Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Do you really think all the folks that voted for Trump and his agenda, in the rust belt aren't taking note of commiecrat obstruction? I just hope they keep it up into 2018, commiecrats will see what a blood bath really looks like.

Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
Reagan got two I believe.

And they tried to screw him on every one. Are you familiar with the term Borked?
Why does obstruction bother you when you guys spent 8 years doing the same thing?

Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
Reagan got two I believe.

And they tried to screw him on every one. Are you familiar with the term Borked?

Bork was as nutty as Trump's doctor.
Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
Reagan got two I believe.

And they tried to screw him on every one. Are you familiar with the term Borked?

Bork was as nutty as Trump's doctor.

And much more qualified than Kagan or Sotomayor.
Elizabeth Warren Puts GOP On Notice: This Is Just The Beginning

“We won’t be silent. We will speak out. And we WILL persist.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is putting newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Republican senators who approved him on notice.

GOP lawmakers on Tuesday night invoked Rule 19, which forbids speaking ill of other senators, to silence Warren as she attempted to read a letter from Coretta Scott King criticizing Sessions.

“She was warned. She was given an explanation,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said. “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

Less than 24 hours later, Warren fired off a blistering series of tweets noting that Sessions is no longer a senator ― and no longer protected by Rule 19.

She also had a warning for her GOP counterparts who confirmed him.

Here’s what she said Wednesday evening:

More: Elizabeth Warren Puts GOP On Notice: This Is Just The Beginning

Go Liz! Elizabeth Warren for president in 2020.
All of a sudden the libs are dialed in and pretending to pay attention. The libs have buried their heads in the sand and forgot what they endorsed. To cry foul when the other side does it, is beyond pathetic.
Really, why did your dear leader get the cabinet he wanted without obstruction, why were none of his supreme court nominees filibustered? In fact both Clinton and your dear leader got 2 appointments with out any major objections. And don't give me any crap about McConnell upholding the BIDEN rule you make the rule you live by it.

Why did the Republicans refuse to give Garland a hearing?

There is no such thing as the "Biden rule" - you guys made it up after you refused to at least give Garland a hearing and an up and down vote.

Name one supreme that has been approved when a vacancy occurred during an election year in the last 100 years. Also it only seems to upset you hacks, the American people were in favor of the new president making the pick, even the commiecrats. Of course they thought the hildabitch had it in the bag. 70% said the court appointment played a major roll in their decision. OH and Biden made it up by saying they wouldn't consider a Bush nomination late in his second term.
Reagan got two I believe.

And they tried to screw him on every one. Are you familiar with the term Borked?

Bork was as nutty as Trump's doctor.

Bork was a great jurist.

Smear artists Ted "The Liar of the Senate" and Joe "The Moron" Biden took him out before he ever had a chance.

So please tell us how fair the left is again.

You guys lost.

Suck on it.
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Her crime was hiding behind Coretta Scott King to violate Senate Rules. She should know that given the $400K per year she makes are Harvard for teaching one class.

Why were male Senators later allowed to read King's letter on the Senate floor?

Reading the letter and using the letter as a tool to violate Senate Rules are two different things.
Bork was a great jurist.

Nixon ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire Cox. Richardson refused, and resigned in protest. Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox. He also refused and resigned.[4][5] Nixon then ordered the Solicitor General, Robert Bork (as acting head of the Justice Department), to fire Cox. Both Richardson and Ruckelshaus had given personal assurances to Congressional oversight committees that they would not interfere, but Bork had not. Although Bork later claimed that he believed Nixon's order to be valid and appropriate, he still considered resigning to avoid being "perceived as a man who did the President's bidding to save my job."[6] Nevertheless, having been brought to the White House by limousine and sworn in as Acting Attorney General, Bork wrote the letter firing Cox.[7]

Bork = Obstruction of Justice
Oh yeah. I'm old enough to have seen some of the sincere shifts in hearts and minds with regard to Civil Rights Issues.

Trump Vows to Get Endorsement for Jeff Sessions from Frederick Douglass
<--Sincerely shifting GOP

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Don't shut down the debate process BECAUSE the nominee is a Senator.
A Senator that could not become Judge due to racism
It is still OK to Go ahead though and shut down debate on Obama's Nominee to the Supreme Court by not holding a Hearing on Obama's Nomination...that way no debate of Any Kind happens ..:321:
Why ?

The President is a Negro is why
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For all of you ignorant Dumbocrats out there who think Elizabeth "Little Feather" Warren was "silenced"...

(She violated Senate floor rules. Rules which have been in place long before she was even born in that tepee)
I guess it's only appropriate that the fragile little Dumbocrat snowflakes are having a meltdown over this. Following the law is something that always enrages them.
30 years ago that letter by MLK's widow was tucked away by the Dixiecrat bigot Strom Thurmond, who was supposed to officially enter into the Congressional record -- but the bastard OOpps disappeared it.

It should have been part of the Congressional record long ago, but for the GOP bastard. At long last, it finally is part of the record, and everyone should read it.

LIE! It was read into the record in 86.

LIE. It was never put into the Congressional Record.
The U.S. Senate has tried to silence Coretta Scott King for 30 years:


"As my colleague Christina Cauterucci noted last month, King’s letter didn’t make it into the congressional record three decades ago, and it wouldn’t have been released this year if Sen. Chuck Grassley had his way.

The chair of the Judiciary Committee is the only person with the legal power to release King’s written testimony into public record. In 1986, the chairman was noted racist Strom Thurmond, who unsurprisingly declined to make King’s letter public. The current chairman, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, could also have released King’s letter, but, as he believes Sessions is “very honorable” and a “man of integrity,” had little incentive to do so.

The entire document was made public for the first time by the Washington Post on Jan. 10, after an unidentified person leaked it to the newspaper. As BuzzFeed noted, before this year just one line from the letter had been made public, thanks to a dispatch written in 1986 by a Knight Ridder reporter. “For a century, the racial practices that characterized our region were established and enforced by men who, like Mr. Sessions, protested that they, too, were not personally hostile to blacks,” King wrote.

Thanks to the Post, we now know the full sweep of King’s remark. She warned that the “irony of Mr. Sessions’ nomination is that, if confirmed, he will be given life tenure for doing with a federal prosecution what the local sheriffs accomplished 20 years ago with clubs and cattle prods.” We can now add that the other irony of the Sessions nomination is that a woman was silenced for attempting to read a 10-page document that had somehow been kept out of the public record for 30 years."
I guess it's only appropriate that the fragile little Dumbocrat snowflakes are having a meltdown over this. Following the law is something that always enrages them.
They're going to have a fleet of aircraft dropping race card leaflets, and it still won't change a damned thing for them.

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