Election security is a mess, and the cleanup won't arrive by the midterms


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Many experts believe a proper fix for election security won't come until at least 2021.

From the time we cast our ballots until they are counted. That’s the time when our system is most at risk. We continually hear about voter fraud but everyone says it doesn’t exist – at least in numbers to make a difference. Many of us believe differently.

Unlike with the European Union's GDPR, a law addressing data privacy, there's no all-encompassing standard for securing the election process. Operations are left up to state and county officials. The closest thing to a standard are the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines from the US Election Assistance Commission, and as the name indicates, they aren't mandatory.

Even if efforts to improve election security had started on Jan. 1, 2016, it would take until at least 2021 to fix things, said Chris Wysopal, the chief technology officer at security research firm Veracode.

"These are major changes. This is something that should start now and it's going to take five years, probably, to do," Wysopal said. "At this moment, we can only really do response and detection. We're not great at prevention."

The full article is @ Election security is a mess, and the cleanup won't arrive by the midterms

Also, if we limited nonliving voters to those only dead for 5 years, Hillary would lose 5 million votes
It's extremely upsetting to me as a U.S citizen to
yconstantly be reminded of how inaccurate and inefficient our voting system is overall as a nation.

If we all, as a collective society, were given the correct information in a logical way then surely there would be much more accomplished among everyone here at home in the states due to the fact the outcome would be so clear instead of all the clouds of confusion.

All it takes is for all of us to band together in realization that these sort of things dictate everyone's future.

It just takes some time for change to happen.

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