Elections over: Republicans can finally stop pretending they care about Healthcare.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?
For the record, the only health care I ever cared about was mine, and that of my own family.

I've never said or implied otherwise.
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For the record, the only health care I ever cared about was mine, and that of my own family.

I've never said or implied otherwise.
People that live in communities filled with people that care only about themselves and no one else have a name. They’re called failed communities.
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
For the record, the only health care I ever cared about was mine, and that of my own family.

I've never said or implied otherwise.
People that live in communities filled with people that care only about themselves and no one else have a name. They’re called failed communities.

Nothing failed about my community ... it's classic suburbia. People mow their lawn, wash their cars. Kids play in the street.

It's not a hippie commune or a neolithic village.
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20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
Which Republicans have never done.

Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
Which Republicans have never done.

Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?

ObamaCare was "misaligned"? LOL Nice attempt at doublespeak, R-Derp! It wasn't misaligned (whatever that's supposed to mean!) it did exactly what it's architects designed it to do! It got people accustomed to coverage for pre existing conditions and large subsidies for the poor! It also began the death spiral that it always had to take. You on the left will of course declare that the only "remedy" to fix the ACA is to go to a Medicare for all solution (which is what you wanted in the first place).
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

I don't want government to "care" about my health care. I don't want government to be my caretaker at all. If Republican actually have the balls to get government out of health care, instead of further entrenched, I'll actually consider voting for them. I'm not holding my breath.
Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?

Seriously, your question assumes ACA is better than nothing. It's not. It's worse. It's a step in the wrong direction. Simple repeal would be an improvement. Then we can look at the other policies that are fucking up the health care market and fix those.
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
2010 was eight years ago.

The number one issue for the nation in the midterms a week ago was healthcare.

Republicans got shellacked because America figured out the GOP has been lying to us.
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
2010 was eight years ago.

The number one issue for the nation in the midterms a week ago was healthcare.

Republicans got shellacked because America figured out the GOP has been lying to us.

Really, R-Derp? You're going to accuse the GOP of lying about healthcare? Funny...you progressives had to lie repeatedly to the American people about what was in the ACA...how it would affect them and how much it would end up costing! Suddenly the Republicans are "liars" because they don't know how to fix the mess that you people have made?
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?
like you give a fuck about those people....just like republicans....you aint fooling anyone.....
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?
like you give a fuck about those people....just like republicans....you aint fooling anyone.....
Ah, then you admit Republicans don't give a fuk about the American People.

Wow, seems you are halfway to the truth.

Now, you only need to stop lying about Democrats.
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
Which Republicans have never done.

Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?

ObamaCare was "misaligned"? LOL Nice attempt at doublespeak, R-Derp! It wasn't misaligned (whatever that's supposed to mean!) it did exactly what it's architects designed it to do! It got people accustomed to coverage for pre existing conditions and large subsidies for the poor! It also began the death spiral that it always had to take. You on the left will of course declare that the only "remedy" to fix the ACA is to go to a Medicare for all solution (which is what you wanted in the first place).
OK, we got it. Republicans want people to die.

You better be careful the GOP doesn't see your family as "people".
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?
like you give a fuck about those people....just like republicans....you aint fooling anyone.....
Ah, then you admit Republicans don't give a fuk about the American People.

Wow, seems you are halfway to the truth.

Now, you only need to stop lying about Democrats.
dean quit playing like you are a dumbass....i have told you countless times all the way back in the old forum that republicans are just as fucked as that parties collective ass you have your tongue firmly planted on.....republicans of today, tell you to your face they can give a flying fuck about you....the democrats of today, tell you to your face they give a shit and fuck you behind your back....both parties will throw us a bone to try and make it look like they are actually doing something....years ago it did not seem to matter who was in charge because no matter what other shit they were doing....the Country was taken care of....now they are a fucking pathetic joke....
20 states can still lose their protections for pre existing conditions because of the lawsuit Republicans have going to end Obamacare and the protections, including protecting those with pre existing conditions.

Now that the elections are over it's clear America wasn't fooled. Everyone knows Republicans are lying when they said they would protect people's healthcare.

It's because of healthcare and Republicans wanting to end it for millions of Americans that so many Republicans lost.

Do Republicans believe it's a winner for the next election to screw over millions of Americans or will they finally work to help those they care nothing about?

Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?
Which Republicans have never done.

Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?

ObamaCare was "misaligned"? LOL Nice attempt at doublespeak, R-Derp! It wasn't misaligned (whatever that's supposed to mean!) it did exactly what it's architects designed it to do! It got people accustomed to coverage for pre existing conditions and large subsidies for the poor! It also began the death spiral that it always had to take. You on the left will of course declare that the only "remedy" to fix the ACA is to go to a Medicare for all solution (which is what you wanted in the first place).
OK, we got it. Republicans want people to die.

You better be careful the GOP doesn't see your family as "people".

Republicans want people to "die" because we're calling for healthcare reform that both helps people and is affordable for the nation? Explain how that works, R-Derp...
pre existing conditions
That's generally something like cancer, and you get a diagnosis and a prognosis and a bunch of other bastardized Greek or Latin medical terminologies. You may as well read the horoscope in the newspaper for Cancer ♋.

Dx is cancer, and Tx is toxic chemotherapy and ionizing radiation. More people are dying of the treatment than of the diagnosis, and insurance companies sometimes feel that if you have cancer as a "pre-existing condition," and you are well enough to talk about it and argue about it, you are probably doing well enough without the chemo and radiation, and they don't want to pay for some treatment that is likely to kill you sooner than the disease.

The same doctors who already take the knife to a newborn's genitals without medical necessity or justification are not to be trusted with it either, to cut out a tumor rather than availing themselves of such a great opportunity to murder their patient.
Obamacare is still moving forward. It never failed. It was misaligned. What else to Republicans have to offer? Seriously, what else?

Seriously, your question assumes ACA is better than nothing. It's not. It's worse. It's a step in the wrong direction. Simple repeal would be an improvement. Then we can look at the other policies that are fucking up the health care market and fix those.

I've had nothing. Nobody would sell me a policy for any price. Trust me ACA is better.
Dude, Democrats lost in a "shellacking" back in 2010 because they voted for the Affordable Care Act! Now you think Republicans lost because they understand that ObamaCare was designed to fail and has to be overhauled completely?

The GOP lost because their position on health care is bad and unpopular. And Obamacare has become popular, making their previous positions and votes quite awkward.

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