Election fraud - Solar Winds Hackers

Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?

Not my job to illustrate that three recounts of ballots in Georgia returned the same results. Thus no hacking occurred. It may sink in to you some day
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?

Not my job to illustrate that three recounts of ballots in Georgia returned the same results. Thus no hacking occurred. It may sink in to you some day

Wow, youre really disconnected from the OP.
This has already been discussed.
If you like I can walk you back through it with animations and music gently playing in the background.
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?

Not my job to illustrate that three recounts of ballots in Georgia returned the same results. Thus no hacking occurred. It may sink in to you some day

Wow, youre really disconnected from the OP.
This has already been discussed.
If you like I can walk you back through it with animations and music gently playing in the background.

You're disconnected from reality. If the hand counts match the computer counts...there is no massive hack that magically gave the election to Biden. Additionally...nobody has ever satisfactorily answered why, in Georgia, they supposedly hacked the computers for Biden but didn't hack them for the 2 senate candidates or the other house races.

Care to take a swing at it skippy?
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?

Not my job to illustrate that three recounts of ballots in Georgia returned the same results. Thus no hacking occurred. It may sink in to you some day

Wow, youre really disconnected from the OP.
This has already been discussed.
If you like I can walk you back through it with animations and music gently playing in the background.

You're disconnected from reality. If the hand counts match the computer counts...there is no massive hack that magically gave the election to Biden. Additionally...nobody has ever satisfactorily answered why, in Georgia, they supposedly hacked the computers for Biden but didn't hack them for the 2 senate candidates or the other house races.

Care to take a swing at it skippy?

Just as I figured.
Go back and read the OP, then return when you figure it out.
Hint: I highlighted some pertinent info in green.
Please try and stay focused this time, and stop deflecting.
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. tRump campaign being sued for false claims. Conservative "media" backing up to avoid the same.

You lost.

Get over it.

Oh its over. No problem. I will contact the officials and instruct them to stop investigating the major hack and its connections to Solar Winds, I promise, cross my heart.

Nobody is investigating the non-existent election fraud.

So you know exactly whats going on with our intel and what they are investigating ?
Oh please do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

The SolarWinds breach is being investigated. The "election fraud" angle isn't.

Again, please share these deep intel secrets with the rest of us, as to how you know so much.
You do realize there's a direct connection between Solar Winds and Dominion, dont you ?
Ive provided links to backup what Ive said, wheres yours ?

Not my job to illustrate that three recounts of ballots in Georgia returned the same results. Thus no hacking occurred. It may sink in to you some day

Wow, youre really disconnected from the OP.
This has already been discussed.
If you like I can walk you back through it with animations and music gently playing in the background.

You're disconnected from reality. If the hand counts match the computer counts...there is no massive hack that magically gave the election to Biden. Additionally...nobody has ever satisfactorily answered why, in Georgia, they supposedly hacked the computers for Biden but didn't hack them for the 2 senate candidates or the other house races.

Care to take a swing at it skippy?

Just as I figured.
Go back and read the OP, then return when you figure it out.
Hint: I highlighted some pertinent info in green.
Please try and stay focused this time, and stop deflecting.

Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....
Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....

Your lack of interest to not remain on topic of the OP, is noted.
You said you were curious, so you're more than welcome to start your own thread if you like.
Maybe you'll find the answers you seek.
Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....

Your lack of interest to not remain on topic of the OP, is noted.
You said you were curious, so you're more than welcome to start your own thread if you like.
Maybe you'll find the answers you seek.

Clearly, you can't explain why a hacker would hack the georgia returns for Mr. Biden but decide that he shouldn't also get the Senate and hack the returns in the two Senate races.

The fact that Biden won Georgia and the two Senate races are in run-offs blows your allegation of dominion being hacked right out of the water. Pretty easy too.
Doesn't look like this is going away anytime soon. I'm not saying this is definitive proof, but it doesn't take much to connect the dots, raise suspicion, and deserves further investigation.
Question is, what or when, will anything be officially exposed ?? Im sure there is a lot to unpack from the recent major hack.

So first, from the following article it says, Reuters has previously reported that Pima County, Arizona was among the victims of the wave of intrusions.

Next article we have,
Pima County Arizona election and hacking events coincidence?, AZ tech worker email: 35k votes given to Democrats, Pima County hacked summer 2020
“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

And lastly,

It's over. First lawsuit filed against the Trump campaign yesterday. Fox, OAN, Newsmax all walking back their voter machine fraud comments under threat of legal action. Trump's D-Team likely to be under indictment after 1/20/2021.
Honestly, It's time to move on. Trump lost. We have a 9/11 death event occurring almost everyday. When did we become numb to that?

When liberals kill a half million plus babies a year?

God you guys are so easy .. me talk midgets
Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....

Your lack of interest to not remain on topic of the OP, is noted.
You said you were curious, so you're more than welcome to start your own thread if you like.
Maybe you'll find the answers you seek.

Clearly, you can't explain why a hacker would hack the georgia returns for Mr. Biden but decide that he shouldn't also get the Senate and hack the returns in the two Senate races.

The fact that Biden won Georgia and the two Senate races are in run-offs blows your allegation of dominion being hacked right out of the water. Pretty easy too.
Clearly you cant stay on topic, so...

na-na na-na boo-boo !!!

Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....

Your lack of interest to not remain on topic of the OP, is noted.
You said you were curious, so you're more than welcome to start your own thread if you like.
Maybe you'll find the answers you seek.

Clearly, you can't explain why a hacker would hack the georgia returns for Mr. Biden but decide that he shouldn't also get the Senate and hack the returns in the two Senate races.

The fact that Biden won Georgia and the two Senate races are in run-offs blows your allegation of dominion being hacked right out of the water. Pretty easy too.
Youve tried to debunk the OP and you cant.
You keep trying to use GA as a way to distract from the OP and justify something different that's not even pertinent to AZ., so that ship aint going to sail. My theory is about what happened with Solar Winds, Dominion, and AZ.
You think youve found a loophole, but you havent, so try again.
Last edited:
Not especially interested. More curious why, if there was a computer hack, the "hackers" didn't swing the two senate seats in Georgia. You can try to answer and stop deflecting....

Your lack of interest to not remain on topic of the OP, is noted.
You said you were curious, so you're more than welcome to start your own thread if you like.
Maybe you'll find the answers you seek.

Clearly, you can't explain why a hacker would hack the georgia returns for Mr. Biden but decide that he shouldn't also get the Senate and hack the returns in the two Senate races.

The fact that Biden won Georgia and the two Senate races are in run-offs blows your allegation of dominion being hacked right out of the water. Pretty easy too.
Youve tried to debunk the OP and you cant.
You keep trying to use GA as a way to distract from the OP and justify something different that's not even pertinent to AZ., so that ship aint going to sail. My theory is about what happened with Solar Winds, Dominion, and AZ.
Try again.

OK. Nice of them to rig a state with only 11 electoral votes then....LOL and allow the GOP to keep house seats.

Those are some nice hackers. LOL

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