
Since Egypt is going quickly to hell thought I would start a thread just to see what peoples thoughts are on it we threw Mubarak under the bus now Morsi is under it and it looks like we could throw the current leadership under soon were quickly running out of room under that bus.

No one has thrown anyone ‘under a bus.’

The United States has no control over what happens in other countries, nor should it.

The Cold War is long over, and so should the age of American interventionism.

When you say Mubarak who was a long time U.S. ally has to go you have thrown someone under the bus when you praise and support Morsi before he was overthrown by a military coup which the administration won't even admit was a coup you have thrown someone under the bus.
One good saying for the Egyptians:

You don't know how good you have it, until it's gone.

Mubarak was a bit more desirable than Morsi or the Military. Now look at them, in a stat of political and societal upheaval.
Do doubt a brutal puppet dictator is always the best choice....... :cuckoo:

It's an islamic country. It will always have a brutal dictator. It should be one that's our puppet.
We should leave Egypt alone, and stop meddling / policing the world. There are to many unknowns to invest money or blood hoping for an outcome. We should only support our proven staunch alies like Israel. Islam is a threat to the world. There is nothing but evil where islam is. Let them kill each other, and when they all come against Israel, wipe them out!

We would now be in a position to do that had Obabble concentrated on energy self sufficiency from the get go. Instead he pursued fans, batteries and solar. The man is an asshole.
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Where's Mubarik today? 6 Feet under, he was a dying man also.
If the US was or is in control of other nations then Morsi was deposed at Oblama's command and the same apparatus is in control that the RWer's claim to want, yet, that being the case they are still whining and crying about how who is in control is fucked up .
Egyptian gov't. throws in the towel, new PM appointed...

Egypt's government resigns, new prime minister appointed
Sept. 12, 2015 -- Egyptian Energy Minister Sherif Ismail was appointed as the country's new prime minister less than an hour after the government resigned Saturday.
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced the appointment after Egypt's entire cabinet, led by Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, submitted resignation papers. El-Sisi ordered the cabinet to continue working until a new cabinet can be seated, which must be completed in a week.


Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Roshdy Mahlab greets the press as he arrives at the White House for a State Dinner on behalf of the US-Africa Leaders Summit, August 5, 2014, in Washington, D.C. Saturday, Mahlab and his entire cabinet resigned for unknown reasons.

The reason behind the mass resignation is unclear but comes after Agriculture Minister Selah Eddin Helal resigned and was arrested on corruption charges. Mahlab had been prime minister since February 2014.

Egypt's government resigns, new prime minister appointed
I think we should do what Star Trek does and go by the prime directive. Be as neatral as possible.

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