Egyptian Airliner goes missing over Mediterranean

Egyptair hoax: flightradar real-time datai in archive vs Numerology in illuminati scripts, from Egyptair crash to IS presidential elections 2016
1. Ongoing 9/11 remake: Egyptair is the second launch for the Shanksville remake
2. Egyptair flight 804; Clinton & Trump votes: Examples of Illuminati Numerology: explicit and implicit types
3. Egyptair fake crash: Archived pages as undeniable evidence:

** Chapter 1 **
Ongoing 9/11 remake: Egyptair is the second launch for the Shanksville remake
Staged 804 days after the first act of the script that will end in Jerusalem with the same airliner that it all started, the missing Boeing 777.
"Indonesian airliner missing" was the first launch but it had to be aborted 3 weeks later because of the failed all out nazi assault on Donetsk, Jan 2015.
** Chapter 2 **
Egyptair flight 804; Clinton & Trump votes: Examples of Illuminati Numerology: explicit and implicit types
Examples range
1. - from Egyptair's crash loacation and flight duration to Hillay Clinton's total votes.
2. - from Egyptair's flght number to Hitlery & Trumperminator's official votes in the NY primaries.

Numbers explicitly in script
Illuminati's magic numbers 33 and 666 appear explcitly in both scripts.
Egyptair:"Aircraft disappears at 33.3 degrees North latitude, flight duration 3 hours and 33 minutes, number on board 33 x 2 = 66, and transponders cease at 0:33 universal time."
US elections 2016; first woman US president elected with a total of 66.6 million votes.

Numbers implicitly in script
- flight number. generated by: "same number as days elapsed since first act of 9/11 remake" (missing Boeing 777, March 2014).
US elections 2016; Results for Clinton and Trump in the NY primaries: generated by:
- Clinton: real number multiplied by EXACTLY 100 (last two digits are irrelevant).
- Trump: just under the generated Clinton's votes divided by two (number reflecting "just under" is irrelevant).

Talk of numbers generated in real-time:
** Chapter 3 **
Egyptair fake crash: Archived pages as undeniable evidence:
From flightradar24 to businessinder.
Numerology in Illuminati scripts: typology:
Two basic types for how numbers appear in an illuminati script:
- explicitly, from the start.
- implicitly, to be generated later according to script lines ("on the fly" or to use a computer related term: in real-time).

NY primaries milestone: Clinton votes multiplied 100 times
Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes
New York primaries: Clinton real votes counted 100 times each - milestone for converting real into official results.
Contrast it with Trump's results, generated, by BOTH a multiplier and a divider.
Illuminati Milestones: Rigged elections Hillary Clinton multiplier 100 in New York primaries

Computers in End Times - why did God allow them?: Egyptair crash flightradar real-time datai in archive vs Numerology in illuminati scripts
Did I ever mention the higher ratio of nutjobs and conspiracy theorists found on the web compared to real life?

I bet someone working on their psychology or sociology doctoral thesis could do well researching that observation.
EgyptAir Flight 804 update...

Forensic expert suggests explosion downed EgyptAir jet
Wednesday 25th May, 2016 - Body parts recovered from the crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 showed signs of burns and were so small that they suggested the jet was brought down by an explosion, a member of the team examining the remains said Tuesday. But the idea of a blast was promptly dismissed by the head of Egypt's forensic agency as "baseless" speculation.
The cause of Thursday's crash of the EgyptAir jet flying from Paris to Cairo that killed all 66 people aboard still has not been determined. Ships and planes from Egypt, Greece, France, the United States and other nations are searching the Mediterranean Sea north of the Egyptian port of Alexandria for the jet's voice and flight data recorders, as well as more bodies and parts of the aircraft. Egypt's civil aviation minister has said he believes terrorism is a more likely explanation than equipment failure or some other catastrophic event. But no hard evidence has emerged on the cause, and no militant group has claimed to have downed the jet. Leaked flight data indicated a sensor detected smoke in a lavatory and a fault in two of the plane's cockpit windows in the final moments of the flight. An Egyptian forensic team was examining the remains of the victims for any traces of explosives, according to a team member and a second official, both speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to reporters.

The team member said the fact that all 80 body parts recovered so far were very small and that some showed signs of burns suggested an explosion. "There isn't even a whole body part, like an arm or a head," said the forensic official, who examined the remains. He said at least one part of an arm has signs of burns - an indication it might have "belonged to a passenger sitting next to the explosion." "The logical explanation is that an explosion brought it down," he said, adding that if there was a blast, the cause was not known. But Hisham Abdel-Hamid, head of the Egyptian government's forensic agency, dismissed the suggesting, telling the state-run MENA news agency: "Whatever has been published is baseless and mere assumptions." France's aviation accident investigation agency would not comment on anything involving the bodies or say whether any information has surfaced to indicate an explosion.

Other experts were divided on whether the state of the remains necessarily suggested an explosion. Philip Butterworth-Hayes, an aviation systems expert, said such damage was unlikely if the plane was intact when it hit the water. "Normally an impact is not going to do that to a human body in a seat belt," he said, adding that in some aircraft hit the water, bodies are found relatively intact. "Normally the human frame can withstand quite severe deceleration, which is what happens when a plane hits the water," Butterworth-Hayes said. But David Learmount, a consulting editor at the aviation news website Flightglobal, said a water impact could have such a devastating effect on those in the plane. "Hitting water after a fall from that height is like hitting a cliff face," he said. There also have been contradictory reports over the last moments of Flight 804.

Greece's defence minister said radar showed the aircraft turned 90 degrees left, then a full 360 degrees to the right, plummeting from 38 000 feet (11 582 meters) to 15 000 feet (4 572 meters) before disappearing at about 10 000 feet (3 048 meters). But the head of Egypt's state-run provider of air navigation services denied that, saying the plane did not swerve or lose altitude and disappeared from radar while at its normal altitude of 37 000 feet. A Greek military official insisted that all radar data available to Greek authorities showed the plane swerving and losing altitude. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to reporters.

Egypt's investigative team said 18 batches of wreckage have been brought to Cairo's criminal investigation units for examination. It added that priority was to locate the flight data and cockpit voice recorders - the so-called "black boxes" - and to retrieve more bodies. A French patrol boat is carrying a doctor to help with the search for remains. Anything it finds would first be reported to Egyptian authorities and French justice officials, the French Navy said. Relatives of the victims were giving DNA samples to the forensic team in Cairo to help identify the remains, a security official said. The official also spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to reporters.

Forensic expert suggests explosion downed EgyptAir jet

See also:

Technical problem before takeoff ruled out in EgyptAir probe: Sources
- Sources within the newly formed Egyptian investigation committee have revealed to the media that the EgyptAir flight that disappeared recently had not shown any technical problems before taking off from Paris.
Al-Ahram, Egypt’s state-owned newspaper has also published a copy of the Aircraft Technical Log signed by the flight’s pilot before takeoff on its website that claims that the plane had faced no technical problems before taking off. Al-Ahram’s report further stated that EgyptAir flight 804 transmitted 11 “electronic messages” on May 18, starting about three and half hours before disappearing from radar screens. The report revealed that the first two messages indicated that the engines were functional but the third message is said to have shown a rise in the temperature of the co-pilot's window. The plane reportedly kept transmitting messages for the next three minutes before vanishing. Before these revelations came to light, Egypt's forensics authority had dismissed all suggestions of an explosion on board as premature. Reports had argued that the small size of the body parts retrieved after the crash pointed out towards a possible on board explosion.


So far, an unidentified Egyptian forensics official has claimed that 23 bags of body parts have been collected, with reports stating that the largest part found being the palm of a hand. The head of Egypt's forensics authority, Hisham Abdelhamid however said in a statement that the assessments doing the rounds were “mere assumptions” and that it was too early to draw conclusions. Sources have also revealed other intriguing facts from the investigation claiming that the plane with 66 people on board disappeared without swerving off radar screens less than a minute after entering Egyptian airspace. However, several questions still remain unanswered regarding the tragic incident that left no survivors as varied statements on the flight’s final moments are emerging from Greece and Egypt.

Investigators are still said to be looking for the downed plane and its black box recorders, that would put several speculations to rest. In May 18, a tweet from EgyptAir had spurred a whirlwind of worries across the globe after it informed that one of its flights had disappeared from radar. MS804, AirbusA320 flight had 56 passengers and ten crew members on board. Egypt’s national airline had said that the aircraft disappeared after entering Egyptian airspace and vanished over the Mediterranean Sea at 37,000 feet. The airline listed out the nationalities of the passengers claiming that there were 30 Egyptians, 15 French, two Iraqis and one each from Sudan, Chad, Portugal, Algeria, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

Technical problem before takeoff ruled out in EgyptAir probe Sources
Egypt, sadly, is not a reliable source concerning EgyptAir crashes. Remember when the Egyptian pilot crashed his aircraft deliberately? Egypt refused to accept that conclusion. Their priority is more about ass-covering.
Signal from Egyptair Flight 804 picked up, narrowing search parameters...

Official: Beacon from Egypt crash detected, search narrows
May 27,`16 -- A French vessel that joined the search for the EgyptAir plane which crashed last week killing all 66 people on board arrived Friday in the crash area, as Egyptian officials said search teams in the Mediterranean have picked up a beacon believed to be from the doomed aircraft.
According to Egyptian security officials, the French ship is carrying equipment that can find flight data and cockpit voice recorders - the so-called "black boxes." French officials could not be immediately reached to confirm the ship's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the chief investigator in Egypt said search teams in the Mediterranean have picked up a beacon believed to be from the EgyptAir Flight 804. Locating a beacon has narrowed the search to a 5 kilometer (3 mile) radius, said Ayman al-Moqadem, stressing that this doesn't mean the black boxes have been found, which he said requires highly sophisticated technology. The signal that was picked up came from one of the devices on the plane transmitting its location, said al-Moqadem, who spoke to reporters on Thursday.

Eight days after the plane crashed off Egypt's northern coast on a Paris to Cairo flight, the cause of the tragedy still has not been determined. Ships and planes from Egypt, Greece, France, the United States and other nations have been searching the Mediterranean north of the Egyptian port of Alexandria for the jet's voice and flight data recorders, as well as more bodies and parts of the aircraft. Small pieces of the wreckage and human remains have already been recovered while the bulk of the plane and the bodies of the passengers are believed to be deep under the sea. A Cairo forensic team has received the human remains and is carrying DNA tests to identify the victims.


EgyptAir hostesses line up during a candlelight vigil for the victims of EgyptAir flight 804 in Cairo, Egypt, Thursday, May 26, 2016. The cause of Thursday's crash of the EgyptAir jet flying from Paris to Cairo that killed all 66 people aboard still has not been determined. Ships and planes from Egypt, Greece, France, the United States and other nations are searching the Mediterranean Sea north of the Egyptian port of Alexandria for the jet's voice and flight data recorders.​

Egypt's civil aviation minister Sherif Fathi has said he believes terrorism is a more likely explanation than equipment failure or some other catastrophic event. But no hard evidence has emerged on the cause, and no militant group has claimed to have downed the jet. Earlier, leaked flight data indicated a sensor detected smoke in a lavatory and a fault in two of the plane's cockpit windows in the final moments of the flight. The French air accident investigation agency, the BEA, said in a statement that the Laplace ship left Thursday from Corsica for the zone of the crash, with two BEA investigators aboard. The Laplace is equipped with three detectors made by the Alseamar company designed to detect and localize signals from the flight recorders, believed about 3,000 meters (3,280 yards) underwater.

France may also send an unmanned submarine and deep-sea retrieval equipment, the statement said. The BEA is involved in the search because the crashed plane was an Airbus, manufactured in France. Because of the difficulties in finding the black boxes, Egypt has contracted two foreign companies to help locate the flight data recorders of the plane. One of the companies is Alseamar, which has equipment aboard the French vessel. Egyptian official have said the second company is called Deep Ocean Search. Also, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said earlier that a submarine would join the search for the plane's data recorders. However, al-Moqadem told reporters that the submarine is not equipped to detect signals from the black boxes. All Egyptian officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

News from The Associated Press
B.B.C. just reported the signals thought to be from the black box(es) have been detected.
EgyptAir 'black box signals heard'...

EgyptAir crash: Black box signals heard, Egypt says
Wed, 01 Jun 2016 - A French ship detects signals likely to have come from the black boxes of the EgyptAir plane that crashed last month, Egyptian authorities say.
Signals likely to have come from the black boxes of the EgyptAir plane that crashed last month have been detected, Egyptian investigators say. A statement said they were picked up by a French vessel searching the Mediterranean Sea.


A US pilot looks for the crashed EgyptAir plane​

There were 66 people on board when the Airbus A320 crashed on 19 May while flying from Paris to Cairo. It vanished from Greek and Egyptian radar screens, apparently without having sent a distress call. There is no word yet from the French authorities about the finding.

Egyptian officials said last week signals from the plane's emergency beacon had been detected but later said they were received on the day of the crash and were not new.

EgyptAir crash: Black box signals heard, Egypt says - BBC News

See also:

Egypt says signals picked up from doomed plane's black boxes
Jun 1,`16 -- Egypt said Wednesday that a French ship has picked up signals from deep under the Mediterranean Sea, presumed to be from black boxes of the EgyptAir plane that crashed last month, killing all 66 passengers and crew on board.
The Civil Aviation Ministry cited a statement from the committee investigating the crash as saying the vessel Laplace was the one that received the signals. It did not say when the signals were detected but the French Navy confirmed the Laplace arrived on Tuesday in the search area. Laplace's equipment picked up the "signals from the seabed of the wreckage search area, assumed to be from one of the data recorders," the statement read. It added that a second ship, John Lethbridge affiliated with the Deep Ocean Search firm, will join the search team later this week. Locator pings emitted by flight data and cockpit voice recorders, known as the black boxes, can be picked up from deep underwater.

The Airbus A320 had been cruising normally in clear skies on a nighttime flight to from Paris to Cairo early on May 19 when it suddenly lurched left, then right, spinning all the way around and plummeting 38,000 feet (11,582.4 meters) into the sea. A distress signal was never issued, EgyptAir has said. Since the crash, small pieces of the wreckage and human remains have been recovered while the bulk of the plane and the bodies of the passengers are believed to be deep under the sea. A Cairo forensic team has received the human remains and is carrying DNA tests to identify the victims. The search has narrowed down to a 5-kilometer (3-mile) area in the Mediterranean.

David Learmount, a consulting editor at the aviation news website Flightglobal, said the black boxes' batteries can transmit signals up to 30 days after the crash. But even if the batteries expire, locating the boxes remains a possibility. "It's terribly important to find the black boxes, because if they don't find them, they will know nothing about the aircraft," he said, citing a 2009 incident when black boxes were found two years after a crash in the Atlantic Ocean. Nearly two weeks after the crash off Egypt's northern coast, the cause of the tragedy still has not been determined.

Egypt's civil aviation minister Sherif Fathi has said he believes terrorism is a more likely explanation than equipment failure or some other catastrophic event. But no hard evidence has emerged on the cause, and no militant group has claimed to have downed the jet. Earlier, leaked flight data indicated a sensor had detected smoke in a lavatory and a fault in two of the plane's cockpit windows in the final moments of the flight. In France, the country's air accident investigation agency or the BEA could not immediately comment on the developments since they have not yet received any "official communication" from Egyptian authorities.

News from The Associated Press
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Egyptair hoax: flightradar real-time datai in archive vs Numerology in illuminati scripts, from Egyptair crash to IS presidential elections 2016
1. Ongoing 9/11 remake: Egyptair is the second launch for the Shanksville remake
2. Egyptair flight 804; Clinton & Trump votes: Examples of Illuminati Numerology: explicit and implicit types
3. Egyptair fake crash: Archived pages as undeniable evidence:
Computers in End Times - why did God allow them?: Egyptair crash flightradar real-time datai in archive vs Numerology in illuminati scripts

BIG BANG Illuminati jokes: Flying Machine, Disappear, Afghan Cave; reduction of illuminati web of disinfo
What "8 US Soldiers Disappear removing 5000 yr old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave: " is about, to whom is it served and what does it illustrate.

BIG BANG Illuminati jokes: Flying Machine, Disappear, Afghan Cave
The joke rearranges these words:
"8 US Soldiers Disappear removing 5000 yr old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave: "
This joke illustrates "news" served only by the illuminati web of disinfo, or in other words, not by any print mass media or TV channels.
Served to an audience ranging from human cattle to naive children previously hammered with aliens by "serious" TV channels such as National Geographic.
Note: National Geographic brainwashing non-stop choldren with aliens in UFOs illustrates a real disappearance: the border between illuminati's "serious" and "alternative" media.

What this illuminati joke is about:
Reminder of Last Prophet's words from March 15 2014:
Biden is played by Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, Obama by an ethnic indonesian with neither black nor white blood.
Forged birth certificate to conceal he's Kenyan is only one among an endless array of "crimes" that Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation will "confess".
Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end with a BIG BANG.
From 4 fake planes in 2001 to to 1 fake plane at Jerusalem.
Obama's very last video as Osama in or near an Afghanistan cave claims the "attack", as explained 2011 by Last Prophet.
What follows Obama Bin Laden's resurrection, crucified to a Boeing 777.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: BIG BANG 2016 for dummies

Why was the joke released Dec 30, 2014:
For explanation see what was launched Dec 28, 2014 and aborted days later at:
Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle
Reminder: relaunched May 18 2016, as "crash of Egyptair flight 804".
Computers in End Times - why did God allow them?: Egyptair crash flightradar real-time datai in archive vs Numerology in illuminati scripts

Videos - views as of Jun 4, 2016
Dec 30, 2014 -536,779 views

Jan 3, 2016 - served again as "breaking news", 911,322 views, 2,015 lies 466 not liked

Aig 2015 - Example of a member of the illuminati web of disinfo propagating the story,
Eight US Soldiers Disappear Removing 5,000 Yr Old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave | Beyond Science

Reduction of illuminati web of disinfo
Final leg of Illumnnati end times: it' always harder to find any stories served only by the illuminati web of disinfo, as its border with mass media continues to be reduced to near zero.

All in Blog
The Web of Disinformation set up by the Illuminati: Flying Machine Disappear Afghan Cave joke
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Egyptian 804 black boxes and failed all out nazi assault on Aleppo
Iilluminati's all out assault on rebel-held Aleppo again failed, despite terror pushed to the utter limits (example ALL hosptitals, including those in the suburbs, bombed several times since May 22).
Jun 16 - finally the act "black boxes found".
This means that illuminati will go for the B-plan, the remake of "MH-17 mistakenly downed by pro-russians in Ukraine" instead of A-plan, the remake of 9/11 Shanksville
In other words: the story will be "Egyptian 804 mistakenly downed by Israel" instead of "brave passengers resist hijack attempt".

Ongoing 9/11 remake: Egyptair is the second launch for the Shanksville remake
Staged 804 days after the first act of the script that will end in Jerusalem with the same airliner that it all started, the missing Boeing 777.
Illuminati Overtime: Jerusalem Osama resurrects 2012 postponed why missing Boeing 777 script reads like chronicle
Damaged Flight 804 black box memory chips flow to Paris for repair...

Black box memory chips from crashed EgyptAir jet flown to France for repair
Tuesday 28th June, 2016: Damaged memory chips from the black boxes of crashed EgyptAir Flight MS804 were flown to France on Monday for repairs, a source on the investigation committee said on Monday.
The EgyptAir Airbus went down into the eastern Mediterranean Sea en route from Paris to Cairo on May 19 and all 66 people on board were killed. Egyptian investigators have been trying for days to repair the memory chips, which would allow them to begin transcribing and analysing the recordings and data in pursuit of insight into what caused the crash.

The investigation committee source said the memory chips were accompanied by investigators to France, where they will remove sea salt deposits from the chips at a lab belonging to France's BEA air accident investigation agency. The chips will be returned to Cairo for analysis once they are repaired.

Debris from the jet has been brought to Cairo airport where investigators will try to reassemble part of the plane's frame in search of additional clues that may help explain crash, the source added.

Black box memory chips from crashed EgyptAir jet flown to France for repair
If the black boxes show the slightest indication of Islamic terrorism they will be sufficiently further damaged as to be totally useless.
EgyptAir Flight 804 data recorder successfully repaired...

Crashed EgyptAir flight data recorder successfully repaired: investigation committee
Mon Jun 27, 2016 - Egypt investigators said on Monday that the flight data recorder of crashed EgyptAir flight MS804 had been successfully repaired, paving the way for investigators to analyze data that may explain why the jet plunged into the Mediterranean last month.
The investigators added in a statement that the doomed plane's cockpit voice recorder would begin to be worked on "within hours" also.


A flight recorder retrieved from the crashed EgyptAir flight MS804​

The recorders arrived in Paris from Cairo on Monday to remove salt deposits. They will be sent back to a laboratory in Cairo to analyze the data once the repairs are completed, the statement added.

Crashed EgyptAir flight data recorder successfully repaired: investigation committee

See also:

France launches manslaughter inquiry into EgyptAir MS804 crash
June 27, 2016 -- French prosecutors have launched a manslaughter investigation into the crash of an EgyptAir jet last month.
The cause of the crash into the Mediterranean Sea on May 19 remains unknown. Although terrorism has not been ruled out, the prosecutor's office said the inquiry was an accident investigation. It has opened the full investigation after a preliminary inquiry.

Flight MS804 from Paris to Cairo crashed in the Mediterranean Sea between Crete and the northern coast of Egypt, killing all 66 people on board. Because 15 French citizens were onboard, France Info reported it was a conventional procedure to investigate.

The two black boxes of the Airbus A320 were found, French authorities said June 17, but investigators have been unable to download any material from the computer chips. They were to be sent to France for repairs, the investigators said.

France launches manslaughter inquiry into EgyptAir MS804 crash
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Are we to assume, given that nothing off was mentioned, that the flight record showed an expected flightpath? ( This isn't really my field of expertise )
Are we to assume, given that nothing off was mentioned, that the flight record showed an expected flightpath? ( This isn't really my field of expertise )
The aircraft started maneuvering off flight path about the time the ACARS reported smoke. I doubt it was a hijacking. Either a bomb/incendiary device or an accidental fire.
So, the French fixed it? They are very good with technology, among many other things.
Egypt, sadly, is not a reliable source concerning EgyptAir crashes. Remember when the Egyptian pilot crashed his aircraft deliberately? Egypt refused to accept that conclusion. Their priority is more about ass-covering.

That decision was based on an assumption. Although it seems a little more believable now since that German pilot killed an airliner full of people here a while back.

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