Einstein of climate

Causes such as mountains, clouds, oceans, lakes, spin of earth, slow speed of earth at the poles compared to at the equator and such create climate. I am illustrating why your words are truth by saying the causes.

The cause starts with the large scale circulation ... the equator receives more solar energy than the poles ... therefore energy flows by convection, the hot air is moved to where it's cold ... and vice versa ... all the turbulence in between is what we call weather ... and the averages of all that turbulence is climate ...

When I was an engineer-in-training on Sedco 707 in the North Sea, I used to mix mud. What did you use it for?
We were constructing a rectangle underground building in effect. It was 93 feet deep in San Francisco as I recall. We were using drilling mud by the thousands of gallons all day long. We ran two shifts and had men mixing mud even the rest of the night. We had a huge tank on site to put the mixed mud into. I recall the tank was probably 40 feet or more in diameter and about 30 feet tall or so. This was long ago. I did not measure the tank. We knew the gallons at the time. The mud was needed to keep water out of the dig we were digging. And so long as the mud had the proper Ph value it worked. I also measured the density of the mud. That was an important factor. Drilling oil wells uses the same technology so we copied theirs.

Now the dig was a rectangle trench and was about 24 feet wide and 48 feet long. The trench dug was 4 feet wide going around the rectangle above.
We were constructing a rectangle underground building in effect. It was 93 feet deep in San Francisco as I recall. We were using drilling mud by the thousands of gallons all day long. We ran two shifts and had men mixing mud even the rest of the night. We had a huge tank on site to put the mixed mud into. I recall the tank was probably 40 feet or more in diameter and about 30 feet tall or so. This was long ago. I did not measure the tank. We knew the gallons at the time. The mud was needed to keep water out of the dig we were digging. And so long as the mud had the proper Ph value it worked. I also measured the density of the mud. That was an important factor. Drilling oil wells uses the same technology so we copied theirs.

Now the dig was a rectangle trench and was about 24 feet wide and 48 feet long. The trench dug was 4 feet wide going around the rectangle above.
The cause starts with the large scale circulation ... the equator receives more solar energy than the poles ... therefore energy flows by convection, the hot air is moved to where it's cold ... and vice versa ... all the turbulence in between is what we call weather ... and the averages of all that turbulence is climate ...

Climate also includes as I am sure you understand when winds are not moving and there is no precipitation.
Climate also includes as I am sure you understand when winds are not moving and there is no precipitation.

When is average weather have zero winds? ... if there's no precipitation then likely winds are downward ... like at the poles ... where winds are upwards, we see profuse rainfall, like along the equator ... if air is rising at the equator, it has to fall someplace, and that's where we find deserts ...
When is average weather have zero winds? ... if there's no precipitation then likely winds are downward ... like at the poles ... where winds are upwards, we see profuse rainfall, like along the equator ... if air is rising at the equator, it has to fall someplace, and that's where we find deserts ...
I would say Average had that been my intention. I was saying that winds are very still for periods of time but that is also part of climate.
I talked to Dr. Lindzen and know the truth. Fuck those liars who lie about him.

I have also hired men like him when I was in management in Construction. My firm was not in cahoots with oil firms. We simply needed the same as oil firms get and that was professional help from a doctor in the same field. We were using Drilling mud. So do oil firms.
LOL So, even though there are facts proving that he received money for propagating the company line, you are ok with it?

And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
LOL So, even though there are facts proving that he received money for propagating the company line, you are ok with it?

And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
Watch him explain. First the article he wrote for CATO was well before Al Gore. And his payment by CATO was $200. CATO got funds from EXON but not Dr. Lindzen.
LOL So, even though there are facts proving that he received money for propagating the company line, you are ok with it?

And you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
You retards refuse to study this thing called climate. It is politicians' you listen to. And they are as retarded as you are.

If a person claims to study climate impacts on diabetes, he get funded for climate science.
Watch him explain. First the article he wrote for CATO was well before Al Gore. And his payment by CATO was $200. CATO got funds from EXON but not Dr. Lindzen.

Watch a paid shill trying to push his master's lies? No wonder you guys are the modern Nazi party. You are a Goebbels kind of guy, eh? :itsok:
Watch a paid shill trying to push his master's lies? No wonder you guys are the modern Nazi party. You are a Goebbels kind of guy, eh? :itsok:
I hate talking this way but you are a real shit bag. I don't need your shit at all.
The reports we read are done by politicians.
I don't know what reports you read. I am talking about the assessment reports of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They are produced by scientists assessing the work of other scientists, not politicians. That and other published, peer-reviewed studies on various facets of climate have been my consistent source here. I do not use politicans as sources on science matters in this forum or anywhere else.
I don't know what reports you read. I am talking about the assessment reports of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They are produced by scientists assessing the work of other scientists, not politicians. That and other published, peer-reviewed studies on various facets of climate have been my consistent source here. I do not use politicans as sources on science matters in this forum or anywhere else.
Are you too scared to learn more on this topic?
The IPCC's assessment reports are not the work of politicians.

The United Nations isn't political ??? ...


See where the report says "Summary for Policymakers" ... when you get to Middle School, you'll learn who a "policymaker" is ...
I don't know what reports you read. I am talking about the assessment reports of the Integovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They are produced by scientists assessing the work of other scientists, not politicians. That and other published, peer-reviewed studies on various facets of climate have been my consistent source here. I do not use politicans as sources on science matters in this forum or anywhere else.

Is that why the writers are identified by country, rather than scientific institute? ... "The IPCC does not conduct its own research, run models or make measurements of climate or weather phenomena." {Link}

Way to go Einstein ...
I would say Average had that been my intention. I was saying that winds are very still for periods of time but that is also part of climate.

Climate is average ... if that's not your intent, then you're talking about weather ... not climate ... why I posted the average wind map ... to show that, on average, all parts of the atmosphere below 180 mb is moving ... and convecting energy ...

Energy flow is what people get wrong ... and a non-trivial amount of energy is used to evaporate water ... humidity ... what we don't know yet is how much energy ... both evaporation and precipitation occur without a change in temperature ... put a thermometer in a boiling pot of water ... see, fire underneath and no change in temperature ... just steam evolving off the top ...
So, you're calling Richard Lindzen "The Einstein of Climate"? I think you ought to read a little more about the man and his activities. Lindzen absolutely swamps Einstein in several categories: antique, long-refuted talking points, outright lies and a lifetime spent funded by and fully supporting the oil industry.

For once in your life, stop being a dick and watch the video.

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