Elanor Clift: "Ambassador Stevens Died Of Smoke Inhilation"


Guess she dismisses who caused it...and why?

Progressives go to new depths to protect Obama/Hillary and their fuck up.

Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift - 'Ambassador Stevens wasn't 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation.'

Ambassador Stevens was murdered and raped and sodomized and dragged through the streets.

Smoke inhalation would have been a mercy.

U.S. news accounts reported that Ambassador Stevens was not raped and killed by members of that mob, as claimed above: he was alive when brought to a hospital, he bore no external injuries, and he died of smoke inhalation from the fire started in the attack on the consulate:
Read more at snopes.com: American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed
" what difference does it make at this point " " Benghazi happened long ago "

Obama was more concerned about picking up some cash in sin city than he was about the untimely killings of 4, white American heroes.

Who decided to blame it on the video? Hint: I came from above Hillary! Who is above the secretary of state :uhoh3: :eek: fucking Obama :eusa_hand: This is a matter of simple deductive reasoning. That is what you liberals don't get: There is already a popular indictment on the Obama administration. The select committee will catalog it with the facts indelibly, and you liberals will capitulate; run from Obama/Hillary, or face political suicide! :badgrin:
So ...according to "smart?" democrats, persons who die as a result of the crime of arson aren't really murder victims because they die of smoke inhalation. You really gotta wonder about the mental competence of the radical left.
"Stevens Died Of Smoke Inhilation"

Maybe that's why Obabble called 911 instead of the US military.
U.S. news accounts reported that Ambassador Stevens was not raped and killed by members of that mob, as claimed above: he was alive when brought to a hospital, he bore no external injuries, and he died of smoke inhalation from the fire started in the attack on the consulate:
Read more at snopes.com: American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed

LOL, what a dipshit.


Ziad Abu Zeid told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Stevens was brought to the Benghazi Medical Center by Libyans the night before, with no other Americans and that initially no one realized he was the ambassador.

Abu Zeid said Stevens had "severe asphyxia," apparently from smoke inhalation, causing stomach bleeding, but had no other injuries.

I remember hearing it shortly after the terrorist attack; nothing new here except more anger from the perpetually angry.

Guess she dismisses who caused it...and why?

Progressives go to new depths to protect Obama/Hillary and their fuck up.

Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift - 'Ambassador Stevens wasn't 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation.'

Quick, everyone, circle the wagons around Hillary!

We often marvel at progressives' preternatural ability to deny, warp, and bend reality to support whatever inane narrative they're pushing. They're masters of willful ignorance and the examples are boundless, but - just when you think you've heard it all - someone pipes up and leaves you utterly gob smacked.
According to the Daily Beast's left-wing political columnist (and longtime Hillary Clinton sycophant) Eleanor Clift, "Ambassador Stevens was not 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation."

Yep, she really said that. Smoke Inhalation. Of course, she neglects to mention that Stevens was inhaling all that smoke because a bunch of Islamic militants set the building on fire. That's a bit like throwing someone off the Empire State Building and claiming they weren't "murdered" - instead, they died as a result of injuries sustained in a sudden, unforeseen, collision with pavement.

If that wasn't bad enough, she's still trying to blame the YouTube video as the catalyst for ...I don't know what. The smoke I guess. She also thinks that everyone should leave Hillary Clinton alone in favor of pointing the finger of blame at David Petraeus. In other words; progs like Clift are willing to do or say anything, no matter how ridiculous, in order to protect the presumtive 2016 Democrat nominee.
Someone has to set the record straight after the lies the scum on the Right have been spreading about Stevens' death, including fake photos!



You DO know that's NOT Chris Stevens, right?
This isn't about pictures, tea party, Democrat's or Republicans, its about the truth and the liberal progressive pukes decision to justify telling another lie for the sake of their twisted ineffective agenda, politics! Hard to face is it not, your divine leader and his cadre of sheep are a pathetic example of the cancer that's eating this country up..
Yup...Libs are saying nobody did anything to the guy.
He just happend to inhale a bit too much smoke.
Since Republicans didn't bother to launch one single investigation into why Republicans sent our troops into Iraq without the right armor for their vehicles despite the intelligence that said roadside bombs would be a tactic used against them, their blather about Benghazi rings hollow.
Ambassador Stevens was murdered and raped and sodomized and dragged through the streets.

Smoke inhalation would have been a mercy.

U.S. news accounts reported that Ambassador Stevens was not raped and killed by members of that mob, as claimed above: he was alive when brought to a hospital, he bore no external injuries, and he died of smoke inhalation from the fire started in the attack on the consulate:
Read more at snopes.com: American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed
" what difference does it make at this point " " Benghazi happened long ago "

Obama was more concerned about picking up some cash in sin city than he was about the untimely killings of 4, white American heroes.

Who decided to blame it on the video? Hint: I came from above Hillary! Who is above the secretary of state :uhoh3: :eek: fucking Obama :eusa_hand: This is a matter of simple deductive reasoning. That is what you liberals don't get: There is already a popular indictment on the Obama administration. The select committee will catalog it with the facts indelibly, and you liberals will capitulate; run from Obama/Hillary, or face political suicide! :badgrin:

The thing is that is just as stupid as saying the Ambassador was not murdered in a terrorist attack.

Guess she dismisses who caused it...and why?

Progressives go to new depths to protect Obama/Hillary and their fuck up.

Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift - 'Ambassador Stevens wasn't 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation.'
Someone has to set the record straight after the lies the scum on the Right have been spreading about Stevens' death, including fake photos!



You DO know that's NOT Chris Stevens, right?
Yes I know it is a fake picture, but the :asshole: Mrs T says that the photo being fake has been debunked. :eusa_liar: I have been trying to get the douche to back their shit up, but the scum bag has cut and run.

Guess she dismisses who caused it...and why?

Progressives go to new depths to protect Obama/Hillary and their fuck up.

Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift - 'Ambassador Stevens wasn't 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation.'

Ambassador Stevens was murdered and raped and sodomized and dragged through the streets.

Smoke inhalation would have been a mercy.

U.S. news accounts reported that Ambassador Stevens was not raped and killed by members of that mob, as claimed above: he was alive when brought to a hospital, he bore no external injuries, and he died of smoke inhalation from the fire started in the attack on the consulate:
Read more at snopes.com: American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed
They don't know their Stevens from their Gaddafi.
Saw that on the McGlaughlin Group. He wasn't murdered, he died of smoke inhalation. There are a few death row inmates that will be delighted to hear that.

God the woman's an idiot!

That's like saying JFK was killed in a car accident.
Geesh! [Not my reaction] I saw this clip – can't remember where – and literally yelled at the boob tube about her total ignorance. How can ANYONE make a statement like that? Is she so brain dead that she ignored the numerous reports of his being tortured and his body desecrated? :mad:
Geesh! [Not my reaction] I saw this clip – can't remember where – and literally yelled at the boob tube about her total ignorance. How can ANYONE make a statement like that? Is she so brain dead that she ignored the numerous reports of his being tortured and his body desecrated? :mad:

The thing that you have to remember about these Nazis - they will say (and do) ANYTHING to make certain that the MSM carries THEIR line and ONLY their line. She puts it out there (like some idiot) that Stevens died from smoke inhalation and that's what CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC will report because, after all, it came from a Nazi and the truth be damned.

It advances their agenda - and remember, the end ALWAYS justifies the means in their warped little Nazi minds.
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Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain or smoke inhalation he died from the attack.

It really is just that simple.
This is beyond distasteful to even throw this media spin point out there. It's unreal.

Guess she dismisses who caused it...and why?

Progressives go to new depths to protect Obama/Hillary and their fuck up.

Liberal columnist Eleanor Clift - 'Ambassador Stevens wasn't 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation.'

Quick, everyone, circle the wagons around Hillary!

We often marvel at progressives' preternatural ability to deny, warp, and bend reality to support whatever inane narrative they're pushing. They're masters of willful ignorance and the examples are boundless, but - just when you think you've heard it all - someone pipes up and leaves you utterly gob smacked.
According to the Daily Beast's left-wing political columnist (and longtime Hillary Clinton sycophant) Eleanor Clift, "Ambassador Stevens was not 'murdered.' He died of smoke inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation."

Yep, she really said that. Smoke Inhalation. Of course, she neglects to mention that Stevens was inhaling all that smoke because a bunch of Islamic militants set the building on fire. That's a bit like throwing someone off the Empire State Building and claiming they weren't "murdered" - instead, they died as a result of injuries sustained in a sudden, unforeseen, collision with pavement.

If that wasn't bad enough, she's still trying to blame the YouTube video as the catalyst for ...I don't know what. The smoke I guess. She also thinks that everyone should leave Hillary Clinton alone in favor of pointing the finger of blame at David Petraeus. In other words; progs like Clift are willing to do or say anything, no matter how ridiculous, in order to protect the presumtive 2016 Democrat nominee.

Ambassador Stevens was murdered and raped and sodomized and dragged through the streets.

Smoke inhalation would have been a mercy.

Except he wasn't raped or sodomized or dragged through the streets.

He did die of smoke inhalation.

Which is the whole point of the article.

There are fucks that are lying about what happened.

They are the same fucks that didn't give a shit about the thousands of Americans that died because of Bush administration incompetence.
Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain or smoke inhalation he died from the attack.

It really is just that simple.

This much is true. However, his death, and the deaths of his meager security detail were absolutely preventable.

Stevens died. That much is certain. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference HOW he died, had he been able to evacuate the "safe room" - he would have been shot and killed.

The point to Benghazi is two-fold. (1) Additional security was asked for and denied 6 separate times; even after repeated "probing" by terrorists. (2) The attack was blamed on protests over a BS internet video that, prior to the attack, no one had ever heard of - let alone seen.

This administration then lied about the "attack" repeatedly - to insure that Obama's re-election campaign would NOT be affected.

I would love to ask this ass-clown president that we have to endure one question - Why?

Where is the "teachable" moment that this lying, hypocrite always points to from his "high" perch? Well, Barry...............................??

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