Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Yes it was an ancient rule that was never used that Mc connell pulled out of the hat from 60 years ago and not used since, to use against Warren.

Just last week on the Senate Floor, a Republican Senator said "Schumer, (the Minority Leader) was a LIAR and Phony and faked his stupid tears...."

Why would that not be censored?

MCConnell was being a partisan prick and not very leader like.... happens to the best of us from time to time....
Why should she have been allowed to continue reading something that has been read 3 times before? What reasoning do you have that should defends this behavior?
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?
The most racist southerners who imposed segregation, who imposed Jim Crow laws, who founded the Klan were Democrats. The Klan was founded by great many Democrats and now the Democrats just accuse anyone they disagree with of being a racist.

Goofy Warren is angry and out of her mind.
Interesting rule

Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

In effect it says, if a Senator is being considered for a Cabinet position.......Nobody is allowed to question his past conduct, motives or actions that are unbecoming a Senator
You don't have to call someone an asshole to prove they're an asshole. We do it all day long with you libs on this board. All warren did was prove she's an asshole.

Sorry, but your post makes no sense

At no point was Warren calling him any names.....she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King into the record

Rule XIX is overly broad and prevents anyone from examining a Senators record.......even in a confirmation hearing for another position
Pokahontas is a loud mouth asshole. If the Rule is too broad, change the rule. Until then sit down and stfu like The Turtle ordered.
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Yes it was an ancient rule that was never used that Mc connell pulled out of the hat from 60 years ago and not used since, to use against Warren.

Just last week on the Senate Floor, a Republican Senator said "Schumer, (the Minority Leader) was a LIAR and Phony and faked his stupid tears...."

Why would that not be censored?

MCConnell was being a partisan prick and not very leader like.... happens to the best of us from time to time....
Well to begin with.....all of that was true.
Second, these marathon sessions have been dragging on for too long, so this was McConnell putting a boot in her ass to hurry the process. Besides, she already had been trashing Session for several minutes. This was just using a dead person's unsubstantiated claims to do more of the same (simply because Corretta Scott King is supposedly held in high regard the same as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln by the left). The woman was reading a statement from a dead person who made false claims 30 years ago. After she was banned Pocahontas claimed she was being mistreated because of her vagina. The disgrace in all of this is Elizabeth Warren.
the same folks who are complainin about this thing celebrated when Milo's free speech was shut down at Berkeley. HYPOCRITES!
At some point Ms Warrens " everything democrat is good and everything republican is bad" hate speech has to give way to progress on staffing the govt. the democrats obstructionism is unprecedented, has never happened before in our history to this extent. She would speak for four years if she could to throw a monkey wrench into anything Donald trump did. At some point the grown ups have to take control and stick this spoiled, ill behaved, self serving brat in the corner. She is a bully.
At some point Ms Warrens " everything democrat is good and everything republican is bad" hate speech has to give way to progress on staffing the govt. the democrats obstructionism is unprecedented, has never happened before in our history to this extent. She would speak for four years if she could to throw a monkey wrench into anything Donald trump did. At some point the grown ups have to take control and stick this spoiled, ill behaved, self serving brat in the corner. She is a bully.
To be a good Democrat....all you need to be is an :ahole-1:
What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.

No, it isn't. Even Alveda spoke up against Warren for her lame attempt at race baiting.

Attempting prosecution against black activists who were registering people to vote only to have the cases thrown out for lack of evidence is certainly a valid concern about the man up for AG. It certainly was the reason he didn't get a federal judgeship thirty years ago.
What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.
how? it means nothing today, doesn't confirm anything of what is discussed in the real world today. Like I already posted, Black Pastors are wondering what's wrong with the NAACP bad mouthing Sessions. It's in the thread in earlier posts. go read up. One person shouldn't be allowed to determine a confirmation. sorry, got to do better than that. I remember the Thomas confirmation for SCOTUS. Anita hill's effort to block Clarence. I'm so done with the fked up libturd nonsense they think is cute.

See above, dope.

You have no clue as usual.
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.

No, it isn't. Even Alveda spoke up against Warren for her lame attempt at race baiting.

Attempting prosecution against black activists who were registering people to vote only to have the cases thrown out for lack of evidence is certainly a valid concern about the man up for AG. It certainly was the reason he didn't get a federal judgeship thirty years ago.
Do you think he arrested them?
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
Well what's funny he acts like session's arrested them
Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.
why did so many need to read the letter? isn't it a chamber and everyone there? Do they feel they are all hard of hearing, or lack comprehension skills? why four times?

Because it's a valid point as to why Sessions ought not to be AG. The letter is simply corroboration of that fact from a venerated source.

No, it isn't. Even Alveda spoke up against Warren for her lame attempt at race baiting.

Attempting prosecution against black activists who were registering people to vote only to have the cases thrown out for lack of evidence is certainly a valid concern about the man up for AG. It certainly was the reason he didn't get a federal judgeship thirty years ago.
Do you think he arrested them?

Do you think at all?
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


The exact same evidence used in the 80's that led to Sessions not getting a federal judgeship. It was relevant then and it's just as relevant now given the scope of cases the AG will need to oversee.
How far we have fallen.

Yes, how far have we fallen, but not for the reason you ctrl-Lefties promote.

You mean whites losing control?

No, I mean how people who describe themselves as Liberals have turned into a bunch of totalitarian fascist thugs hellbent on destroying the lives and property of anyone who disagrees with them.
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It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
Well what's funny he acts like session's arrested them

Libs weren't concerned when the Obama administration refused to pursue charges against the Black Panthers for clear voter intimidation. They didn't go after MI after the recount discovered that Hillary votes were counted six times each. No Dem expressed concern over officials in Dem states deliberately disenfranchising military people by not sending ballots in time and for misplacing ballots a few years ago.

The above instances were government and state officials- Dems - engaging in efforts to stop people from voting and failing to prosecute others who did.

Sessions didn't do anything wrong. All cases should be taken seriously.
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
Well what's funny he acts like session's arrested them

Libs weren't concerned when the Obama administration refused to pursue charges against the Black Panthers for clear voter intimidation. They didn't go after MI after the recount discovered that Hillary votes were counted six times each. No Dem expressed concern over officials in Dem states deliberately disenfranchising military people by not sending ballots in time and for misplacing ballots a few years ago.

The above instances were government and state officials- Dems - engaging in efforts to stop people from voting and failing to prosecute others who did.

Sessions didn't do anything wrong. All cases should be taken seriously.
Don't forget the plane that crashed and burned containing thousands of absentee ballots from deployed servicemen in 2012.
It seems the big sin Sessions committed was catching and prosecuting blacks that had altered and mailed boxes full of absentee ballots.
Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
Well what's funny he acts like session's arrested them

Libs weren't concerned when the Obama administration refused to pursue charges against the Black Panthers for clear voter intimidation. They didn't go after MI after the recount discovered that Hillary votes were counted six times each. No Dem expressed concern over officials in Dem states deliberately disenfranchising military people by not sending ballots in time and for misplacing ballots a few years ago.

The above instances were government and state officials- Dems - engaging in efforts to stop people from voting and failing to prosecute others who did.

Sessions didn't do anything wrong. All cases should be taken seriously.

It was President Bush who didn't pursue charges against those two goofy New Black Panthers - because no one was intimidated and they did nothing wrong.
this rule that you cant impugn the character of another senator is silly and undemocratic, not that i agree with Goofy Warren.
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


The exact same evidence used in the 80's that led to Sessions not getting a federal judgeship. It was relevant then and it's just as relevant now given the scope of cases the AG will need to oversee.
How far we have fallen.

Yes, how far have we fallen, but not for the reason you ctrl-Lefties promote.

You mean whites losing control?

No, I mean how people who describe themselves as Liberals have turned into a bunch of totalitarian fascist thugs hellbent on destroying the lives and property of anyone who disagrees with them.
Cult, call it when it is

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