Elder will get his ass kicked because he doesn’t talk about the border issue in Mexifornia.

Elder is a gift from heaven ensuring Dems keep California

The best alternative Republicans offer is Elder and Kaitlyn Jenner
Elder is a gift from heaven ensuring Dems keep California

The best alternative Republicans offer is Elder and Kaitlyn Jenner
I actually liked Pete Wilson, but demographics caught up with him. W was a disaster of biblical proportions (-: but he was right that a conservative message on spending and taxes will work with latinos, but trying to break into even the 40's is hard unless the dems go full economic disparity mode.
The cheating in America's elections by one side will likely be balanced out by cheating of the other side. Newsome would be crazy if he didn't cheat enough to ensure a solid win.

Political instability is one of the reasons why America is failing.
The cheating in America's elections by one side will likely be balanced out by cheating of the other side. Newsome would be crazy if he didn't cheat enough to ensure a solid win.

Political instability is one of the reasons why America is failing.
Dems cheat by repeating what Republicans have said

Republicans cheat by attacking the Capitol
Dems cheat by repeating what Republicans have said

Republicans cheat by attacking the Capitol
I understand Trump has to push the false narrative of "they stole it from me." But I really don't see how it's really in the gop's interest. I mean, most republicans will vote for a guy who parrots the "they stole it from President Trump). Granted on that. But most of us don't buy the lie. So come 24, will voters who will vote for either party look at the gop candidate favorably if he starts out with a lie?
I understand Trump has to push the false narrative of "they stole it from me." But I really don't see how it's really in the gop's interest. I mean, most republicans will vote for a guy who parrots the "they stole it from President Trump). Granted on that. But most of us don't buy the lie. So come 24, will voters who will vote for either party look at the gop candidate favorably if he starts out with a lie?
Republicans need to decide if they are the party of traditional conservatism or the party of Trump lies
Republicans cheat by attacking the Capitol
There's no threat of a rightist takeover of government by force. There really wasn't on Jan.6th. either. The Trump mob too careful measures to ensure they didn't come face to face with any politicians.

Had they, the scam would have melted away because there was no determined leadership willing to direct them on to violence.

However, that argument won't work with the courts to save their asses. They will feel the downside of being revolutionaries in their punishment. Without ever experiencing the pleasure of taking part in a revolution.

Comrad Che or Comrad Fidel wouldn't have sat around picking their asses like Trump's clowns did, in the heat of their revolution.

They relied on the law treating them like children but they're going to be dealt with like grownups!
Republicans need to decide if they are the party of traditional conservatism or the party of Trump lies
I don't think either will work. The nominee will have to be acceptable to the Trump voters, but somehow he will have to separate him/herself from the more egregious Trump lies about stealing an election, and he's even trying to rewrite his record on Afghanistan. It's like "I agree on this issue" (a wall and no one comes in without first proving amnesty) but just ignore and refuse to even comment on anything Trump directly says.

"I'm for secure elections." And so is everyone else, so that seems safe. LOL
I don't think either will work. The nominee will have to be acceptable to the Trump voters, but somehow he will have to separate him/herself from the more egregious Trump lies about stealing an election, and he's even trying to rewrite his record on Afghanistan. It's like "I agree on this issue" (a wall and no one comes in without first proving amnesty) but just ignore and refuse to even comment on anything Trump directly says.

"I'm for secure elections." And so is everyone else, so that seems safe. LOL
Republicans are between a rock and a hard place
Republicans are between a rock and a hard place
Yeah, but Biden's a poor candidate, and he's old ... really old.

I gotta say Tom Cotton's embrace of the neocons, and Crenshaw going all in (-: for Texas's Handmaiden Law, pretty much left me. It's like we gopers need a gomer like W, but god help America if we elect one again who actually thinks he might be capable of decisions.
They elected Reagan
Guy's got Jew on the brain. I admit I had some fantasy involving Barbara Streisand long ago, but it was sort of like Woody Allen's movies that annoyed me so much that I really wanted to get Diane Keaton so messy she'd never come clean again. (-:
Wow, Biden's argument for not recalling Newsom really is ...

Please recall Newsom tomorrow!!! I want to visit California so badly and not get robbed. Thank you
I see no reason why Republicans would even bother to vote

They know Dems will steal the election anyway
It is my interest on demographics and corruption. It is only intensified because of the National Enquirer mentality of our media over the years. Integrity is long gone and propaganda rules.

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