Egypt To Try Seven Christians, U.S. Pastor Over Prophet Film...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
More of your hard-earned Tax Dollars at work. Our new friends, aren't they great? Definitely worth all those Billions in Tax Dollars, huh?

Associated Press
Egypt's general prosecutor issued arrest warrants Tuesday for seven Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor and referred them to trial on charges linked to an anti-Islam film that has sparked riots across the Muslim world.

The case is largely symbolic since the seven men and one woman are believed to be outside of Egypt and unlikely to travel to the country to face the charges. Instead, the prosecutor's decision to take legal appears aimed at absorbing at least some of the public anger over the amateur film, which portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and buffoon.

The prosecutor's office said in a statement that the accused, which includes the film's alleged producer, face charges of harming national unity, insulting and publicly attacking Islam and spreading false information. The office said they could face the death penalty, if convicted. No date for the trial has been set.

Among those charged is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, an Egyptian Copt living in southern California and believed to be behind the film. Florida-based Pastor Terry Jones, who has said he was contacted by the filmmaker to promote the video, as well as Morris Sadek, a conservative Coptic Christian in the U.S. who pushed the video on his website, are also among those charged.

The connection of the other five accused in the case to the film was not immediately clear.

Ultraconservative Salafi lawyer Mamdouh Ismail praised the prosecutor's decision. While recognizing that the eight will be tried in absentia, Ismail said referring them to trial will help curb public anger.

"Now these are legal measures instead of angry reactions, whose consequences are undetermined," he said. "This would also set a deterrent for them and anyone else who may fall into this" offense.

The prosecutor's statement, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, said that after studying the film investigators have determined that it contains scenes offensive to Islam and state institutions. It also says they questioned 10 plaintiffs before issuing the charges...

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Egypt to Try Seven Christians, US Pastor over Prophet Film
American authorities will no doubt cooperate with their capture and execution when the Egyptian court finds them guilty.
oh, so they want to execute American citizens for exercising their God given rights, now?

Is this an act of war? Im losing track of all the acts of war occuring lately.
American authorities will no doubt cooperate with their capture and execution when the Egyptian court finds them guilty.

Unfortunately, you're probably correct. Certainly, American Leftists/Democrats will fully cooperate. They have that whole weird obsession with hating Christians thing. So, i have no doubt they will support this.
oh, so they want to execute American citizens for exercising their God given rights, now?

Is this an act of war? Im losing track of all the acts of war occuring lately.

Its basically for symbolism, none of these pastors are even in Egyptian territory.
Now we have people being tried in courtrooms to lend support to the Video caused rioting facade? Al Qaeda has outdone themselves on this attack, they have managed not only to kill... But to force those in power to violate people's civil Rights.
No one was forced into violating anyone's rights. They did it because they wanted to.
Hey here's an idea. Why don't we send them more Billions in Tax Dollars? Oh wait?...
American authorities will no doubt cooperate with their capture and execution when the Egyptian court finds them guilty.

Maybe they can throw in that female reporter you said deserved to be raped by the Egyptian mobs.
And this Muslim 'War on Christians' sadly resembles the Socialists/Democrats' own War right here at Home. Maybe there really is something to David Horowitz's book 'Unholy Alliance.' The Left really does seem to have some sort of unspoken alliance with radical Muslims who hate Christians. The more you think about it, the more it kind of makes sense. The similarities are eery.
American authorities will no doubt cooperate with their capture and execution when the Egyptian court finds them guilty.

Maybe they can throw in that female reporter you said deserved to be raped by the Egyptian mobs.

You might think that going home to a cul de sac in Cerritos is the same as expecting blonde pussy hair to be a shield against radical islam, but I don't. The reporter voluntarily injected herself into a raging battle. What happened to her should have been expected. Since she went there voluntarily she deserved what ever happened to her.
I'm thinking I missed my opportunity, and should've went to see the Pyramids when the dictator was in power......
We may have to accept that the failed obama regime intended to agitate a Cerritos cul de sac into a replication of Tahriir Square and mobs of muslims beheading the neighbors. It just didn't happen, or hasn't happened yet.
American authorities will no doubt cooperate with their capture and execution when the Egyptian court finds them guilty.

Maybe they can throw in that female reporter you said deserved to be raped by the Egyptian mobs.

You might think that going home to a cul de sac in Cerritos is the same as expecting blonde pussy hair to be a shield against radical islam, but I don't. The reporter voluntarily injected herself into a raging battle. What happened to her should have been expected. Since she went there voluntarily she deserved what ever happened to her.

White Liberals are not very bright. She really believed she would be greeted as a 'Liberator.' :cuckoo:
We may have to accept that the failed obama regime intended to agitate a Cerritos cul de sac into a replication of Tahriir Square and mobs of muslims beheading the neighbors. It just didn't happen, or hasn't happened yet.

They're still trying, though, give them credit.

And ANYONE else would be able to accomplish it..but they're so fucking stupid they always end up shooting themselves in the foot.

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