Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Trust me, Mitch McConnell doesn't want Jeff Sessions to have the job. McConnell is one of the elite pedophiles and one of the closet queers that are up to their necks in shit when it comes to Pizzagate.......if there is any justice? McConnell, Barney Frank and many other high profile politicians are going to do the perp walk. The arrests of 474 pedophiles in California this week is just the start of a major sweep to drain this swamp.....and it's only the beginning...... if the rank and file members of the FBI get their way. Anthony Wiener's laptop was the mother lode. NYPD detectives have been restricted from releasing the information.
Well then the GOP should be quick to groom replacement representatives for the ranks they suspect will fall, in the respective states they're from. The democrats are trying to regain power without a vote....again...
No, the motive was to bring evidence of her concerns with the nominee for AG in the most appropriate time to do so. During the debate period.

She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.

Except those cases were dismissed as there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute. One would think a prosecutor would know that before trying. If that were the point of doing it that is.
You, Skye, are a Great American.

I don't know about that ZZ PUPPS.....:laugh:

All I know is that loony libs worldwide, are absolutely pathetic, not only in America, but the rest of the world too.

Also, I offer my apologies to Curly, Larry and Moe..... if you compare their IQ's with that of those three women......they are Einsteins! :lmao:
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.

Except those cases were dismissed as there was not sufficient evidence to prosecute. One would think a prosecutor would know that before trying. If that were the point of doing it that is.

The damn letter was 20 years old, and was nothing but an attempt at Obstruction and Character Assassination back then.
It was read by Democrat Senators 3 times previously, and each time each one of those Senators were given a warning that they were violating Senate rules, but the Senate let the letter be read anyways all three times.

Elizabeth Warren decided to test the patience of The Senate one more time and try to read it a 4th time, you know, so CNN could get a convenient sound bite out of it, because they missed the first three times.

Well, in my book, that is down right ANTAGONISTIC, and she should have not only been asked to sit down, they should have censured her and removed her from the chambers.

She and three other Senators were warned and told to quit reading the damn 20 year old letter, which again I remind you was written to Obstruct, and to Character Assassinate Sessions 20 years ago, and had already been read 3 times that day. The accusations had no merit or proof back then, as they have no merit or proof now.

It was nothing but pure unadulterated slander and read out loud with malice and reckless disregard for decency and decorum.

So what do the Dem Fascist Liberal Nazis do?

They do what all Dems do. They refuse to reform, and they double down on stupid. It's all they know.

So they got what they deserved.
This is interesting as the fact that it was read 3 times was not mentioned in the OP.

That is standing right there to shut her down - it shows no interest in brining actual debate on the topic or trying to move things forward - just trying to be antagonistic.
Of course a fool would believe so, and a neo fascist fool will always support censorship when something challenges their deplorable world view.
It's the rules of the Senate, not censorship, asswipe.
She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.

No, it isn't. Even Alveda spoke up against Warren for her lame attempt at race baiting.
Yes it was an ancient rule that was never used that Mc connell pulled out of the hat from 60 years ago and not used since, to use against Warren.

Just last week on the Senate Floor, a Republican Senator said "Schumer, (the Minority Leader) was a LIAR and Phony and faked his stupid tears...."

Why would that not be censored?

MCConnell was being a partisan prick and not very leader like.... happens to the best of us from time to time....
She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.
how? it means nothing today, doesn't confirm anything of what is discussed in the real world today. Like I already posted, Black Pastors are wondering what's wrong with the NAACP bad mouthing Sessions. It's in the thread in earlier posts. go read up. One person shouldn't be allowed to determine a confirmation. sorry, got to do better than that. I remember the Thomas confirmation for SCOTUS. Anita hill's effort to block Clarence. I'm so done with the fked up libturd nonsense they think is cute.

McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Sessions, Senate GOP Silences Her

Warren was reading a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King about Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rose on Tuesday and objected to a speech Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was giving in opposition to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general.

McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.

McConnell invoked the little-used Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.” King’s letter argues that, during Sessions’ time as a prosecutor in Alabama, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.” It was that portion of the letter that McConnell read back to the presiding officer, arguing that it was over the line.

The Republican presiding in the chair, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, agreed with McConnell, ruling her in violation of the order and forcing her to sit down.

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren replied.

A vote was then held on Warren’s appeal of the ruling of the chair, and Republicans prevailed. Under the rules, she would be barred from speaking during the remaining 30 hours of the Sessions debate.

Democrats then asked that, notwithstanding the ruling of the chair, her speaking privileges be restored, and McConnell called for a vote on the request. The story is developing.

Watch a clip of the exchange above.

More: Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Jeff Sessions

I've been watching the Senate for many years - but I've never seen anything like this. This seems like a very stupid move by Mitch McConnell. Senator Warren was "Red Carded" by the Senate - which means she will not be allowed to speak on Jeff Sessions anymore.

Oh, you mean that chick who MLK used to cheat on every chance he got? Why would we want the Senate's time wasted on listening to a letter from one of MLK's side pieces? She's irrelevant and so is her silly letter.
The damn letter was 20 years old, and was nothing but an attempt at Obstruction and Character Assassination back then.
It was read by Democrat Senators 3 times previously, and each time each one of those Senators were given a warning that they were violating Senate rules, but the Senate let the letter be read anyways all three times.

Elizabeth Warren decided to test the patience of The Senate one more time and try to read it a 4th time, you know, so CNN could get a convenient sound bite out of it, because they missed the first three times.

Well, in my book, that is down right ANTAGONISTIC, and she should have not only been asked to sit down, they should have censured her and removed her from the chambers.

She and three other Senators were warned and told to quit reading the damn 20 year old letter, which again I remind you was written to Obstruct, and to Character Assassinate Sessions 20 years ago, and had already been read 3 times that day. The accusations had no merit or proof back then, as they have no merit or proof now.

It was nothing but pure unadulterated slander and read out loud with malice and reckless disregard for decency and decorum.

So what do the Dem Fascist Liberal Nazis do?

They do what all Dems do. They refuse to reform, and they double down on stupid. It's all they know.

So they got what they deserved.
This is interesting as the fact that it was read 3 times was not mentioned in the OP.

That is standing right there to shut her down - it shows no interest in brining actual debate on the topic or trying to move things forward - just trying to be antagonistic.
it's called a delay tactic. read something as many times as they can. They act like such adults it's hilarious. What a bunch of bully babies.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.

No, it isn't. Even Alveda spoke up against Warren for her lame attempt at race baiting.
so I wonder if warren or any of them had permission to read the letter. I'd sue them all.
Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.

Chillin....that's horrible.

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