collision between two burgeoning minority groups. They note that Muslims ruled Spain centuries ago, leaving an imprint on Spanish food, music, and language.

More US Hispanics drawn to Islam / The Christian Science Monitor -
That will likely be the ONLY thing that prevents islam from becoming the majority. Maybe we shouldn not be so nasty toward the Hispanics.
More US Hispanics drawn to Islam

With her hijab and dark complexion, Catherine Garcia doesn't look like an Orlando native or a Disney tourist. When people ask where she's from, often they are surprised that it's not the Middle East but Colombia.

That's because Ms. Garcia, a bookstore clerk who immigrated to the US seven years ago, is Hispanic and Muslim. On this balmy afternoon at the start of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, she is at her mosque dressed in long sleeves and a long skirt in keeping with the Islamic belief in modesty. "When I was in my country I never fit in the society. Here in Islam I feel like I fit with everything they believe," she says.

Garcia is one of a growing number of Hispanics across the US who have found common ground in a faith and culture bearing surprising similarities to their own heritage. From professionals to students to homemakers, they are drawn to the Muslim faith through marriage, curiosity and a shared interest in issues such as immigration.

The population of Hispanic Muslims has increased 30 percent to some 200,000 since 1999, estimates Ali Khan, national director of the American Muslim Council in Chicago. Many attribute the trend to a growing interest in Islam since the 2001 terrorist attacks and also to a collision between two burgeoning minority groups. They note that Muslims ruled Spain centuries ago, leaving an imprint on Spanish food, music, and language.

More US Hispanics drawn to Islam / The Christian Science Monitor -

My girlfriend is Mexicans and I have been around alot of them, I don't see alot of them wanting to give up Cinco De Mayo and eating menudo (contains pork) to accomade the Islamic life style.
My girlfriend is Mexicans and I have been around alot of them, I don't see alot of them wanting to give up Cinco De Mayo and eating menudo (contains pork) to accomade the Islamic life style.
Incorrect amigo.

I have eaten menudo many times. :cool:

The soup Menudo is a traditional Mexican dish, made with beef stomach in a clear broth or with a red chili base (this variation is called menudo colorado). Usually, lime, chopped onions, and chopped cilantro are added, as well as crushed oregano and crushed red chili peppers. Boiled tripe has a tough chewy texture very similar to calamari, but with a completely unique flavor and smell.
My girlfriend is Mexicans and I have been around alot of them, I don't see alot of them wanting to give up Cinco De Mayo and eating menudo (contains pork) to accomade the Islamic life style.
Incorrect amigo.

I have eaten menudo many times. :cool:

The soup Menudo is a traditional Mexican dish, made with beef stomach in a clear broth or with a red chili base (this variation is called menudo colorado). Usually, lime, chopped onions, and chopped cilantro are added, as well as crushed oregano and crushed red chili peppers. Boiled tripe has a tough chewy texture very similar to calamari, but with a completely unique flavor and smell.

Oh my bad, I could have sworn they used pig parts in there.:redface:
That's because we don't have enough muslims, YET! That will change as immigration patterns change. If you go to places like Dearbornistan, or Lewiston, Maine, you would have a different perspective. Dealing with this kind of threat requires an absolute ruthlessness that I doubt we possess any more.
Why do you consider your fellow American citizens that profess Islam as their religion a "threat"?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and has feathers, it isn't a goat. Or, this one, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not unicorns.
i don't agree with what many other countries do (including Egypt), but, their country, their rules.

what are we? the nanny of the world?
My girlfriend is Mexicans and I have been around alot of them, I don't see alot of them wanting to give up Cinco De Mayo and eating menudo (contains pork) to accomade the Islamic life style.
Incorrect amigo.

I have eaten menudo many times. :cool:

The soup Menudo is a traditional Mexican dish, made with beef stomach in a clear broth or with a red chili base (this variation is called menudo colorado). Usually, lime, chopped onions, and chopped cilantro are added, as well as crushed oregano and crushed red chili peppers. Boiled tripe has a tough chewy texture very similar to calamari, but with a completely unique flavor and smell.

Oh my bad, I could have sworn they used pig parts in there.:redface:
Tell your girl friend that she can now convert to Islam and still eat menudo.

Plus, there wouldn't be any problem with her celebrating Cinco De Mayo as a muslim woman.

But she couldn't date an infidel like you anymore unless you converted to Islam. :eusa_angel:
Incorrect amigo.

I have eaten menudo many times. :cool:

The soup Menudo is a traditional Mexican dish, made with beef stomach in a clear broth or with a red chili base (this variation is called menudo colorado). Usually, lime, chopped onions, and chopped cilantro are added, as well as crushed oregano and crushed red chili peppers. Boiled tripe has a tough chewy texture very similar to calamari, but with a completely unique flavor and smell.

Oh my bad, I could have sworn they used pig parts in there.:redface:
Tell your girl friend that she can now convert to Islam and still eat menudo.

Plus, there wouldn't be any problem with her celebrating Cinco De Mayo as a muslim woman.

But she couldn't date an infidel like you anymore unless you converted to Islam. :eusa_angel:

The reasons I mentioned Cinco De Mayo is the drinking involved, that would have to stop once you convert to Islam.
Oh my bad, I could have sworn they used pig parts in there.:redface:
Tell your girl friend that she can now convert to Islam and still eat menudo.

Plus, there wouldn't be any problem with her celebrating Cinco De Mayo as a muslim woman.

But she couldn't date an infidel like you anymore unless you converted to Islam. :eusa_angel:

The reasons I mentioned Cinco De Mayo is the drinking involved, that would have to stop once you convert to Islam.
She could still attend the activities but no imbibing alcohol. :cool:
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and has feathers, it isn't a goat. Or, this one, when you hear hoofbeats, think horses not unicorns.
Also, don't walk under a ladder.

And the classic; don't run with scissors. :cool:

Islam is the enemy of western civilization. If you would rather put it this way western civilization is the enemy of islam. You know that. That's why one or the other must dominate. Islam intends to dominate the world, that's its goal. You know that. Let's not belabor debating the known and settled.There is no country in which islam and other religions co-exist for long. Other religions, if they are permitted to remain, do so under subjegation. It is not that one or the other culture is superior, although muslims feel islam is superior. It is that the two cultures are incompatible. I know a lot of muslims, a lot of people who live in the middle east, who certainly fight very hard to keep western "ways" out of their own cultures. And they SHOULD. If a court in Dubai wants to imprison a man and woman for violating their laws by kissing on the beach, that's just too bad for the criminal couple. They ARE criminals, make no mistake about it. Islamic theocracies find the west as much of a threat in their countries as islam should be considered here.
I think its time for Westerners to stop going to Egypt.

Egypt: British Woman Barred From Leaving Country In NGO Dispute


CAIRO — Egyptian authorities barred a British woman from leaving Egypt on Friday because she is on a list of people under investigation over ties to foreign nonprofit groups accused of fomenting unrest in the country, an airport official said.

The government's crackdown on the NGOs has caused one of the most serious rifts in decades between Egypt and its strategic ally, the United States. U.S. officials and legislators have warned it could sever the $1.5 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt, one of the longest and largest in the world.

The airport official said the woman was ordered off a London-bound plane in Cairo, but was not arrested. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

The woman joins a list of at least 10 foreigners, including six Americans, who have been barred from traveling as part of the criminal investigation.

In London, Foreign Office officials said they had contacted British diplomats in Egypt seeking more information.

Egyptian judges have referred 16 Americans, and 27 others, including Europeans and Egyptians, to trial on accusations they illegally used foreign funds to foment unrest in the country.

The country's military rulers have so far stood firm behind the case, and military-backed Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri has said Egypt would not "kneel" before pressure to cut the aid.

Officials have also used the case to accuse the growing protest movement in Egypt of being a pawn in the hands of the U.S., which is allegedly seeking to destabilize the country.

Youth groups and revolutionary movements that led the popular uprising that pushed former President Hosni Mubarak out of office last year have become increasingly assertive in challenging the military council that replaced him.

The generals have promised to hand over power on June 30, but protesters want them to step down immediately. They accuse the military of mismanaging the transition to democracy, and of trying to preserve Mubarak's regime. On Friday, thousands of protesters organized nearly a dozen marches across Cairo, heading to the Ministry of Defense.

"We are not tired. A total revolution or none," shouted protesters marching toward the ministry. "Down, down with military rule."

The different marches converging on the well-guarded ministry differed from the protesters' usual tactics, taking them away from rallies at Cairo's Tahrir Square that was the epicenter of the uprising. Smaller, more symbolic marches to the ministry have been organized before.

The rallies come on the eve of the anniversary of Mubarak's resignation on Feb. 11, 2011. The protesters have also called for a rolling general strike to begin Saturday to pressure the military rulers to step down.

Egypt: British Woman Barred From Leaving Country In NGO Dispute

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