Eliminate income taxes for the 95% on the bottom.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
And then drastically reduce government spending, including substantial reductions in food stamps, medicare, and Social Security; that is, a 50% reduction. Also reduce defense spending by 10% total. Doing this would create budgetary surplus in excess of $600 billion on FY 2015.

But I'm sure that nobody wants to talk about that. Would make too much damned sense.
Won't happen, we are too far gone with almost 47% of the people in this country on some form of Government (Taxpayers) assistance

I don't see a way anything will work.
You will never get what is bankrupting this country cut... Dems want all the services and when in power do more war than Republicans. Republicans want war and when in power push more services. It's not that people don't or won;t talk about cuts, it's that both parties run on cutting spending (both of them, every election) then they increase spending.
Won't happen, we are too far gone with almost 47% of the people in this country on some form of Government (Taxpayers) assistance

I don't see a way anything will work.

Well, you could start by dispensing with the bullshit. In any event, here's a rudimentary spreadsheet I've made available for download which demonstrates the math. You'll have to excuse the lack of pretty formatting.

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no thanks. I don't take kindly to someone being an ass
You will never get what is bankrupting this country cut... Dems want all the services and when in power do more war than Republicans. Republicans want war and when in power push more services. It's not that people don't or won;t talk about cuts, it's that both parties run on cutting spending (both of them, every election) then they increase spending.

How many times did House Republicans try to push through a forlorn attempt to repeal Obamacare? You're right, both parties shit on us. But shouldn't we start demanding that both parties stop shitting on us? Lowering taxes, helping the poor and middle class, reducing entitlements, balancing the budget and paying off debt. It's a win for everyone. If we're not willing to demand it from our elected officials when it's so very easily available, then we don't deserve to have them do what we claim we want them to do.
And then drastically reduce government spending, including substantial reductions in food stamps, medicare, and Social Security; that is, a 50% reduction. Also reduce defense spending by 10% total. Doing this would create budgetary surplus in excess of $600 billion on FY 2015.

But I'm sure that nobody wants to talk about that. Would make too much damned sense.
Are we a for profit Country? Are the citizens shareholders? Would the citizens/shareholders then be able to split the $600 billion profit?
If not then we should not look for a budgetary surplus. We should strive balance the budget.
Minimal Surplus and Zero Debt.
Are we a for profit Country? Are the citizens shareholders? Would the citizens/shareholders then be able to split the $600 billion profit?
If not then we should not look for a budgetary surplus. We should strive balance the budget.
Minimal Surplus and Zero Debt.

The people currently split an $18 trillion debt. It's not about the government operating for profit. It's about paying the bills that have already been accumulated.
Won't happen, we are too far gone with almost 47% of the people in this country on some form of Government (Taxpayers) assistance

I don't see a way anything will work.
Work works.

This country was built on "you don't work, you don't eat".

It is falling on "you don't work, we will pay you to lay around and fuck".
Won't happen, we are too far gone with almost 47% of the people in this country on some form of Government (Taxpayers) assistance

I don't see a way anything will work.
Work works.

This country was built on "you don't work, you don't eat".

It is falling on "you don't work, we will pay you to lay around and fuck".

I know. we are about over the cliff I'm afraid. Every time a Republican even mentions cutting something the left/dems head explode. The Democrats knows what they are doing and I'm afraid now the Republicans are no better
Are we a for profit Country? Are the citizens shareholders? Would the citizens/shareholders then be able to split the $600 billion profit?
If not then we should not look for a budgetary surplus. We should strive balance the budget.
Minimal Surplus and Zero Debt.

The people currently split an $18 trillion debt. It's not about the government operating for profit. It's about paying the bills that have already been accumulated.
The middle class refuses to be taxed to pay for domestic tranquillity that brought bread and circuses to the masses, on borrowed money.

The middle class voted in these fucks for the last 50 years, and now it is dying, and the domestic tranquillity is vanishing as the lower classes get fed up with dependency and want results.

Results Barack Hussein Obama promised, but did not deliver.
cut all the damn pork spending and leave the tax system the hell alone.
cut all the damn pork spending and leave the tax system the hell alone.

So, eliminate a couple billion, continue to overspend, continue to overtax, and then pat ourselves on the back for a job poorly done?
Are we a for profit Country? Are the citizens shareholders? Would the citizens/shareholders then be able to split the $600 billion profit?
If not then we should not look for a budgetary surplus. We should strive balance the budget.
Minimal Surplus and Zero Debt.

The people currently split an $18 trillion debt. It's not about the government operating for profit. It's about paying the bills that have already been accumulated.
Then it is not a budgetary surplus in excess of $600 billion, can;t be a surplus if the money is already spent.
A couple of points:

EVERYONE should pay federal income taxes. Even people on welfare, SSA, unemployment, whatever. Even if it's only a couple of percent. And there should be NO refunds of taxes not paid (EITC). Paying taxes ensures that everyone is vested and should ensure that everyone gives a shit.

Second, there is a guideline to how Federal spending could be logically curtailed. That guideline, interestingly enough, is the UNITED STATES (FUCKING) CONSTITUTION! Everything that Congress has the legitimate power to do is contained in Article I, Section 8. All other government expenditures are, by definition, unconstitutional and should be eliminated.

Third, there is a philosophy for government expenditures that every MPA preaches but is never used in practice: Zero Based Budgeting. Under ZBB, every expenditure, agency, and person in Government should be viewed during each budget period to determine whether their function is still required. If not, GONZO!

In sum, very few people resent paying taxes for the government functions that they believe are legitimate, and legitimacy for our purposes should be the clear meaning of the Constitution. Every spending program that is not based on a legitimate power of Congress is illegal and should be eliminated.

First stop: the Department of Education. Totally unconstitutional.
cut all the damn pork spending and leave the tax system the hell alone.
Hell, the tax system sucks.

It needs to be totally overhauled, and everyone who earns something should pay something.

No deductions, exemptions, credits, allowances or EIC, a 5%-20% tax on all income for individuals, and not taxes on corporations, because they just pass them on anyway.

It is not the taxpayers' problem if businesses wear out machinery, and it is not the taxpayers' problem that people breed up more kids than they can afford.

As it is now, the class that contributes little to nothing to the economy, other than circulation other people's money, gets the most from the system.

That shit has to stop.
cut all the damn pork spending and leave the tax system the hell alone.

So, eliminate a couple billion, continue to overspend, continue to overtax, and then pat ourselves on the back for a job poorly done?

In fiscal year 2009, Congress stuffed 10,160 projects into the 12 appropriations bills worth $19.6 billion

a couple ?

the idiots keep yammering we're broke, then bitch about eliminating $20 billion dollars of NOTHING but waste..

pardon me while I puke ...

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