Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones

Screw you guys and your guns... I've got one hell of a sling shot, and I am bad ass with a boomerang.

I hear ya. Even though you might have enough bullets to last for several years, eventually your gunpowder will run out. Me personally? Give me a decent quality crossbow any day of the week.

That, or a compound bow with aluminum arrows.

Thing about gun powder is, I saw a show where you can take charcoal and mix it with salt peter and sulfur. Those aren't things that are all that hard to get.

Funny thing about salt peter, it is supposed to keep guys from getting a hard on (rumor), and everyone at boot camp would spread rumors they put it in the salt in the mess hall. I heard it was false, but who knows.

Getting the raw ingredients to make the gunpowder isn't the problem. Being able to successfully combine those ingredients SAFELY into gunpowder is where the problem lies. Unless you know what you are doing, you can end up blowing yourself all to hell.

That's why when the end comes, I'm gonna go ransack an outdoor shop and get some bows, arrows, crossbows and bolts. The only thing you have to worry about with them is keeping track of them and not bending or breaking them.
Funny how this thread strayed from the real problem which is that it did not take an extinction scale event to throw entire countries back into the sticks and stones defense against an attack by an enemy who is in fact engaged in a global war. All it took was left wing idiotology that tells people in these countries that they don't need a gun to defend themselves.They even go so far and tell their citizens that defending yourself is "taking the law into your own hands". You are supposed to hide and cower till the police arrive...which is on many occasions long after the perpetrator(s) have accomplished their objective.
It is unthinkable for a store owner to shoot an armed robber in Germany because there is no way he is allowed to use a "weapon" and the definition of what qualifies as a weapon has been extended way beyond what people in countries like the US consider a weapon.
I would not be surprised if that knife wielding attacker (see video @ post#1) gets a $$$ettlement for the injuries he "suffered" just like that Omar Khadr bastard who got millions from the liberal Canadian Government because his rights "had been violated"

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