Egyptian Fatwa: Women who swim in the ocean guilty of adultery


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Good thing the Morsi regime isn't in charge anymore. It's difficult to believe the crazy things these extremist Muslims come up with.

Egyptian Fatwa: Women who swim in the ocean guilty of adultery
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November 29, 20139:29 PM MST

Morsi's police on patrol.
"Standard Sharia Law punishment for adultery for a woman is slowly stoning her to death..."

India Today published on Nov. 28, 2013 that a listing has recently been compiled in Egypt of some of the more puritanical Islamic fatwa's issued during the presidency of now deposed leader Mohamed Morsi.

During Morsi's brief stint as president, the Muslim Brotherhood and the equally violently straight laced Salafists issued blatantly anti-women fatwas on a regular basis.

Arguably leading the list was the fatwa (Islamic religious ruling) issued that noted the Arab word for "sea" is masculine, therefore, if and when sea water comes into contact with a married woman's pelvic area, she literally committed adultery.

According to the fatwa, she becomes an 'adulteress' and should be punished.

The standard Sharia Law punishment for adultery for a woman is slowly stoning her to death.

As India Today reported, "According to the report, the fatwas issued by both groups (the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists) regard women as strange creatures who are created solely for sex. They considered the voices of women, their looks and presence outside the walls of their homes an 'offence'. Some even went as far as to consider women as a whole offensive."

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Egyptian Fatwa Women who swim in the ocean guilty of adultery - Wilmington Conservative
and such an industry was developed for muslim women who wanted to be able to swim and maintain modesty. Lot of people will be out if business if the religious powers had their way. There is not enough muslim unemployment in the world?

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