Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Hey fucknut. That case the confederate-loving Beauregard Session prosecuted found the defendants not guilty of all charges.
So, shitstain, in what way did this stop these motherfuckers from voting?

You have to think like a lib. Stopping illegals from voting or stopping altered ballots from being submitted equals stopping people from voting. To them, votes are votes whether they are legitimate or not.

Only thing I've seen that actually stopped people from voting was the Dems ensuring that overseas military absentee ballots were sent too late or "accidentally" put in the wrong crates and never returned to the states in time. Also, some were frightened away from polling places by Black Panthers carrying clubs. They were never prosecuted but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been. Wasn't it Michigan that was counting votes for Hillary six times each and they weren't prosecuted, either.

It would appear that a lack of convictions don't equal innocence.
Well what's funny he acts like session's arrested them

Libs weren't concerned when the Obama administration refused to pursue charges against the Black Panthers for clear voter intimidation. They didn't go after MI after the recount discovered that Hillary votes were counted six times each. No Dem expressed concern over officials in Dem states deliberately disenfranchising military people by not sending ballots in time and for misplacing ballots a few years ago.

The above instances were government and state officials- Dems - engaging in efforts to stop people from voting and failing to prosecute others who did.

Sessions didn't do anything wrong. All cases should be taken seriously.

It was President Bush who didn't pursue charges against those two goofy New Black Panthers - because no one was intimidated and they did nothing wrong.
Sorry, but Eric Holder was AG when that investigation came down. He refused to press charges against his people.
It's about time McConnell grew a pair. damn rules, you folks just can't seem abide by them
What the fuck rule are you talking about? The letter was already in the congressional record. She didn't do anything wrong. She just read what was already there and had been read before. Why wasn't it wrong then but it's wrong now? The answer? It wasn't wrong. It was racist Republicans shutting up a Democrat because he felt like it. Period.

Evidently it violated rule 19, McConnell brought it up and the chair sustained and told the bitch to take her seat. I guess you didn't bother to watch the video. Maybe instead of bitching at me you should look up Senate rule 19, I'm not going to do it for you.
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?
30 years ago that letter by MLK's widow was tucked away by the Dixiecrat bigot Strom Thurmond, who was supposed to officially enter into the Congressional record -- but the bastard OOpps disappeared it.

It should have been part of the Congressional record long ago, but for the GOP bastard. At long last, it finally is part of the record, and everyone should read it.

LIE! It was read into the record in 86.
Does it bother any of you that you are upset that Warren didn't get to violate the rules to lie about and slander a good man
The debate is over Jeff Sessions the Attorney General nominee, not Senator Sessions.

If he was not a Senator too, the rule invoked to silence Warren would not have applied, and could not have been used to silence her.

So with this cheap move, the GOP has effectively decided that sitting Senators who get nominated to Executive Branch positions get special treatment not afforded to anybody else.

But hey, if you don't like Warren's politics it's all good, right?

This rule is rarely invoked

It is meant to protect Senators doing their job not persons who are under a Senate confirmation

To provide Sessions with additional protections that were not available to all the other Trump appointees is a breach of power

He is a Senator.

If Pocahontas wants to trash his reputation she's gonna have to do it in the press....where she can be sued for slander.

Yea...Sessions seems to bounce back and forth between Senator and Trump appointee

He is a Senator when he has to vote to confirm DeVoss
He is a Senator when he needs to be protected by fellow Snowflake Republicans

But he is an appointee in regards to this confirmation hearing

He's a senator until he swears in as AG.
This wasn't about me.....it's about why Warren was blocked......it broke Senate rules.

I'm still looking for a single statement that breaks the rule

What are you offended by?

Here's her full speech......or as much was allowed.

She was initially warned by Senator Steve Daines, the Presiding Officer from Montana, about breaking the rule somewhere around 23:20(?) about her previous quotes from Kennedy's letter of a setting Senator being a disgrace.
Then at 49:18(?) Mitch McConnell stated she again broke the ruling by quoting Kings comments in her letter saying 'Senator Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens'. McConnell's charge was that she was impuning the motives and conduct of a colleague of which she had been previously warned against.

That is a broad overreach

Both documents are a matter of public record from distinguished citizens and are directly related to Sessions fitness for the office he seeks

Do Republicans really think sessions record is off limits just because he is a Senator?

Regardless of your opinion on the matter.....or mine, or Republicans or Democrats..........the fact still remains that she broke a standing rule and was called on it. That is a fact.
She should have taken heed to the warning and maybe reworded her responses that did not include direct quotes from Sessions opposition 30 years prior to a lower appointment where those comments were acceptable.

Broad overreach of power that backfired Bigly

Just wait till the next time it's used.
They are picking on Jeff Sessions because he is a "Nose picking Red Neck Racist Bastard" who wants to execute marijuana traders

Yeah, and he proved it by convicting and getting the death sentence for the head of AL KKK. How could he not be a racist doing things like that? LMAO.
What the fuck rule are you talking about? The letter was already in the congressional record. She didn't do anything wrong. She just read what was already there and had been read before. Why wasn't it wrong then but it's wrong now? The answer? It wasn't wrong. It was racist Republicans shutting up a Democrat because he felt like it. Period.

Evidently it violated rule 19, McConnell brought it up and the chair sustained and told the bitch to take her seat. I guess you didn't bother to watch the video. Maybe instead of bitching at me you should look up Senate rule 19, I'm not going to do it for you.
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.
Evidently it violated rule 19, McConnell brought it up and the chair sustained and told the bitch to take her seat. I guess you didn't bother to watch the video. Maybe instead of bitching at me you should look up Senate rule 19, I'm not going to do it for you.
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.
this rule that you cant impugn the character of another senator is silly and undemocratic, not that i agree with Goofy Warren.
It's the rules period. Just like the military has rules and rules MUST be followed in US Buildings
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...

With the average Americans attention span being about 13 seconds, it will be forgotten by the vast majority of the country by the end of the week.
The point of order was about her motive for reading it. Once again, refer to the rule, I've already read it, she was in violation.

It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
It was trump's play and he got what he wanted!
It's a Senate CONFIRMATION DEBATE.. How else do you cover the history of a candidate if you cannot bring into evidence SIGNIFICANT testimonials. Only REALLY by denying the significance of MLK and his wife.

Repubs are so darn stupid for picking these fights. That's why I have ZERO sympathy for them. They play at this like a game they really don't like. Because the REAL GAME would have been to DEBATE the merits of that testimonial. And refute the significance of it if you could. You are NEVER pressed for time to do that. You just have to work HARDER and LONGER.. .Something neither side seems capable of...

Wait till you see how they avoid a filibuster on Gorsuch, using, you guessed it, rule XIX. BTW are you aware Sessions was awarded the Excellence in Government Award in 2009, from the NAACP?

Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues. STILL -- Repubs should ALLOW the Dems to go back to the 60s to troll for the ugliness. You know WHY ?? Because the DEMS WERE UGLIER in the 60s than the Repubs. Repubs are STUPID. They lose because they don't think STRATEGICALLY. (Dems don't either for the most part, but they protest EVERYTHING). They don't let the opposition HANG themselves. Pick the right battles. Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.

It wasn't intended as debate, the intent was to slander Sessions. But it's all moot, Sessions has been confirmed and will be sworn in tomorrow. I just hope the AL governor has his replacement primed and ready to go.

That may be true. But the event will be REMEMBERED as the Repubs dissing the relevance of Correta King. Not Smart --- as your orange cheeto would say.. LOL...
It was trump's play and he got what he wanted!

So winning is more important than squandering reputation... Got it.
It seems to me that Mitch McConnell greatly increased the odds of Senator Elizabeth Warren becoming the first female President of the United States in 2020.

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