Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Her crime was hiding behind Coretta Scott King to violate Senate Rules. She should know that given the $400K per year she makes are Harvard for teaching one class.
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Her crime was hiding behind Coretta Scott King to violate Senate Rules. She should know that given the $400K per year she makes are Harvard for teaching one class.

Why were male Senators later allowed to read King's letter on the Senate floor?
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Mitch McConnell's famous words:

“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Her crime was hiding behind Coretta Scott King to violate Senate Rules. She should know that given the $400K per year she makes are Harvard for teaching one class.

Why where male Senators later allowed to read King's letter on the Senate floor?

^^^^^ This.
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Her crime was hiding behind Coretta Scott King to violate Senate Rules. She should know that given the $400K per year she makes are Harvard for teaching one class.

Why were male Senators later allowed to read King's letter on the Senate floor?

The question is, why did she think 3 times wasn't enough?
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.
Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
It was trump's play and he got what he wanted!

So winning is more important than squandering reputation... Got it.
They did it to set her off. It worked. We'll now see her and the lefturds go fking more nuts. Genius

McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Sessions, Senate GOP Silences Her

Warren was reading a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King about Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rose on Tuesday and objected to a speech Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was giving in opposition to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general.

McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.

McConnell invoked the little-used Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.” King’s letter argues that, during Sessions’ time as a prosecutor in Alabama, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.” It was that portion of the letter that McConnell read back to the presiding officer, arguing that it was over the line.

The Republican presiding in the chair, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, agreed with McConnell, ruling her in violation of the order and forcing her to sit down.

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren replied.

A vote was then held on Warren’s appeal of the ruling of the chair, and Republicans prevailed. Under the rules, she would be barred from speaking during the remaining 30 hours of the Sessions debate.

Democrats then asked that, notwithstanding the ruling of the chair, her speaking privileges be restored, and McConnell called for a vote on the request. The story is developing.

Watch a clip of the exchange above.

More: Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Jeff Sessions

I've been watching the Senate for many years - but I've never seen anything like this. This seems like a very stupid move by Mitch McConnell. Senator Warren was "Red Carded" by the Senate - which means she will not be allowed to speak on Jeff Sessions anymore.

It's basically saying that you can't criticize a potential appointee if they're a member of the Senate. Seems rather ridiculous.
Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
It was trump's play and he got what he wanted!

So winning is more important than squandering reputation... Got it.
They did it to set her off. It worked. We'll now see her and the lefturds go fking more nuts. Genius

It set a lot of people off. Thank you, Mitch.

“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
Time to sharpen the poles for the IMPALEMENTS. I have a good double edge axe ready, and I can cut a few hundred 6" thick pines from the back 100 ac to use to start with. LOOOOOOOSSEEERRR on a POLE, Hah kinda like shit on a stick HAHAHAHAHA!

Well guess the hell what, eeeewwwwwarrant is pure vomit, spewing shit out of the asshole in her face. HAAAHAHAAHA, LOOOOSSSSEEEERRRRS crying in the rain,<<<<<<>>>>>>. LIberals prove again they can't follow the laws, cant follow the rules, think they can do as they damn well please while bitching if anyone else spits on the sidewalk. All the stupid dog did was prove how vile she is and how bad they all stink. PHEW I smell shit even here, Must be a dimocrat within a thousand miles or so.
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It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.
Time to sharpen the poles for the IMPALEMENTS. I have a good double edge axe ready, and I can cut a few hundred 6" thick pines from the back 100 ac to use to start with. LOOOOOOOSSEEERRR on a POLE, Hah kinda like shit on a stick HAHAHAHAHA!

Well guess the hell what, eeeewwwwwarrant is pure vomit, spewing shit out of the asshole in her face. HAAAHAHAAHA, LOOOOSSSSEEEERRRRS crying in the rain,<<<<<<>>>>>>. LIberals prove again they can't follow the laws, cant follow the rules, think they can do as they damn well please while bitching if anyone else spits on the sidewalk. All the stupid dog did was prove how vile she is and how bad they all stink. PHEW I smell shit even here, Must be a dimocrat within a thousand miles or so.

It's sounds like your barbecue grill exploded all over the place.

McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Sessions, Senate GOP Silences Her

Warren was reading a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King about Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rose on Tuesday and objected to a speech Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was giving in opposition to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general.

McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.

McConnell invoked the little-used Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.” King’s letter argues that, during Sessions’ time as a prosecutor in Alabama, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.” It was that portion of the letter that McConnell read back to the presiding officer, arguing that it was over the line.

The Republican presiding in the chair, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, agreed with McConnell, ruling her in violation of the order and forcing her to sit down.

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren replied.

A vote was then held on Warren’s appeal of the ruling of the chair, and Republicans prevailed. Under the rules, she would be barred from speaking during the remaining 30 hours of the Sessions debate.

Democrats then asked that, notwithstanding the ruling of the chair, her speaking privileges be restored, and McConnell called for a vote on the request. The story is developing.

Watch a clip of the exchange above.

More: Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Jeff Sessions

I've been watching the Senate for many years - but I've never seen anything like this. This seems like a very stupid move by Mitch McConnell. Senator Warren was "Red Carded" by the Senate - which means she will not be allowed to speak on Jeff Sessions anymore.

It's basically saying that you can't criticize a potential appointee if they're a member of the Senate. Seems rather ridiculous.

Do you seriously think the commiecrats wouldn't have done the same if the tables were turned?
It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
It was trump's play and he got what he wanted!

So winning is more important than squandering reputation... Got it.
They did it to set her off. It worked. We'll now see her and the lefturds go fking more nuts. Genius

It set a lot of people off. Thank you, Mitch.

“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
Yep the cult of libturds showing more colors!
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.
Asked and answered a long time ago.
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.

How about during Reagan's last year. Not long ago...

The Senate confirmed Kennedy 97-0 on Feb. 4, 1988. That was about 28 years ago -- not 80.

Rubio exaggerates in saying it's been 80 years since a 'lame duck' made a Supreme Court nomination
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
Reagan got two I believe.

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