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Elect Hillary To Find Out What’s In Her


Sep 23, 2010
As foolish as Pelosi sounded she did not say anything new. Her recommendation for passing the ACA verbalized a longstanding governing philosophy:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hV-05TLiiLU]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]​

How many politicians would have been elected had they ran on what is in HillaryCare II? The big lie came when every Democrat said they voted for a bill without reading it. The truth is that every Democrat knew what was in HillaryCare II when they voted for it. Lobbyists of every stripe led by the health insurance industry lobby made sure Democrats knew —— not to mention a century of talking about it and the original HillaryCare.

Democrats are doubling down on the “I didn’t read it.” lie by running for reelection without telling the public what’s in the fix they propose. In plain English they won’t read fix legislation either because they already know what’s in it.

Democrats are lying again by manipulating conservatives into offering specifics on how they would fix the bill rather than repeal it. The fix strategy allows Democrats to avoid a real debate about repeal —— an argument Republicans win hands down, while Democrats at least break even in a public debate about fixing a bill that contains so many defective parts the best legal minds in the country cannot find a starting point. Fixing the ACA is akin to a mechanic putting air in the tires of an automobile that was run over by a train. No matter. Democrats are already half-way home to convincing the public that the ACA will fix itself after everybody signs up.

The fact is: Americans get screwed every time politicians pass laws. Ask yourself how much the public knew about what was in every law that built the welfare state before those laws were passed? How many Americans knew the Clean Air Act would lead to the creation of the EPA? —— a United Nations agency. How many Americans knew that the first amnesty was paving the way for today’s 20 million illegal aliens?

Liars passing laws the public knows nothing about is bad enough. The worst of it the political philosophy that encompasses politicians without knowing what is in them.

To be fair it’s not much better on the Republican side. How many Americans know where any top Republican stands on global government, membership in the UN, and non-existent International law?

Knowing what’s in a politician leads to trouble. Bush the Elder won an election in 1988 when he said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MW44jsYi0g&feature=player_detailpage]George Bush senior giving his famous, read my lips, no new taxes, speech - YouTube[/ame]​

Bush lost in 1992 when it turned out that new taxes were in him.

Americans elected Barack Taqiyya without knowing what was in him. By 2012 they should have known the truth. They didn’t so they reelected him.

To this day few Americans understand what is in Barack Taqiyya. For one thing hatred of this country; for another thing betraying the country is the stuff he is made of. Abandoning allies, New START, the Arab Spring, and his relationship with Putin are not clues in a puzzle —— they are confessions:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE&feature=player_detailpage]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]​

Cuts in the military budget is Taqiyya’s latest betrayal. He does not want America to abandon the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) he simply wants this country to relinquish its military superiority and hand over the remainder to United Nations authority. In his worldview America does not need a large military after it becomes but one contributor to a universal police force. That specific betrayal requires Americans to put their trust in the United Nations and, by extension, trust Communist China, Putin’s Russia, and Muslims who know they are in a war against this country.

Incidentally, China has the world’s largest standing army in addition to a growing military arsenal. China also controls a nuclear North Korea. China is also closer to Russia in ideology than it will ever be to the United States.

At the risk of upsetting Taqiyya’s apologists let me point out that he is the first president to forget that his country is at war; a real war; a shooting war; a global war; a war against an enemy committed to destroying America. So how many Americans are willing to place the outcome of the current war in the UN’s hands?

Purging high-ranking military officers loyal to the Constitution is very much connected to John Bolton’s analysis of the “commander in chief’s” planned cuts for the military:

Question: What kind of officer is Taqiyya the Liar promoting?

Remember that Bill Clinton laid the political groundwork for Taqiyya’s actions. Clinton also cut the military he loathed as well as sell Loral missile guidance systems technology to Communist China.

Taqiyya will be gone in 2017. The Clintons might come back. So it’s fair to ask what’s in Hillary Clinton?

After five years in the presidency the public still does not know what is in Taqiyya the Liar. Voters will no more know what is in Hillary Clinton than they knew when she went on her famous listening tour in her first race for Senate.

Her record in the Senate, and as secretary of state, tell us that she is has no accomplishments worth listing in her résumé. An anemic résumé is all the more reason to find out what is in her before she has all of that presidential power in her hands.

After 20 years in the public’s eye the country still does not know what is in Hillary Clinton. Forget every lie she ever told. Forget that she abused women emotionally after her husband abused them physically. You can be certain of one thing. She will never let the public know what she has in her regarding the country any more than did her husband and Taqiyya the Liar.

Here’s my take.

Forget every negative thing you ever heard about Hillary Clinton and focus on this. President Hillary Clinton running the world in partnership with Secretary General Bill Clinton. That is what is in her. Nothing else matters to her.

The danger is that Hillary Clinton has a good chance of finishing the job of surrendering America’s sovereignty to the UNIC. Making Bill Clinton secretary-general is the one thing that stands a chance of convincing Americans the United Nations can be trusted. It shouldn’t put a strain on anyone’s deductive powers imagining the media blitz reporting the joint betrayal as the most wonderful alliance the world has even seen.

NOTE: Russia or China vetoing Clinton’s selection is the only chance of stopping them. I’m more inclined to believe that both countries are in favor of a President Hillary Clinton and a Secretary General Bill Clinton. China and Russia will definitely get more from those two than Americans can expect.

Let me close with a reminder that the Clintons and the Obamas hold identical political beliefs on just about every subject. They are hardcore Socialists. Their most treacherous belief of all is that they despise America’s independence. According to lip readers Michelle expressed that belief when she said “All this for a damn flag." He nods in agreement:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJgWMI0hch8&feature=player_detailpage]Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube[/ame]​
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You can't find a more "unknown quantity" than what we had in Obama back in 2008.

And we sure as fuck found out what's in HIM.

To Mr. H.: And still finding out more:

Jed Babbin nails Biden’s sock puppet, Chuck Hagel. His piece is full of facts about Taqiyya's military cuts, but it’s hard to top these excerpts:

There are no plans to reduce the population of bureaucrats, who number about 2,723,000. (There are about 1,400,000 people in the entire military.)


I’m still stuck on the fact that 470,000 bureaucrats make over $100,000 and no one is talking about firing a single one of them. That’s because the federal government civilian workforce is largely comprised of union members who vote for Obama. But for every $100,000 bureaucrat fired, you could keep 1.4 mid-rank sergeants. And I’ll guarantee that 0.4 sergeants are a lot more valuable and productive than 4.0 expensive bureaucrats.

Et Tu, U2?
Obama happily cuts America down to size.
By Jed Babbin – 2.26.14

Et Tu, U2? | The American Spectator
Purging high-ranking military officers loyal to the Constitution is very much connected to John Bolton’s analysis of the “commander in chief’s” planned cuts for the military:

Question: What kind of officer is Taqiyya the Liar promoting?


Admiral Locklear is seated on the far Left. No pun intended.

Battling for the hearts and minds of American generals
By: Hope Hodge
6/15/2012 02:33 PM

Battling for the hearts and minds of American generals

Admiral Locklear was a strong voice for the Law of the Sea Treaty when then-Senator Lugar was leading the charge for ratification. Nothing he says surprises me. You can be sure he is not the kind of officer the president purged out of the military in the past few years.

When Adm Samuel Locklear III, the head of U.S. Pacific Command, testified that joining UNCLOS would help America press China on its claims in the South China Sea, Risch fumed that treaty is nothing but, “Flowery speeches, just like the ones we’ve had here today.” He continued to lecture Locklear and the rest of the panel on the situation in the South China Sea, saying, “The gate is open and the rodeo is started!”

Despite the fact that all six panelists specifically said they were offering their independent judgments on UNCLOS, Inhofe dismissed their testimony, saying, “You’re naturally going to reflect anything that comes [from the Commander in Chief]—you have to.” Watch clips from the hearing:

Republicans Criticize Military Brass For Supporting Law Of The Sea Treaty
by Guest Contributor Posted on June 19, 2012 at 3:36 pm Updated: June 19, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Republicans Criticize Military Brass For Supporting Law Of The Sea Treaty | ThinkProgress

Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press cites another aspect of Admiral Locklear’s personality:

The lay-down-and-play-dead spirit being spread throughout the U.S. military under President Barack Obama’s watch now includes an open door for a Chinese spy ship trailing the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise currently underway off the coast of Hawaii.

Make that four Chinese ships and 1,100 personnel with U.S.-granted spying ease.

Even though Navy Adm. Samuel Locklear, the head of the Pentagon’s Pacific Command finds it “a little odd”, he refers to China’s RIMPAC exercise as “a fundamental right nations have”.

“The fact that China is now doing what it has long complained about the United States doing off the Chinese coast —gathering signals intelligence — hasn’t rankled US officials or disrupted the RIMPAC exercise, Locklear insisted. (DefenseNews.com, July 29, 2014)

““The good news about this is that it’s a recognition, I think, or acceptance by the Chinese for what we’ve been saying to them for some time. Military operations and survey operations in another country’s [exclusive economic zone] are within international law and are acceptable. This is a fundamental right nations have.”

China, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have “fundamental rights” but not America?
By Judi McLeod July 31, 2014

China, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have ?fundamental rights? but not America?

Just to be clear. I believe that Admiral Locklear is more loyal to the New World Order than he is to the US Constitution. Admittedly, that leaves a lot of gray area open to interpretation in the accepted definition of the word.

treason (noun)

1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.
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