Electoral Reform

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
This article claims both parties are to blame and lists a few ideas for electoral reform.

"Tausanovitch’s paper is noteworthy because of his elevation of the issue. He argues that America’s current way of running elections is corrosive to democracy. And he says the Democratic Party has been part of the problem.

“For the most part, instead of working together to solve the nation’s problems, the two major parties engage in an endless tug of war,” he writes. “In recent years, the core of each party has sometimes veered to ideological extremes.”"

I used to be so-so on ranked choice voting but after seeing how it goes in Alaska, I'm now totally against it. We shouldn't have to wait weeks to find out who won an election. That's why we have "election day" instead of "election months". We shouldn't start voting one month before election day and last another month after election day. I also think it is noteworthy that this is coming from a very powerful liberal think tank, meaning it is sure to be biased to the left. Comments anyone?
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Somebody tell me again why we don't elect a president by popular vote?
Because there are 50 states and we don't need California and New York deciding who is president for the entire country. We need a reason for voters in Wyoming and other small population states to go out and vote. Why are you for vote suppression? Or, would you rather redraw the boundaries of every state in order to make sure every state had similar populations?

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