Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case


Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.

True. However, if a person decides to approach someone holding a shotgun, they should expect that some people might try to protect themselves by grabbing the gun and attempting to subdue the person with the gun.

The physical attack against them was not unprovoked as the presence of a firearm was what provoked the attack.

What? If he was pointing it at me and threatening me, perhaps.

But merely having it, would not provoke me to attack them. If anything it would convince me to talk to the person, as to avoid any confrontation.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

What is an unarmed person to do to protect themselves if someone approaches them with a shotgun? Pretty much the only thing they can do is to lunge at the gun and hit the person in the head.
All cases needed to be reported. But they are not reported or not re[ported in an equal fashion. Accusing of hate crimes by way of sensationalizing them by the Prog media is used to subdue and emasculate one group from another. With all of this, one group moves away from the other in many areas.
bluzman61, what specifically do you dislike about this news article?
It sucks? And it glorifies and excuses the actions of BLACK THUGS. Thank you.
What it is that makes you all see things that aren't there? Where does it glorify ANYTHING?

Something that no one has even mentioned and I found very interesting is that attorney Mark O'Mara who I believe stated Treyvon Martin caused his own death is now representing the family of the 17-year old who was shot and killed while in the commission of a crime, whereas Martin was not engaged in criminal activity when George Zimmerman decided to target him.
I was indicating just last night in a thread regarding the killing of Ahmud Abery in Georgia that Texas is the only state that I'm aware of that allows shooting someone to protect property and then only under a very specific set of circumstances.

Again we find that the shooter in this case originally claimed to have acted in a manner which is contrary to what the law allows. Thank God for that documentation which is as I understand it, heard in the 911 call.

By the way, the attorney representing the family of the 17 year old is the same attorney who represented George Zimmerman in his criminal trial

The family of a black 17-year-old fatally shot in the back by a homeowner during an alleged car break-in in Sanford, Florida, has hired Mark O'Mara, the attorney who represented George Zimmerman, the lawyer said.

Zimmerman shot and killed another 17-year-old, Trayvon Martin, in the same city in 2012. He was acquitted of all charges after claiming self-defense.

In the new case O'Mara has taken, he is representing the family of Adrein Green, who was killed before 2 a.m. Tuesday after, police say, he attempted to burglarize a vehicle in a gated community.

The homeowner was on the phone with a 911 operator reporting a possible home burglary when he fired two shots at Green, which can be heard on the 911 call released by police.

2014: Young black men can get justice, O'Mara says.'Mara says.'Mara says.'Mara says.

2014: Young black men can get justice, O'Mara says. 03:05

Officers found Green unresponsive on a road near the home, police say. They performed CPR, but Green died at the hospital from "an apparent single gunshot wound to his back," Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith said at a news conference.

Evidence at the scene shows Green tried to break into one of the homeowner's vehicles, Smith said.

The homeowner wasn't arrested because he was justified in using deadly force when Green allegedly engaged in a "forcible felony," said Assistant State Attorney Dan Faggard with the 18th Judicial Circuit.

The homeowner told police he feared for his life and for the lives of his wife and baby, Faggard said. Authorities have not publicly identified the homeowner.

Under Florida law, a person can use deadly force if she or he "believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony."

The person using deadly force "does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be," the law states.

O'Mara contested the prosecutor's claim, saying the homeowner says in the 911 call that he fired his weapon to scare Green off of his property.

"They weren't shooting in fear of personal safety," O'Mara told CNN. "In this case, it's pretty clear, in my opinion, you aren't allowed to shoot someone because they are breaking into your car."

The investigation is ongoing, State Attorney Phil Archer's office said in a statement, and once a final determination is made it will be announced publicly.

Florida's stand your ground law was a topic of debate in the Zimmerman case, as well as in the cases of Michael Dunn, who killed Jordan Davis, 17, during a 2012 argument over loud music in Jacksonville, and Michael Drejka, who killed Markeis McGlockton after McGlockton pushed him in a 2018 confrontation over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater.

Like Zimmerman, Dunn forewent a stand your ground defense and argued the shooting was in self-defense. Dunn was convicted of murder, Drejka of manslaughter. Both are in prison.
Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case
No one cares when criminals die. When are you people going to understand that?
Being opposed to shooting people who are running away from a minor crime is not condoning such crime, it is being opposed to a much greater crime.
This was not murder

if you go out onto the night to steal the risk of death is on you

the homeowner has every right to defend his property
Not in FL. You can't use deadly force for property crimes. They don't really care if your stuff gets stolen in FL, the cops will even make you buy it back from them.
Well if in 8 years just one bad actor iof the black race managed to cause himself to be killed in that medium sized town then I would say the punks have behaved well and maybe got the Martin Message

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.

True. However, if a person decides to approach someone holding a shotgun, they should expect that some people might try to protect themselves by grabbing the gun and attempting to subdue the person with the gun.

The physical attack against them was not unprovoked as the presence of a firearm was what provoked the attack.
The burglar approached the man with the shotgun. Why does defending this guy require so many of you to make up obvious lies?

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

What is an unarmed person to do to protect themselves if someone approaches them with a shotgun? Pretty much the only thing they can do is to lunge at the gun and hit the person in the head.

Lesson here is that you redirect the barrel first. Side step it and get closer to the attacker than the gun barrel or knock it aside and then take it away. Some situations you turn it in on the gunman, himself. Turning back against the fingers is not nearly as effective as turning the gun in toward the inside of the arm/open end of the fingers. When you get the gun, get the hell away, fast. don't wait for him to take it back from you. And, then, when you're well out of reach you evaluate your next steps.
The homeowner will be charged with ‘manslaughter’ and convicted – joining Michael Drejka in prison.

In essence, the courts have rendered SYG moot in Florida, unless one is in physical contact with his attacker, as was the case with George Zimmerman.
"They weren't shooting in fear of personal safety," O'Mara told CNN. "In this case, it's pretty clear, in my opinion, you aren't allowed to shoot someone because they are breaking into your car."

Well, that depends. What if I need my car for an emergency situation at the moment? What if we're hundreds of miles from civilization and not having a car means I'm stranded in the middle of no where? Am I required to confront the thief and use training I don't have to get him away from my car? Seems safer to just fire the gun.

Now, this happend in Flordia so I doubt my examples apply here. But O'Mara's statement can't possibly be true in every situation.
Then as we saw with the Michael Drejka/Markeis McGlockton case, you’ll be charged with ‘manslaughter’ and convicted.
bluzman61, what specifically do you dislike about this news article?
It sucks? And it glorifies and excuses the actions of BLACK THUGS. Thank you.
What it is that makes you all see things that aren't there? Where does it glorify ANYTHING?

Something that no one has even mentioned and I found very interesting is that attorney Mark O'Mara who I believe stated Treyvon Martin caused his own death is now representing the family of the 17-year old who was shot and killed while in the commission of a crime, whereas Martin was not engaged in criminal activity when George Zimmerman decided to target him.
Do you know why Trayvon Martin was in Sanford?
If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.
The first thing you should do is to take MMA or other martial arts classes.
With all due respect, Levant...martial arts don't do shit when someone's pointing a shotgun at you. Thinking that it will is laughable and that's coming from someone who studied karate for many years. The first thing you should do is whatever it is the person with the shotgun TELLS you to do!
The homeowner will be charged with ‘manslaughter’ and convicted – joining Michael Drejka in prison.
In essence, the courts have rendered SYG moot in Florida, unless one is in physical contact with his attacker, as was the case with George Zimmerman.
How can you be SO ignorant of the fact the Zimmerman cases did not involve SYG?
Oh... wait.... never mind.
If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.
The first thing you should do is to take MMA or other martial arts classes.
With all due respect, Levant...martial arts don't do shit when someone's pointing a shotgun at you. Thinking that it will is laughable and that's coming from someone who studied karate for many years. The first thing you should do is whatever it is the person with the shotgun TELLS you to do!

I already said, the best option when someone points a gun at you is compliance. But if you think they're going to kill you anyway, are you suggesting that the victim just accept it? If the person with the shotgun tells you to get on your knees and prepare to die, you're recommending that they get on their knees and prepare to die? You clearly haven't studied martial arts or the right martial arts.

It's a split second to turn the barrel of a gun away from you; in fact, redirecting the barrel is easier to do with a long-gun than a handgun; there's more leverage. There's a pretty good chance I'll have the barrel of your shotgun pointed under your chin by the time you can pull the trigger. One thing I'll never do is grab the gun when it's pointed at me. Then, of course, you have to know what to do next, and, hopefully, have practiced enough so that it's muscle memory rather than guessing, but it's not hard to take a gun away from idiots or even from most others. When your choice is death or fight, go down fighting.

Well trained martial artists or others will know how the gun can be taken and will hold or carry their gun in ways to minimize the risk. But, even then, there's enough of a chance to make it worth trying. In almost all scenarios where you're disarming an armed person, you're taking advantage of the fact that they didn't shoot you right off; they paused. Unless you can escape in the moment when they paused, you better use the opportunity to try to save yourself.

The surest way to keep your gun from being taken from you is to not pull it until you are going to use it and then, when you do pull it, use it. Dead men can't disarm you. If you aren't willing, ready, and justified, to kill someone, leave your gun out of the equation.
I was indicating just last night in a thread regarding the killing of Ahmud Abery in Georgia that Texas is the only state that I'm aware of that allows shooting someone to protect property and then only under a very specific set of circumstances.

Again we find that the shooter in this case originally claimed to have acted in a manner which is contrary to what the law allows. Thank God for that documentation which is as I understand it, heard in the 911 call.

By the way, the attorney representing the family of the 17 year old is the same attorney who represented George Zimmerman in his criminal trial

The family of a black 17-year-old fatally shot in the back by a homeowner during an alleged car break-in in Sanford, Florida, has hired Mark O'Mara, the attorney who represented George Zimmerman, the lawyer said.

Zimmerman shot and killed another 17-year-old, Trayvon Martin, in the same city in 2012. He was acquitted of all charges after claiming self-defense.

In the new case O'Mara has taken, he is representing the family of Adrein Green, who was killed before 2 a.m. Tuesday after, police say, he attempted to burglarize a vehicle in a gated community.

The homeowner was on the phone with a 911 operator reporting a possible home burglary when he fired two shots at Green, which can be heard on the 911 call released by police.

2014: Young black men can get justice, O'Mara says.'Mara says.

2014: Young black men can get justice, O'Mara says. 03:05

Officers found Green unresponsive on a road near the home, police say. They performed CPR, but Green died at the hospital from "an apparent single gunshot wound to his back," Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith said at a news conference.

Evidence at the scene shows Green tried to break into one of the homeowner's vehicles, Smith said.

The homeowner wasn't arrested because he was justified in using deadly force when Green allegedly engaged in a "forcible felony," said Assistant State Attorney Dan Faggard with the 18th Judicial Circuit.

The homeowner told police he feared for his life and for the lives of his wife and baby, Faggard said. Authorities have not publicly identified the homeowner.

Under Florida law, a person can use deadly force if she or he "believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony."

The person using deadly force "does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be," the law states.

O'Mara contested the prosecutor's claim, saying the homeowner says in the 911 call that he fired his weapon to scare Green off of his property.

"They weren't shooting in fear of personal safety," O'Mara told CNN. "In this case, it's pretty clear, in my opinion, you aren't allowed to shoot someone because they are breaking into your car."

The investigation is ongoing, State Attorney Phil Archer's office said in a statement, and once a final determination is made it will be announced publicly.

Florida's stand your ground law was a topic of debate in the Zimmerman case, as well as in the cases of Michael Dunn, who killed Jordan Davis, 17, during a 2012 argument over loud music in Jacksonville, and Michael Drejka, who killed Markeis McGlockton after McGlockton pushed him in a 2018 confrontation over a handicapped parking space in Clearwater.

Like Zimmerman, Dunn forewent a stand your ground defense and argued the shooting was in self-defense. Dunn was convicted of murder, Drejka of manslaughter. Both are in prison.
Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case
Another dead thug criminal. Hopefully the man isn't charged, he shouldn't be he was defending his property and family. Oh and no Texas is not the only state with stand your ground laws.
If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.
The first thing you should do is to take MMA or other martial arts classes.
With all due respect, Levant...martial arts don't do shit when someone's pointing a shotgun at you. Thinking that it will is laughable and that's coming from someone who studied karate for many years. The first thing you should do is whatever it is the person with the shotgun TELLS you to do!

I already said, the best option when someone points a gun at you is compliance. But if you think they're going to kill you anyway, are you suggesting that the victim just accept it? If the person with the shotgun tells you to get on your knees and prepare to die, you're recommending that they get on their knees and prepare to die? You clearly haven't studied martial arts or the right martial arts.

It's a split second to turn the barrel of a gun away from you; in fact, redirecting the barrel is easier to do with a long-gun than a handgun; there's more leverage. There's a pretty good chance I'll have the barrel of your shotgun pointed under your chin by the time you can pull the trigger. One thing I'll never do is grab the gun when it's pointed at me. Then, of course, you have to know what to do next, and, hopefully, have practiced enough so that it's muscle memory rather than guessing, but it's not hard to take a gun away from idiots or even from most others. When your choice is death or fight, go down fighting.

Well trained martial artists or others will know how the gun can be taken and will hold or carry their gun in ways to minimize the risk. But, even then, there's enough of a chance to make it worth trying. In almost all scenarios where you're disarming an armed person, you're taking advantage of the fact that they didn't shoot you right off; they paused. Unless you can escape in the moment when they paused, you better use the opportunity to try to save yourself.

The surest way to keep your gun from being taken from you is to not pull it until you are going to use it and then, when you do pull it, use it. Dead men can't disarm you. If you aren't willing, ready, and justified, to kill someone, leave your gun out of the equation.
With all due respect...if someone with a shotgun lets you get close enough to "turn the barrel" then they're an idiot! If someone has a gun of any kind I'm talking my way out of the situation...I'm not trying to disarm them!
As for what I studied? That would be Tae Kwon Do and Chinese Kenpo. I took 3rd place at the J Park East Coast Nationals men's lightweight division Kumite.
Its been 17 years already?

my how time flies

obama’s son, aka dear sweet little Trayvon, would be 34 now and likely serving a long jail term for some offense against society

oh well
With all due respect...if someone with a shotgun lets you get close enough to "turn the barrel" then they're an idiot! If someone has a gun of any kind I'm talking my way out of the situation...I'm not trying to disarm them!
As for what I studied? That would be Tae Kwon Do and Chinese Kenpo. I took 3rd place at the J Park East Coast Nationals men's lightweight division Kumite.

Has anyone suggested that the McMichaels weren't idiots? They clearly are idiots. The guy they shot did get close enough to grab the shotgun and wrestle with it. He just didn't have the training to know how to do it right. You lose.

*edit:*And didn't I say that don't pull your gun until you need it and then, when you pull it, use it? */edit*

How can you be sure you can whine and grovel your way out of every situation? A quick Bing search on victim complies and is shot anyway yields 3.8 million results. The first few results are linked below but I can post all year long and never run out of stories of people who complied and still got shot.




I studied Japanese Kenpo first and then later switched to Tae Kwon Do. If your instructors aren't giving you what you need to defend yourself, I'd suggest MMA next for you. I haven't gone the MMA route because my instructors did teach me to defend myself.
Being opposed to shooting people who are running away from a minor crime is not condoning such crime, it is being opposed to a much greater crime.
Of course, there are those who seem to favor "sharia"-type punishment for crimes that civilized countries deal with more humanely.
With all due respect...if someone with a shotgun lets you get close enough to "turn the barrel" then they're an idiot! If someone has a gun of any kind I'm talking my way out of the situation...I'm not trying to disarm them!
As for what I studied? That would be Tae Kwon Do and Chinese Kenpo. I took 3rd place at the J Park East Coast Nationals men's lightweight division Kumite.

Has anyone suggested that the McMichaels weren't idiots? They clearly are idiots. The guy they shot did get close enough to grab the shotgun and wrestle with it. He just didn't have the training to know how to do it right. You lose.

*edit:*And didn't I say that don't pull your gun until you need it and then, when you pull it, use it? */edit*

How can you be sure you can whine and grovel your way out of every situation? A quick Bing search on victim complies and is shot anyway yields 3.8 million results. The first few results are linked below but I can post all year long and never run out of stories of people who complied and still got shot.




I studied Japanese Kenpo first and then later switched to Tae Kwon Do. If your instructors aren't giving you what you need to defend yourself, I'd suggest MMA next for you. I haven't gone the MMA route because my instructors did teach me to defend myself.
If your instructors are teaching you to try and disarm someone who's holding a gun on you then they need to find another line of work! My instructor was Larry Kelly, one of the best Karate fighters in the country back then. He didn't teach his students to be morons. Karate doesn't make you bullet proof. If someone pulls a gun on you...the only sane response is to be non confrontational. Please don't tell people they need to resist someone with a weapon. It's foolhardy and will get people hurt needlessly!

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