Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Do any of the Lefty Nutcases even know what King's letter was about?

Sessions found out that the Dem Party was defauding black voters through absentee ballots.
In a city of just 15,000 conservative blacks, there were more absentee ballots than people that lived there and nearly all the ballots were filed for The Democrat Candidate in 1984. Is anyone surprised at all by this despicable behavior of The Dems? Ask Bernie Sanders how he feels about Rigged Elections.

This case was about Blacks Defrauding their own people.
One of the people charged.......wait for it......was a personal friend of Coretta King's, Albert Turner who was an aide to MLK.

"Then, in 1984, black officeholders complained of voter fraud and filed an election contest, Sessions said. Perry County, one of the smallest Alabama counties with a population of 15,000, had more absentee ballots filed than Jefferson County, population 700,000, according to a local news article."

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

But Voter Fraud is one of the hardest things to prove against someone even in a blatant case like this. The Complaints of voter fraud were made by BLACK OFFICE HOLDERS, and it was Sessions' job to follow the law investigate and prosecute if he could.

This is how The New Dem Fascist Party plays. They twist the facts, they lie, they slander.
They have no ethics, and will say and do anything to advance their agendas.
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Do any of the Lefty Nutcases even know what King's letter was about?

Sessions found out that the Dem Party was defauding black voters through absentee ballots.
In a city of just 15,000 conservative blacks, there were 700,000 absentee ballots filed all for The Democrat Candidate in 1984. Is anyone surprised at all by this despicable behavior of The Dems? Ask Bernie Sanders how he feels about Rigged Elections.

This case was about Blacks Defrauding their own people.
One of the people charged.......wait for it......was a personal friend of Coretta King's, Albert Turner who was an aide to MLK.

"Then, in 1984, black officeholders complained of voter fraud and filed an election contest, Sessions said. Perry County, one of the smallest Alabama counties with a population of 15,000, had more absentee ballots filed than Jefferson County, population 700,000, according to a local news article."

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

But Voter Fraud is one of the hardest things to prove against someone even in a blatant case like this. The Complaints of voter fraud were made by BLACK OFFICE HOLDERS, and it was Sessions' job to follow the law investigate and prosecute if he could.

This is how The New Dem Fascist Party plays. They twist the facts, they lie, they slander.
They have no ethics, and will say and do anything to advance their agendas.
More crap from the Trumpstains.

. "Black Belt voter fraud case in Alabama shaped Sen. Jeff Sessions' career"

"In 1985, when he was U.S. Attorney in Mobile, Sessions’ office brought indictments over allegations of voter fraud in a number of Black Belt counties, an area in Alabama named for the color of the soil but with a majority black population.

In Perry County, Sessions’ office charged three individuals with voting fraud, including Albert Turner, a long-time civil rights activist who advised Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and helped lead the voting rights March in Selma on March 7, 1965, known as "Bloody Sunday" after state troopers and a local posse attacked the protestors.

Prosecutors alleged that Turner, his wife Evelyn, and activist Spencer Hogue altered ballots for a Sept. 1984 primary election.

Robert Turner, Albert’s brother and an attorney in Marion, Ala., said in a phone interview Friday that the defendants – later known as the Marion Three – were trying to assist poor and elderly voters in casting ballots. In some cases, the defendants said they were helping illiterate voters mark their ballots, and only altered ballots when requested."

A jury acquitted them of all charges.
"King also took issue with the aggressiveness in which Sessions pursued the case at that time. She said witnesses who testified were pressured and intimidated into submitting "correct" testimony.

"Many elderly blacks were visited multiple times by the FBI who then hauled them over 180 miles by bus to a grand jury in Mobile when they could more easily have testified at a grand jury twenty miles away in Selma," said King.

"These voters, and others, have announced they are now never going to vote again."

A jury would eventually dismiss all charges against the three. Sessions, in 1986, had his nomination to the federal judgeship defeated by the Senate Judiciary Committee amid allegations of other racist claims which included alleged statements that he called the NAACP "un-American."

Coretta Scott King's 1986 letter opposing Sessions adds last-minute drama to confirmation hearings
Sessions is not a big fan of BPV -- Black people voting.

"While my husband and I were trying to help black people vote in Alabama, Jeff Sessions was trying to put us in jail.
Perry County in the 1960s was a hostile place to be black. To register to vote, a black resident needed to have a white “well to do” citizen to vouch for them.

To enter the county courthouse, blacks had to use the back door. And to fight for our basic rights as Americans, we had to gather in the woods because so many black residents were afraid to be seen meeting in town.
In 1985, U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions indicted me, my husband, and another civil rights worker, Spencer Hogue, on false charges of election fraud for assisting elderly black citizens with absentee voting ballots.

Until the day I die, I will believe that our arrests were because of our successful political activism and were designed to intimidate black voters and dampen black voting enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Sessions declined to investigate claims of unlawful white voting.

Despite none of us having any history of criminal activity, Sessions wanted to give us the maximum sentences, adding up to two centuries in prison. My husband was willing to plead guilty for crimes he didn’t commit if it would keep me from going to jail. But I knew we were innocent and refused the offer. Thankfully, the case against us, the “Marion 3,” was weak. The vast majority of charges were dismissed outright for lack of evidence, and a racially-mixed jury only took four hours of deliberation before acquitting us."

I tried to help black people vote. Jeff Sessions tried to put me in jail: Voices
Sessions was right to pursue the Election Complaint which was filed BTW by Black Office Holders.
Perry County only has a population of 15,000 people, and the Dems stuffed the ballot box there for the DemScum candidate and had more Absentee ballots than the population of that county, and get this, they had more Absentee Ballots than Jefferson County who has a population of 700,000.

Only a Liar would deny that this was a legitimate case of voter fraud.

But Voter Fraud is one of the hardest things to prove, because often there are Election Officials carrying it out, and conspiring with people like Albert Turner to do so.
And Sessions was bound by law to prosecute this case once the Election Complaint was filed.

It matters not that he did not win it, it does matter that he did his job and followed the law.

Better luck next time lying lefties.
She did open her mouth, she wasn't shut down for speaking.
She was shut down for speaking, however the poster I was responding too suggested that she be shut down before being allowed to speak.

If you're saying the public is better served by getting propaganda from Democrat media outlets I say bull. She can lie and CNN can report but America needs more facts and less manufactured drama.
She can go to the press and regurgitate all the unfounded accusations contained in the letter anyways but NOW she can not only do that but she can also go to the press and bitch about how the Republicans violated her right to speak on the Senate Floor, they just made her into a free speech Martyr instead of taking the opportunity to make her look stupid by letting her speak and then destroying her argument on the floor of the Senate in front of the cameras.

I don't watch the msm but if they are giving the GOP a black eye it proves how worthless they are, not how bad the GOP is.
That's not the point, what Republican hyper-partisans think isn't important, it's what the general "middle of the road" public thinks that will determine electoral outcomes and this makes the GOP look bad to them. Personally I don't really give a fuck since I have no more respect for the GOP than I do for the Democrats but from a political standpoint what McConnell did makes no sense.
Jesus H. Christ! She wasn't shut down for opening her pie hole, it's what flew out of it that caused her problems. Why is that too hard?

Dishonesty in the media and how it's presented isn't the point? It is for me, speak for your own points.
No shit Sherlock, why don't you go back and read the preceding portion of the conversation that you've inserted yourself into, what she said on the Senate Floor doesn't make a damn bit of difference it's how the Majority Leader reacted to it that does and what she can now do with that reaction, politics is PERCEPTION, what is that "too hard" for you to understand? :cool:
"McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.'

You mean that? It's exactly what I responded to. What's wrong with you?

Actually, it was to a letter written by Ted Kennedy. She was warned to stop, then she started to quote form the Coretta Scott King letter and was told that she could talk no more.
Sessions is not a big fan of BPV -- Black people voting.

"While my husband and I were trying to help black people vote in Alabama, Jeff Sessions was trying to put us in jail.
Perry County in the 1960s was a hostile place to be black. To register to vote, a black resident needed to have a white “well to do” citizen to vouch for them.

To enter the county courthouse, blacks had to use the back door. And to fight for our basic rights as Americans, we had to gather in the woods because so many black residents were afraid to be seen meeting in town.
In 1985, U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions indicted me, my husband, and another civil rights worker, Spencer Hogue, on false charges of election fraud for assisting elderly black citizens with absentee voting ballots.

Until the day I die, I will believe that our arrests were because of our successful political activism and were designed to intimidate black voters and dampen black voting enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Sessions declined to investigate claims of unlawful white voting.

Despite none of us having any history of criminal activity, Sessions wanted to give us the maximum sentences, adding up to two centuries in prison. My husband was willing to plead guilty for crimes he didn’t commit if it would keep me from going to jail. But I knew we were innocent and refused the offer. Thankfully, the case against us, the “Marion 3,” was weak. The vast majority of charges were dismissed outright for lack of evidence, and a racially-mixed jury only took four hours of deliberation before acquitting us."

I tried to help black people vote. Jeff Sessions tried to put me in jail: Voices

You are a moron. Black Office Holders in Perry County filed that complaint, and Sessions followed the law and was actually defending The Voters of Perry County.
But you are a liberal, and liberals lie, so it's to be expected.

Explain to me how a county with just 15,000 residents has more absentee ballots than the population of that county, and so many of these ballots flooded the county that Perry County (population 15,000) had more absentee ballots than Jefferson county (population 700,000.)

Only A Liar would deny that this was voter fraud.
Only A Liar would say that Sessions doing his job, following up on an Election Complaint made by BLACK OFFICE HOLDERS, was somehow racist.

These phucks tried to rig an election, just like The DNC rigged the DNC Primary. There wasn't enough proof and they got away with it.
Every damn criminal in prison will tell you he is innocent.

They just didn't have enough evidence to put these guys away behind bars where they belonged.
It's about time McConnell grew a pair. damn rules, you folks just can't seem abide by them
What the fuck rule are you talking about? The letter was already in the congressional record. She didn't do anything wrong. She just read what was already there and had been read before. Why wasn't it wrong then but it's wrong now? The answer? It wasn't wrong. It was racist Republicans shutting up a Democrat because he felt like it. Period.

Evidently it violated rule 19, McConnell brought it up and the chair sustained and told the bitch to take her seat. I guess you didn't bother to watch the video. Maybe instead of bitching at me you should look up Senate rule 19, I'm not going to do it for you.
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

I concede you and the liberals have a good objection

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement that McConnell's action was "selective enforcement" of Rule XIX.

"Senate Republicans have regularly flaunted Rule XIX in the past – but Republicans never asked them to sit down," said Schumer, who went on to point out that McConnell didn't object when Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called him a liar in a 2015 dustup.

He who owns the gold (senate), makes the rules.

And the rule was adopted in 1902.
Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

Except four other Senators all read the same thing.

They read the Kennedy letter?
She did open her mouth, she wasn't shut down for speaking.
She was shut down for speaking, however the poster I was responding too suggested that she be shut down before being allowed to speak.

If you're saying the public is better served by getting propaganda from Democrat media outlets I say bull. She can lie and CNN can report but America needs more facts and less manufactured drama.
She can go to the press and regurgitate all the unfounded accusations contained in the letter anyways but NOW she can not only do that but she can also go to the press and bitch about how the Republicans violated her right to speak on the Senate Floor, they just made her into a free speech Martyr instead of taking the opportunity to make her look stupid by letting her speak and then destroying her argument on the floor of the Senate in front of the cameras.

I don't watch the msm but if they are giving the GOP a black eye it proves how worthless they are, not how bad the GOP is.
That's not the point, what Republican hyper-partisans think isn't important, it's what the general "middle of the road" public thinks that will determine electoral outcomes and this makes the GOP look bad to them. Personally I don't really give a fuck since I have no more respect for the GOP than I do for the Democrats but from a political standpoint what McConnell did makes no sense.
Jesus H. Christ! She wasn't shut down for opening her pie hole, it's what flew out of it that caused her problems. Why is that too hard?

Dishonesty in the media and how it's presented isn't the point? It is for me, speak for your own points.
No shit Sherlock, why don't you go back and read the preceding portion of the conversation that you've inserted yourself into, what she said on the Senate Floor doesn't make a damn bit of difference it's how the Majority Leader reacted to it that does and what she can now do with that reaction, politics is PERCEPTION, what is that "too hard" for you to understand? :cool:
"McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.'

You mean that? It's exactly what I responded to. What's wrong with you?

Actually, it was to a letter written by Ted Kennedy. She was warned to stop, then she started to quote form the Coretta Scott King letter and was told that she could talk no more.

That same letter was read in the Senate 3 times previously that day, and each time a warning was issued. Tell me The Dems did not get together and plot on reading that letter all day long if they had to. The worst part of it was that, all of it was proven false, and the letter was over 20 years old, and was about a case where Sessions was following up on an Election Complaint filed by Black Office Holders. So he was defending Black Office Holders in this case.

This was a case of Black on Black Voter Fraud committed by the DemScum party. The only reason Corretta King wrote her dumb assed letter was because of her friend Albert Turner was caught committing voter fraud, and she was trying to sway the public to get him off the hook.

Needless to say, it wasn't needed. Voter Fraud Cases are hard to prove.
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I guess you didn't understand #2 of the rule, Warrens motive was to personally impute another Senator, that's a no-no.

No, the motive was to bring evidence of her concerns with the nominee for AG in the most appropriate time to do so. During the debate period.

She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
No, the motive was to bring evidence of her concerns with the nominee for AG in the most appropriate time to do so. During the debate period.

She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
WTF are you talking about?
She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.

What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
WTF are you talking about?

Find someone who has reading comprehension to explain it to you. The rule was invoked because she read Kennedy's letter, was admonished and warned as the 4 Senators who had previously read King's letter into the record had been admonished, but instead of complying with the rule, she continued by beginning to read Kings letter into the record.
What part of debate don't you understand?
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
WTF are you talking about?

Find someone who has reading comprehension to explain it to you. The rule was invoked because she ready Kennedy's letter, was admonished and warned as the 4 Senators who had previously read King's letter into the record had been admonished, but instead of complying with the rule, she continued by beginning to read Kings letter into the record.


That's really quite funny as you are completely wrong. The four other Senators read the letter subsequent to Warren's removal. Both letters were already a part of the record and were used as evidence in his confirmation debate thirty years prior. If they were valid then, how are they now invalid when used in the same context?
Bork was a great jurist.

Nixon ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire Cox. Richardson refused, and resigned in protest. Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox. He also refused and resigned.[4][5] Nixon then ordered the Solicitor General, Robert Bork (as acting head of the Justice Department), to fire Cox. Both Richardson and Ruckelshaus had given personal assurances to Congressional oversight committees that they would not interfere, but Bork had not. Although Bork later claimed that he believed Nixon's order to be valid and appropriate, he still considered resigning to avoid being "perceived as a man who did the President's bidding to save my job."[6] Nevertheless, having been brought to the White House by limousine and sworn in as Acting Attorney General, Bork wrote the letter firing Cox.[7]

Bork = Obstruction of Justice

Don't you on the left get tired of stating the same, out of context, crap.

None of that was ever an issue until his nomination to the SCOTUS.

YOU make me laugh because you are so pathetic.
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
WTF are you talking about?

Find someone who has reading comprehension to explain it to you. The rule was invoked because she ready Kennedy's letter, was admonished and warned as the 4 Senators who had previously read King's letter into the record had been admonished, but instead of complying with the rule, she continued by beginning to read Kings letter into the record.


That's really quite funny as you are completely wrong. The four other Senators read the letter subsequent to Warren's removal. Both letters were already a part of the record and were used as evidence in his confirmation debate thirty years prior. If they were valid then, how are they now invalid when used in the same context?

You are correct, she read it first. However, did you notice that when the 4 Senators read the letter into the record and were admonished, they stopped and did not lose their turn to speak? The point is that the letter was not the issue. It was Warren's violation of the rules. If you were even slightly able to perceive the truth, you'd know that.

On the up side, Sessions has resigned from the Senate, so now she can read both letters into the record without breaking a rule.
the part that says she must stay within the rules of the chambers.

Four other Senators read the same letter. The purpose of the session was to debate the merits of Sessions as AG. Invoking that rule was stupid and shortsighted.

Four other Senators read King's letter. They did not read Kennedy's letter and THEN ignore the warning they were given to read King's letter.
WTF are you talking about?

Find someone who has reading comprehension to explain it to you. The rule was invoked because she ready Kennedy's letter, was admonished and warned as the 4 Senators who had previously read King's letter into the record had been admonished, but instead of complying with the rule, she continued by beginning to read Kings letter into the record.


That's really quite funny as you are completely wrong. The four other Senators read the letter subsequent to Warren's removal. Both letters were already a part of the record and were used as evidence in his confirmation debate thirty years prior. If they were valid then, how are they now invalid when used in the same context?
because he wasn't a senator back then. just maybe eh?

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