Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

McConnell had to let Merkley finish reading it. Republicans stand for racism, voter suppression. They are against free speech. They lie like dogs.

At some point, the rest of America knows when they go to far. That's why McConnell had to back down.

#ShePersisted Becomes New Battle Cry After Senate Silences Elizabeth Warren

Go Elizabeth!!!!!
4 million plus have now viewed the video of her reading the letter live, outside of the Senate floor....

Mc Connell gave her more power and the bully pulpit. Every news station is also reporting on it....

so Democratic members are probably shouting, THREE CHEERS for MCConnell!

Nobody would have covered it if McConnell just let her speak

Now....she is the lead story and everyone is saying...WTF?
No.....everyone is "FUCK YEAH"

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Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?
It doesn't matter. Rules only exist to silence Democrats. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, General Flynn and so many others prove Republicans are not bound by rules.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
do you think her testimony/letter read before the Senate hearing to the senators was checked out by the Senators at the time? OF COURSE it was verified...

And this is WHY he did NOT get the consent of the Senate.
Cruz called Mitch a "liar" on the senate floor, but Mitch ignored it.

Ms. Warren read a letter decades old in the Senate record. But she is censored? Like I said a couple of hundred times. The rules are different for Democrats.

I concede you and the liberals have a good objection

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement that McConnell's action was "selective enforcement" of Rule XIX.

"Senate Republicans have regularly flaunted Rule XIX in the past – but Republicans never asked them to sit down," said Schumer, who went on to point out that McConnell didn't object when Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called him a liar in a 2015 dustup.

No they don't, you haven't looked at the rule either I guess.
Obviously, you haven't either. I even posted it in #52 and you still didn't read it.

I guess you didn't understand #2 of the rule, Warrens motive was to personally impute another Senator, that's a no-no.

No, the motive was to bring evidence of her concerns with the nominee for AG in the most appropriate time to do so. During the debate period.

She should have brought it up in the Judiciary Committee hearings where it was allowed.
Indian Princess Liesalot. Democrat asshole being told to shut the fuck up on the floor of the Senate. Just think, her, along with Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are the brain trust of the Democrat Party nowadays.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
do you think her testimony/letter read before the Senate hearing to the senators was checked out by the Senators at the time? OF COURSE it was verified...

And this is WHY he did NOT get the consent of the Senate.
Sessions is a presidential nominee. That means he is exempt from Rule 19. All facts must be availible for the man that would be Attorney General. Republicans voted him down as judge, but suddenly, he would make a great Attorney General? What kind of sense does that make?

Rules only apply to Democrats.
you have more bullshit to whine about.....do you dean and tiger get together and pick all these fun facts you 3 whine about?....

You're ok with this?
no not really,....my beef was with lakota who whines about everything,as long as its from the right....if you disagree with the little puss he calls you a nazi.....i just dont have much respect for someone who calls someone a "nazi" who isnt..... lakota is more of a nazi than those he labels.....
and look whos talking,,,,Warren? god, if there was a democrat who really hates minorities,,,its Native American Cheif Warren!
To me this is simple. Mrs. King had an opinion. No evidence. Game over. The letter with her opinion doesn't count.
mrs king was invited to TESTIFY before the Senate Hearing on Sessions, she had a previous commitment and could not be there in person, she submitted her testimony in writing. Her testimony was accepted and read to the Senators AND was the main REASON why Sessions was denied the judgeship.

And that's exactly, according to Senate rules, where it should have been read. Not on the floor.

It was the debate period. The exact appropriate time.

The chair disagreed. It's all political theater, Sessions will be confirmed.
:argue: :bang3: :cranky: Going into the 60's, Elizabeth Warren was going into her teen age years. She saw the 60's. And who were the ones who created the KKK? Who were the ones that hated blacks? Democrats?, and now she is trying to discredit the honorable Jeff Sessions of what his thoughts may have been about blacks a long long time ago? Does High Cheif Warren know what Harry Reid and Joe Biden have said about either or\and Obama and blacks in general? But its OK for a Democrat to insult black people, right?:iagree:
No, no, no, she was out there with Cher , living with her 1/32 Cherokee Heritage. What can you expect from Fauxahontis? Maybe Liz could make a song "1/32 Breed"?

Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?
It doesn't matter. Rules only exist to silence Democrats. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, General Flynn and so many others prove Republicans are not bound by rules.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

I remember Ted Cruz calling Mitch McConnell a liar from the floor of the Senate

What did Warren say that was more offensive than that?
Banning the letter by the Senate is how the Republicans interpret free speech.

It only makes more people want to see what is in it

If McConnell had just ignored it, nobody would have cared today
Warren is trying hard to be the Queen Asshole of the Democrat Party since Crooked Hillary vacated the position. She is on a path to succeed for that distinction.

The Democrat Party has pretty well established themselves as the Party of Assholes. It comes from being hateful Liberals.
Indian Princess Liesalot. Democrat asshole being told to shut the fuck up on the floor of the Senate. Just think, her, along with Maxine Waters and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are the brain trust of the Democrat Party nowadays.

...don't forget Pelosi :thup:

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