Elanor Clift: "Ambassador Stevens Died Of Smoke Inhilation"

Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain or smoke inhalation he died from the attack.

It really is just that simple.

This much is true. However, his death, and the deaths of his meager security detail were absolutely preventable.

Stevens died. That much is certain. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference HOW he died, had he been able to evacuate the "safe room" - he would have been shot and killed.

The point to Benghazi is two-fold. (1) Additional security was asked for and denied 6 separate times; even after repeated "probing" by terrorists. (2) The attack was blamed on protests over a BS internet video that, prior to the attack, no one had ever heard of - let alone seen.

This administration then lied about the "attack" repeatedly - to insure that Obama's re-election campaign would NOT be affected.

I would love to ask this ass-clown president that we have to endure one question - Why?

Where is the "teachable" moment that this lying, hypocrite always points to from his "high" perch? Well, Barry...............................??

Make no mistake, the admin is culpable and answers NEED to be forthcoming.
Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain or smoke inhalation he died from the attack.

It really is just that simple.

This much is true. However, his death, and the deaths of his meager security detail were absolutely preventable.

Stevens died. That much is certain. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference HOW he died, had he been able to evacuate the "safe room" - he would have been shot and killed.

The point to Benghazi is two-fold. (1) Additional security was asked for and denied 6 separate times; even after repeated "probing" by terrorists. (2) The attack was blamed on protests over a BS internet video that, prior to the attack, no one had ever heard of - let alone seen.

This administration then lied about the "attack" repeatedly - to insure that Obama's re-election campaign would NOT be affected.

I would love to ask this ass-clown president that we have to endure one question - Why?

Where is the "teachable" moment that this lying, hypocrite always points to from his "high" perch? Well, Barry...............................??

Had the safe room been complete, Smith and Stephen would have likely been rescued by the Team put together at the CIA Annex. They drove the attackers away from the building enough to search and rescue everyone but Smith and Stephens. Smiths Body was found but Stephens was not. Even with the extra security they wouldn't have been able to hold off such an assault.

Why did the Ambassador think it was safe to travel away from the Embassy that day anyway? Why was he not told "Hey numbnuts, it's 9-11, you shouldn't be going to such a hot bed of Islamic fundie militias!"
Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain or smoke inhalation he died from the attack.

It really is just that simple.

This much is true. However, his death, and the deaths of his meager security detail were absolutely preventable.

Stevens died. That much is certain. It doesn't make one damn bit of difference HOW he died, had he been able to evacuate the "safe room" - he would have been shot and killed.

The point to Benghazi is two-fold. (1) Additional security was asked for and denied 6 separate times; even after repeated "probing" by terrorists. (2) The attack was blamed on protests over a BS internet video that, prior to the attack, no one had ever heard of - let alone seen.

This administration then lied about the "attack" repeatedly - to insure that Obama's re-election campaign would NOT be affected.

I would love to ask this ass-clown president that we have to endure one question - Why?

Where is the "teachable" moment that this lying, hypocrite always points to from his "high" perch? Well, Barry...............................??

Had the safe room been complete, Smith and Stephen would have likely been rescued by the Team put together at the CIA Annex. They drove the attackers away from the building enough to search and rescue everyone but Smith and Stephens. Smiths Body was found but Stephens was not. Even with the extra security they wouldn't have been able to hold off such an assault.

Why did the Ambassador think it was safe to travel away from the Embassy that day anyway? Why was he not told "Hey numbnuts, it's 9-11, you shouldn't be going to such a hot bed of Islamic fundie militias!"

You are making assertions that you can't back up. I worked at Embassy's and Consulates all over the world and I have NO IDEA what did or did not transpire.

Who said the Ambassador thought it was "safe" to travel? Was there a particular reason he HAD to travel? Using your logic - why wasn't the Consulate evacuated during any number of probings (with RPGs) on both the North and South walls? If there were reason to believe that the Consulate was not "secure" - why were they allowed to remain there?

I could go on with a hundred questions. The point? That IS the point. There are (literally) hundreds of unanswered questions about what went on there. Funny - the only people who seem to be interested in getting to the truth - are on the republican side. The left - the democrats would just as soon forget about it all and to hell with the truth.

This - from the most "transparent" administration in American history.............
Mr. Stevens died in a terror attack on a US facility, whether he died from a bullet to the brain o
Why did the Ambassador think it was safe to travel away from the Embassy that day anyway? Why was he not told "Hey numbnuts, it's 9-11, you shouldn't be going to such a hot bed of Islamic fundie militias!"
That would certainly be one of several things that would need to be followed up.
So ...according to "smart?" democrats, persons who die as a result of the crime of arson aren't really murder victims because they die of smoke inhalation. You really gotta wonder about the mental competence of the radical left.
I heard they raped him with a gun up his butt. It must've accidentally gone off and got gun powder in his lungs, killing him instantly. :rolleyes:

That and the insanity of putting no bullets in the Embassy guards' weapons in a war zone was just crazy.

The State Department killed the Ambassador with their leadership's naivety in diplomatic relations.

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