Election today in Minneapolis. Will they vote to replace it's police dept with social workers?

Do it. So we can use it as an example of how to insure that crime will skyrocket in your neighborhood if you decide to get rid of your cops too...
"We have an opportunity, once and for all, to listen to those most impacted by police brutality and the communities who have been demanding change for decades,” Omar, who represents Minneapolis in Congress, wrote.

Too funny. So, Omar's brilliant idea is to listen to druggies, criminals and other miscreants constantly needing policing on how to best improve police action?! :auiqs.jpg:

Gee, I would have thought it best to if anything, listen to the VICTIMS of crime, not those committing it.
I don't want to hear shit about "signs of success".

YOu people have been talking a lot of shit for a lot of years.

Time to fucking walk the walk. DEFUND THE FUCKING POLICE.

I've been talking about exactly what Denver is doing. I can't help with the voices in your head.
Indeed, and not only that put some BLM members and gangsters in charge as 'deputies'. It will be fun when their tax base disappears overnight from businesses fleeing the protection and extortion rackets and the random killing from their doped up heroes starts taking out their own families and themselves when all the white victims move out.

Where have you been?
I miss insight like this.

dang who you going to call in case of trouble there , now? craziness.
Heavily Dimocrat controlled city may now vote to destroy it's police dept.

Future of policing is on the ballot in the city where Floyd’s death in May 2020 launched a nationwide reckoning on racial justice

Voters in Minneapolis will decide on Tuesday whether to replace their police department with a new Department of Public Safety, more than a year after the murder of George Floyd, a Black man, by a white police officer launched a national movement to defund or abolish police.

Heavily Democrat controlled city may now vote to destroy it's police dept

I swear they already did.

Minneapolis rejects policing overhaul, CNN projects​

So an irresponsible person took a mentally ill kid where he shouldn't have been allowed, and you blame the cops.

Nobody was being irresponsible. That you would say what you say is a great example of the problem. The parents should just keep him locked in the basement right?

Like the old days, just drop him off at an asylum?
Nobody was being irresponsible. That you would say what you say is a great example of the problem. The parents should just keep him locked in the basement right?

Like the old days, just drop him off at an asylum?

If they can't control him in a public space, then yes, obviously. He was clearly getting violent before the cops showed up.
Nobody was being irresponsible. That you would say what you say is a great example of the problem. The parents should just keep him locked in the basement right?

Like the old days, just drop him off at an asylum?
Absolutely. It's what works.

Sadly, Minneapolis did not vote to replace the police department with social workers. I am disappointed in their resolve.
Social workers dealing with non-emergency calls may not be a terrible thing. A lot of times, people are just going through some shit and they need somebody to talk them down and point them in the right direction, but social workers replacing police is pure comedy gold.

The new law was not going to replace all police with social workers.

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