Einstein of climate

Robert W

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Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Listen carefully. Please listen to him Engineer person. Talks about climate all the time here. We have more than one engineer. Both should evaluate the man I speak of Dr. Richard Lindzen. I will point out he actually understands climate. We have some who think Climate is temperature. They talk a lot about temperatures here or there. Climate has at least 6 factors. Some say more.

He hits on the factors.

Listen carefully. Please listen to him Engineer person. Talks about climate all the time here. We have more than one engineer. Both should evaluate the man I speak of Dr. Richard Lindzen. I will point out he actually understands climate. We have some who think Climate is temperature. They talk a lot about temperatures here or there. Climate has at least 6 factors. Some say more.

He hits on the factors.

Biggest US coal company funded dozens of groups questioning climate change​

Peabody Energy, America’s biggest coalmining company, has funded at least two dozen groups that cast doubt on manmade climate change and oppose environment regulations, analysis by the Guardian reveals.

The funding spanned trade associations, corporate lobby groups, and industry front groups as well as conservative thinktanks and was exposed in court filings last month.

Peabody, the world’s biggest private sector publicly traded coal company, was long known as an outlier even among fossil fuel companies for its public rejection of climate science and action. But its funding of climate denial groups was only exposed in disclosures after the coal titan was forced to seek bankruptcy protection in April, under competition from cheap natural gas.

Among Peabody’s beneficiaries, the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change has insisted – wrongly – that carbon emissions are not a threat but “the elixir of life” while the American Legislative Exchange Council is trying to overturn Environmental Protection Agency rules cutting emissions from power plants. Meanwhile, Americans for Prosperity campaigns against carbon pricing. The Oklahoma chapter was on the list.

Contrarian scientists such as Richard Lindzen and Willie Soon also feature on the bankruptcy list.

Biggest US coal company funded dozens of groups questioning climate change​

Peabody Energy, America’s biggest coalmining company, has funded at least two dozen groups that cast doubt on manmade climate change and oppose environment regulations, analysis by the Guardian reveals.

The funding spanned trade associations, corporate lobby groups, and industry front groups as well as conservative thinktanks and was exposed in court filings last month.

Peabody, the world’s biggest private sector publicly traded coal company, was long known as an outlier even among fossil fuel companies for its public rejection of climate science and action. But its funding of climate denial groups was only exposed in disclosures after the coal titan was forced to seek bankruptcy protection in April, under competition from cheap natural gas.

Among Peabody’s beneficiaries, the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change has insisted – wrongly – that carbon emissions are not a threat but “the elixir of life” while the American Legislative Exchange Council is trying to overturn Environmental Protection Agency rules cutting emissions from power plants. Meanwhile, Americans for Prosperity campaigns against carbon pricing. The Oklahoma chapter was on the list.
The one guaranteed fact is that you did not watch the video .
Your response would not have been so random and misdirected if you had .
Listen carefully. Please listen to him Engineer person. Talks about climate all the time here. We have more than one engineer. Both should evaluate the man I speak of Dr. Richard Lindzen. I will point out he actually understands climate. We have some who think Climate is temperature. They talk a lot about temperatures here or there. Climate has at least 6 factors. Some say more.

He hits on the factors.

So, you're calling Richard Lindzen "The Einstein of Climate"? I think you ought to read a little more about the man and his activities. Lindzen absolutely swamps Einstein in several categories: antique, long-refuted talking points, outright lies and a lifetime spent funded by and fully supporting the oil industry.

So, you're calling Richard Lindzen "The Einstein of Climate"? I think you ought to read a little more about the man and his activities. Lindzen absolutely swamps Einstein in several categories: antique, long-refuted talking points, outright lies and a lifetime spent funded by and fully supporting the oil industry.

Crick, you tell us you are an engineer. Just what engineering field are you working at, or if retired, did work at? I worked with engineers a lot when I owned a machine shop and they are not normally involved in climate. Yes because Lindzen treats climate as a whole. He discusses what influences climate. He is not pleased that others confine it to one issue, Carbon Dioxide. As I point out, there is such a tiny amount you can just forget it. Do you know the 6 or more factors that influence climate?

Biggest US coal company funded dozens of groups questioning climate change​

Peabody Energy, America’s biggest coalmining company, has funded at least two dozen groups that cast doubt on manmade climate change and oppose environment regulations, analysis by the Guardian reveals.

The funding spanned trade associations, corporate lobby groups, and industry front groups as well as conservative thinktanks and was exposed in court filings last month.

Peabody, the world’s biggest private sector publicly traded coal company, was long known as an outlier even among fossil fuel companies for its public rejection of climate science and action. But its funding of climate denial groups was only exposed in disclosures after the coal titan was forced to seek bankruptcy protection in April, under competition from cheap natural gas.

Among Peabody’s beneficiaries, the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change has insisted – wrongly – that carbon emissions are not a threat but “the elixir of life” while the American Legislative Exchange Council is trying to overturn Environmental Protection Agency rules cutting emissions from power plants. Meanwhile, Americans for Prosperity campaigns against carbon pricing. The Oklahoma chapter was on the list.

Contrarian scientists such as Richard Lindzen and Willie Soon also feature on the bankruptcy list.
The feds have vast sums of money and have tried under some presidents to jam this expensive so called cure up our asses. Give me a coal company who can match funds against the Fed Government and we can discuss them then.
The feds have vast sums of money and have tried under some presidents to jam this expensive so called cure up our asses. Give me a coal company who can match funds against the Fed Government and we can discuss them then.
In other words, you will ignore anything that doesn't fit your talking points? Got it. I would not expect anything else from retards.

Thanks for being consistent.
The one guaranteed fact is that you did not watch the video .
Your response would not have been so random and misdirected if you had .
A video from a company shill promoting what he is paid to do? Why would I?
The feds have vast sums of money and have tried under some presidents to jam this expensive so called cure up our asses.
What presidents have done what Robert?
Give me a coal company who can match funds against the Fed Government and we can discuss them then.
Do you really think its okay for a person, an organization, a company or a corporation to intentionally lie to the public about a real threat to their well-being simply to continue to profit from the process creating that threat? Would you be okay with food companies lying about toxins and carcinogens in their products? Would you be okay with companies making dangerous toys for small children and lying about the risk they present? Would you be okay with a builder using lead paint, asbestos and radium-containing materials in homes and then lying about it? Why do you think its okay for the oil companies to do the exact same thing?
In other words, you will ignore anything that doesn't fit your talking points? Got it. I would not expect anything else from retards.

Thanks for being consistent.
Well, how about that. It is as if you read my mind about you.
Wind speed
Wind direction

There ... I saved you 36'12" ... you're welcome ...
Causes such as mountains, clouds, oceans, lakes, spin of earth, slow speed of earth at the poles compared to at the equator and such create climate. I am illustrating why your words are truth by saying the causes.
Man has never "managed" the climate.
And he probably never will be able to. What you want done is a flop, waste of money, time and effort.
Clouds may be seeded to induce them to precipitate. Clouds get made every day by jet contrails and I imagine it would be fairly simple - but expensive - to make a full-up cloud.

So, what do you think you're demonstrating with these questions? That man could not be causing the planet to warm? Just since 1965, humans have burned the equivalent of 137 trillion, 455 billion, 500 million cubic feet of natural gas in coal, natural gas and petroleum liquids. A trillion here, a trillion there and eventually you're talking about some significant effects.
As a pilot yes I understand Contrails. But they vanish very fast. Clouds are a major factor about Climate. Seeding as I researched this is not so well understood as to produce reliable results. It is good to seed them hoping for precipitation.
So, you're calling Richard Lindzen "The Einstein of Climate"? I think you ought to read a little more about the man and his activities. Lindzen absolutely swamps Einstein in several categories: antique, long-refuted talking points, outright lies and a lifetime spent funded by and fully supporting the oil industry.
Will you stand up to be attacked as you attack scientists? I communicated with him and asked him those questions you bring up. As to him collecting fees from some oil firm, he says he did not. He told me his income was 100 percent from MIT. Somebody spread false rumors that you believe.
What presidents have done what Robert?
Obama and Biden have waged war on Oil. And claimed it is not being replenished by Earth. Clinton I don't recall going against oil this way.
Do you really think its okay for a person, an organization, a company or a corporation to intentionally lie to the public about a real threat to their well-being simply to continue to profit from the process creating that threat? Would you be okay with food companies lying about toxins and carcinogens in their products? Would you be okay with companies making dangerous toys for small children and lying about the risk they present? Would you be okay with a builder using lead paint, asbestos and radium-containing materials in homes and then lying about it? Why do you think its okay for the oil companies to do the exact same thing?
No and I want the Government to stop lying to us about Climate. There is no real threat.
The Feds profit and you seem happy about that. To your diversions, I am not in favor of companies lying or for the Feds to lie to us. But the Feds are damned near unstoppable.
I am not in favor of oil firms lying either. That is a strange question since I fight lying.
Read my link. I even helpfully highlighted the relevant piece. You do know how to read, right? If not, maybe someone can read it aloud for you. Good luck.
I talked to Dr. Lindzen and know the truth. Fuck those liars who lie about him.

I have also hired men like him when I was in management in Construction. My firm was not in cahoots with oil firms. We simply needed the same as oil firms get and that was professional help from a doctor in the same field. We were using Drilling mud. So do oil firms.
I talked to Dr. Lindzen and know the truth. Fuck those liars who lie about him.

I have also hired men like him when I was in management in Construction. My firm was not in cahoots with oil firms. We simply needed the same as oil firms get and that was professional help from a doctor in the same field. We were using Drilling mud. So do oil firms.
When I was an engineer-in-training on Sedco 707 in the North Sea, I used to mix mud. What did you use it for?

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