Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

you do realize you are promoting a lie....?

The Herald has twice quoted Charles Fried, the head of the Harvard appointing committee that recommended Warren for her position in 1995, saying that the Democratic candidate's heritage didn't come up during the course of her hiring. "It simply played no role in the appointments process," he said. "It was not mentioned and I didn't mention it to the faculty."

The Herald later quoted Fried, a former U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, saying, "I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned."
wow.....this man may be our next attorney general and all some posters can do is be sarcastic ...who gives a shit what party you are from...Fucking grow up and maybe find out something that you might have missed about a person . I care about how I leave my country to my children, this is bullshit ...
Why shouldn't all things be discussed when fucking hiring someone for a job, especially in such high office..
Because it leads to detailing the discussion at hand. And the letter isn't pertinent. It was written in ignorance of the actual facts. Facts which history now proves Me. King lacked while penning said letter.
Shutting down her disruption was absolutely the right call...
Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?

Here, she was reading from this.....10 pages worth


and here is the rule they were referring to....

Under Rule 19, senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator”.
Alternatively, spamming this thread with big color posts about fake Indians is another way to silence speech.

When it comes to political discussion about Liz Warren...that is the best they got
Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?

Here, she was reading from this.....10 pages worth


and here is the rule they were referring to....

Under Rule 19, senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator”.

You have ten pages to work with

Show me a specific statement that you object to
"Mr. Sessions' conduct as U.S. Attorney, from his politically-motivated voting fraud prosecutions to his indifference toward criminal violations of civil rights laws, indicates that he lacks the temperament, fairness and judgment to be a federal judge."
Read Coretta Scott King's Letter That Got Sen. Elizabeth Warren Silenced

Who gives shit what she thinks? I know I don't

Back when her her husband was screwing White whores she wasn't so concerned about things like that, was she?
Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?

Here, she was reading from this.....10 pages worth


and here is the rule they were referring to....

Under Rule 19, senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator”.

You have ten pages to work with

Show me a specific statement that you object to

This wasn't about me.....it's about why Warren was blocked......it broke Senate rules.
Warren barred from speaking on Senate floor for rest of Sessions debate

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was prohibited Tuesday night from speaking on the Senate floor for the rest of the debate over Sen. Jeff Sessions' nomination to be attorney general.

The drama began when Warren, quoting a 30-year-old letter by civil rights leader Coretta Scott King, referred to the Alabama Republican as a "disgrace." King's letter was written in 1986, when Sessions was nominated to the federal bench but was never confirmed.

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont. advised Warren that she was out of order under Rule XIX of the Senate, which states that "no Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator."

Warren barred from speaking on Senate floor for rest of Sessions debate

Finally, the Republicans are on the ball. I don't like the idea of silencing senators, but Congress is following the rules of the Senate.

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