Elite Liberal Racism


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Nobody wallows in white privilege like our liberal elites.


1) Liberal elites want to condemn African American children to inferior schools, deny these children and their parents choice.

School Choice Right Focus for African Americans
The Black Alliance for Educational Options

2) The abortion industry has killed far more black people than the KKK.

79% of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks, Hispanics

3) Under Obama black unemployment has reached Great Depression levels.

Black unemployment at Great Depression levels of 23.7%
Tavis Smiley: 'Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama'
Yet Obama enjoys raining billions on well-connected bankers and wasting more billions on endless, pointless wars & occupations.

4) Homosexual activists want to starve African children if Africans don’t submit to the activists’ demands.

Obama Fights Nigerian Anti-Gay Bill, Threatens To Cut Off Aid
Gay Tory MP: Withdraw UK aid to Uganda if it passes anti-gay legislation
I'm sure we all condemn this kind of imperialism.

5) The corporate media, dominated by liberals, glamorizes violence and black criminals and drug use. The media elite profits while African Americans end up dead or in prison. Drug cartels, which have done so much damage to minority communities, only exist because of wealthy drug users.

Inside the Hollywood Drug Scene: How Celebrities Get Their Fix

6) The states with the most segregated public schools are epicenters of liberalism
Why Are Liberal Cities Bad for Blacks?
Latte liberals love condemning racism as they lounge in their gated lily-white communities.
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Another thread in contention for the 'Moron Thread of the Month Award'. The Moron Award, the highest award for ridiculous conspiratorial thinking, inane comparison and stupid fortunetelling, is awarded monthly to a person of such low reason and sense, they must be extraordinarily stupid. Simple levels of stupid do not qualify for the award or it would have to be given too often. While it may seem this award is not politically correct, the rational for the award recognizes that some stupid threads far exceed the usual stupid, demonstrating a level of stupid rarely reached in even the stupidest setting. It is the award promoter's wish and sincere hope that this level of stupid is not inheritable.
Another thread in contention for the 'Moron Thread of the Month Award'.
You mean because you've arrived? Instead of engaging in name-calling why not refute one or more of the points made in the OP? Unless you can't.
Other than well-connected multimillionaires, who actually benefits from liberalism?

Certainly not women. "Feminists" are especially the enemy of women who value their families.

Two Big Things Feminism Gets Wrong

The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness

A sexually confused young man is not served by homosexual activists eager to trap him in a lifestyle that is not really all that fabulous.
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Liberal elites (leftist professors, media executives, bankers, politicians, lawyers) always want other people to sacrifice in the interest of minority groups. How about the liberal elites sacrificing? Let's start with the Upper West Side in Manhattan. We could redistribute toney apartments in the Upper West Side to poor African Americans or Hispanics living in the South Bronx or Harlem! lol
Don't forget the Hollyweird liberals who kiss Barry's ass in public but then engage in racist email exchanges about him as the NK hack of Sony's secrets has exposed to the world. Movie industry bigwigs sticking it to our black president behind his back.

Come to think of it that might make for a great screenplay.
1. Abortion isn't murder because fetus are not legal human beings.

2. I love how any bad economic news is all OBAMA's fault but Obama gets no credit for good economic news. You know there could be other reasons for black people not getting jobs, prejudicial thinking that they are lazy and stupid which infiltrate many RW posts on this board. But republicans aren't racists, Obama is.

3. Threaten to cut off aid is to stand up for equal rights and to stop violence towards homosexuals. I know it's like homosexuals are actually people. Silly Liberals.
1. Abortion isn't murder because fetus are not legal human beings.
Please don't devalue innocent human life.


2. I love how any bad economic news is all OBAMA's fault but Obama gets no credit for good economic news.
Stop running from responsibility, it makes you look foolish.

Check out the quote:

According to a study by Emmanuel Saez and Piketty, the top 1 percent of earners have captured more of the income gains under Obama than under George W. Bush.

3. Threaten to cut off aid is to stand up for equal rights and to stop violence towards homosexuals. I know it's like homosexuals are actually people. Silly Liberals.
So you think starving African children is okay if Africans don't submit to the demands of American gay activists?! Some cultures don't think people should be forced to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle. Do you think Africans should be forced to accept American dictates?
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LGBT activism must be the most ridiculous "reform" movement in human history. In the past brave people fought against slavery, Communism, infanticide/abortion and for women's suffrage, freedom of speech, democracy (among many other noble causes). Now the only "reform" movement endorsed by the corporate media is devoted to:

Do you think maybe this is because LGBT activism doesn't take money from the pockets of corporate fat cats?

Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO, Named Corporate Spokesman For Same-Sex Marriage By HRC
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1. Abortion isn't murder because fetus are not legal human beings.

2. I love how any bad economic news is all OBAMA's fault but Obama gets no credit for good economic news. You know there could be other reasons for black people not getting jobs, prejudicial thinking that they are lazy and stupid which infiltrate many RW posts on this board. But republicans aren't racists, Obama is.

3. Threaten to cut off aid is to stand up for equal rights and to stop violence towards homosexuals. I know it's like homosexuals are actually people. Silly Liberals.

Scott Peterson was convicted of double murder by killing his pregnant wife.

Currently, at least 38 states have fetal homicide laws. The states include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. At least 23 states have fetal homicide laws that apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Fetal Homicide State Laws
Nobody wallows in white privilege like our liberal elites.


1) Liberal elites want to condemn African American children to inferior schools, deny these children and their parents choice.

School Choice Right Focus for African Americans
The Black Alliance for Educational Options

2) The abortion industry has killed far more black people than the KKK.

79% of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks, Hispanics

3) Under Obama black unemployment has reached Great Depression levels.

Black unemployment at Great Depression levels of 23.7%
Tavis Smiley: 'Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama'
Yet Obama enjoys raining billions on well-connected bankers and wasting more billions on endless, pointless wars & occupations.

4) Homosexual activists want to starve African children if Africans don’t submit to the activists’ demands.

Obama Fights Nigerian Anti-Gay Bill, Threatens To Cut Off Aid
Gay Tory MP: Withdraw UK aid to Uganda if it passes anti-gay legislation
I'm sure we all condemn this kind of imperialism.

5) The corporate media, dominated by liberals, glamorizes violence and black criminals and drug use. The media elite profits while African Americans end up dead or in prison. Drug cartels, which have done so much damage to minority communities, only exist because of wealthy drug users.

Inside the Hollywood Drug Scene: How Celebrities Get Their Fix

6) The states with the most segregated public schools are epicenters of liberalism
Why Are Liberal Cities Bad for Blacks?
Latte liberals love condemning racism as they lounge in their gated lily-white communities.

Looks to me like you're the racist. Why concentrate on blacks and gays?

Are you aware 36% of abortions are white babies, while only 30% are black?

Where's your handpicked numbers expressing faux outrage over that?

Whoa there, Grandmasterbater!

Those schools aren't segregated.


  1. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.
    "the segregation of pupils with learning difficulties"
    • the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.
      "an official policy of racial segregation"

Those schools merely have a higher black/hispanic/asian population.

Good Gawd...don't you check this stupid shit for truthfulness before you shit it outta your ass?

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