Election denier Karine Jean-Pierre says three American soldiers died "fighting on behalf of this administration". WTF???

They died for BIDEN?


It was a suicide mission and should not have been approved by SEC DEF
I'm not privy to what restrictions a former president is able to place on a current president, but it makes no sense to think that Quid Pro couldn't have taken a look, along with the generals trying to cover their butts after the fact and taken steps to ensure the safer withdrawal of troops, civilians and armament. That's their job and trying to foist it all on the previous administration when they had months to alter the plan doesn't track as anything other than desperation.
All of that was covered in the generals public testimony. They couldn't alter the fact that the truce was going to end. To be sure the Generals assured the new President that with the worlds finest military, it would only cost a few thousand casualties to re-defeat the Taliban and take control of Afghanistan again........which was truly his only other option. He trusted the best military minds and their evacuation plan. But the best laid plans of mice and men........
All of that was covered in the generals public testimony. They couldn't alter the fact that the truce was going to end. To be sure the Generals assured the new President that with the worlds finest military, it would only cost a few thousand casualties to re-defeat the Taliban and take control of Afghanistan again........which was truly his only other option. He trusted the best military minds and their evacuation plan. But the best laid plans of mice and men........
Okay, so it's the generals' fault. Basically, it sounds a lot like you're relying on the generals to get Quid Pro's butt out of the sling, but then want to jettison them to try to put TRUMP! in it. Is that about the size of it? Because, if the generals thought the plan that they and TRUMP! came up with was so seriously flawed that random internet keyboard jockeys could pick it apart after viewing a few headlines, don't you think it would have behooved them to say, "Hold on here, this plan is a crock"?
I read they died in their sleep while serving their country.

Karine must be using a different script.
The 13 soldiers and countless civilians were killed in a terrorist attack not combat operations. Unlike the 65 soldiers KIA under the Trumpyberra. Why did Benedict Donald evacuate so many troops without making the Taliban comply to the condition of our so called conditional withdrawal? Throughout 2020 he evacuated over 10,000 troops, troops we needed as leverage to force the Taliban's compliance to the Doha Accords. One of the conditions Benedict allowed the Taliban to ignore was for them to stop other terrorists from using Afghanistan territory. That enforcement could have stopped that suicide attack during the evacuation of all those civilians.
LOL! Potatohead presided over the biggest incompetent fuck up in military history to withdraw from Afghanistan because he wanted to immediately get out without thinking of the consequences of a hasty action and the best you little Moon Bat turds can come up with is to blame Trump??

Go take your TDS meds like the mental health professional told you to do then go take a nap and shut the fuck up with your mindless hate.

Potatohead fucked up the withdrawal big time just like he has fucked up everything else he has ever done in his miserable corrupt life.
Okay, so it's the generals' fault.
It was the 20 year effort to Nation Build halfway across the world's fault. The generals and our military did an admirable job considering the shit hole they were working in. Even in the face of a total collapse of the Afghan Government and Army, they adjusted to the changing circumstances and worked a deal with the fuckers who'd been their mortal enemies for 20 years. Only a single suicide bomber from ISIS caused any casualties at all. The Neo-GOP wants to ignore everything that happened prior to Jan 20, 2021 and pretend that it didn't have any bearing on the final 8 months of our occupation. What of I've stated, all happened under the Trumper.

Joe Biden didn't negotiate a conditional withdrawal agreement and then ignore 6 out of 7 of the terms on the enemy while still complying with all our condition of that agreement.
All of our conditions under Trumpybear's Skedaddle Accords were carried out during Benedict Donald's final year. There was nothing left except the final withdrawal of the remaining 2500 troops. Our generals testified under oath to the facts of the situation. They are not random internet keyboard jockeys. Milley was Benedict's hand picked General.

We also have Benedict bragging in 2021 about how he sabotaged the next president......

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame"

What do you think he meant when he said "They couldn't stop the process."?

This thread is about the 3 soldiers killed in what's about to be Joe Biden's FOURTH war, not your boyfriend.

Can you stay on topic?
LOL! Potatohead presided over the biggest incompetent fuck up in military history to withdraw from Afghanistan because he wanted to immediately get out without thinking of the consequences of a hasty action and the best you little Moon Bat turds can come up with is to blame Trump??

Go take your TDS meds like the mental health professional told you to do then go take a nap and shut the fuck up with your mindless hate.

Potatohead fucked up the withdrawal big time just like he has fucked up everything else he has ever done in his miserable corrupt life.
Uh-Oh another Trumphlake gets triggered because the answer causes them cognitive dissonance.

Nah, I still think RayGun still holds that title when he got over two hundred Marines killed while they slept in Beirut. (In reality, it's very hard to stop a suicide bomber!)
You made it about Benedict Donald and dictators using soldiers in your comments not just today's unlucky KIA.

The fact remains that election denier Karine Jean-Pierre said these soldiers died "fighting on behalf of this administration". None of your fantasies about your boyfriend, no matter how longing and desperate, will change that fact.
Uh-Oh another Trumphlake gets triggered because the answer causes them cognitive dissonance.

Nah, I still think RayGun still holds that title when he got over two hundred Marines killed while they slept in Beirut. (In reality, it's very hard to stop a suicide bomber!)
You sicko Moon Bats are too deranged with your TDS mental affliction to admit that Potatohead was an incompetent piece of shit that fucked up what should have been a competent withdrawal.

Like Obama warned you Moon Bats Potatohead is an absolute failure on everything he has ever done but because of your TDS mental health sickness you can't admit the truth.

Of course you idiot Moon Bats that voted for Potatohead have already proven that you are absolute morons so it is understandable that you would blame Trump for Potatohead's fuck ups.
Like the VP, this clown was named to her position because it was believed that nobody would criticize someone with so many Oppression-based check marks. Accordingly, the fact that she is incompetent and not very bright should come as no surprise.

Press Secretaries are required to speak with nuance, required sometimes to answer questions with a calculated non-answer, required to shade everything to favor the Administration which s/he serves. She ain't that good at it.
You sicko Moon Bats are too deranged with your TDS mental affliction to admit that Potatohead was an incompetent piece of shit that fucked up what should have been a competent withdrawal.

Like Obama warned you Moon Bats Potatohead is an absolute failure on everything he has ever done but because of your TDS mental health sickness you can't admit the truth.

Of course you idiot Moon Bats that voted for Potatohead have already proven that you are absolute morons so it is understandable that you would blame Trump for Potatohead's fuck ups.
Beautify Trumphlake, just bee ute tee full.
Like the VP, this clown was named to her position because it was believed that nobody would criticize someone with so many Oppression-based check marks. Accordingly, the fact that she is incompetent and not very bright should come as no surprise.

Press Secretaries are required to speak with nuance, required sometimes to answer questions with a calculated non-answer, required to shade everything to favor the Administration which s/he serves. She ain't that good at it.

She's also an election denier and a conspiracy theorist.
Under Hitler, they died for the Fatherland.

Under Stalin, they died for the Motherland.

Under Trump, they died for America.

Under Biden, they died for his Illegal Administration.

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