Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

It wasn't a discussion. It was the employing of the liberal's favorite tactic. To smear shit on their opponent. The asshole knew she couldn't directly criticize Sessions so she thought she could get away with letting someone else do it. And since when was Loretta anointed the holy one who's word is gold? Libs don't think rules should apply to them.

Well, it would be nice for once to see some actual feedback from the opposition instead of the same old slamming each other. Jeff Sessions concerns me...
Do you like Sessions?
That's NOT feedback. It's a driveby smear job and why the rule was put in place. IF Sessions was a racist they would have a hell of a lot more to go on than a opinionated letter from 1986.

I personally know someone who went through so much trying to become a Judge ... They go through every detail of your life. Your education, lifestyle, character, in depth search into every detail of your life.
He would have been appointed if Grey Davis wasn't kicked out as Governor ( another scam)
He was not hired because of being late to court a few times as an attorney( well a lot lol )

He was devastated , anyway a character letter from an opponent should be allowed in my opinion.

McConnall is a scum who doesn't work for the republicans or democrats, he works for his pocket book..
A character letter from a dead critic is about as low as you can go because in a court of law we have the right to face our accusers. Pocahontas wanted to deny this from Senator Sessions. I'm not surprised that they silenced her.

We all know that Sessions is going to get the job, dems can't stop it.. McConnell should just sit back go through the motions like he cares..lol..
He once again was pawned. It's a miracle Hillary didn't pick that ass kicking witch for VP
The "so what" is that the Republicans just gave Senator Warren EXACTLY what she wanted, namely Martyr status coupled with damaging the Republicans street creds regarding being "pro freedom of speech". The Republicans missed a golden opportunity to send one of their own (Tim Scott perhaps?) up to rip her argument to shreds on the Senate Floor while at the same time looking like they were all about open discussion, politics is perception and the perception on this one is and is likely to remain that the Republicans canned Senator Warrens right to speak because they didn't like what she had to say. Average Joe citizen doesn't give a damn about arcane Senate rules but he does understand what a gag order represents.

Do you really want the Senate to become a forum where anyone can just read a third party letter of a laundry list of unfounded accusations ?
What do you mean "become"? The Senate has already been that way since it's beginning, the prudent thing to do was to destroy those "unfounded accusations" in front of the cameras.
no the prudent thing to do is to not let unfounded accusations be uttered at all
Oh yeah, that's a better strategy, let Senator Warren go out and cry foul to the press that she was censored before ever being allowed to open her mouth, that'll play better with the public. :rolleyes:

it's a waste of time and money and believe me the Senate already wastes enough of both
Just about everything they do is a waste of time (other peoples) and money (other peoples), so yeah, I'm all for shutting the Senate down and sending all the assholes home for say 51.5 weeks out of the year, however this case is infinitesimally minute by comparison to the REAL time and money wasting exercises that go on in the Senate and thus wasn't worth the Republicans getting a PR Black Eye over.
Oh yeah, that's a better strategy, let Senator Warren go out and cry foul to the press that she was censored before ever being allowed to open her mouth, that'll play better with the public. :rolleyes:

Just about everything they do is a waste of time (other peoples) and money (other peoples), so yeah, I'm all for shutting the Senate down and sending all the assholes home for say 51.5 weeks out of the year, however this case is infinitesimally minute by comparison to the REAL time and money wasting exercises that go on in the Senate and thus wasn't worth the Republicans getting a PR Black Eye over.
She did open her mouth, she wasn't shut down for speaking. If you're saying the public is better served by getting propaganda from Democrat media outlets I say bull. She can lie and CNN can report but America needs more facts and less manufactured drama.

I don't watch the msm but if they are giving the GOP a black eye it proves how worthless they are, not how bad the GOP is.
Here's the real reason Mitch the Turtle had to shut her down. Sessions was in charge of an investigation that led to prosecuting three voting rights activists, and the jury threw his prosecution out. It's not something the gop wants relitigated. It happened. The gop senate at the time tossed Sessions bid for the fed bench out.

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

It's part of history. Is Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III an avowed racist? Probably not. Is he fit to be the AG? After Holder, I'd say "yes." Of course, I'm sick of BLM, so you may consider me a racist too.

Free speech be damned.
Here's the real reason Mitch the Turtle had to shut her down. Sessions was in charge of an investigation that led to prosecuting three voting rights activists, and the jury threw his prosecution out. It's not something the gop wants relitigated. It happened. The gop senate at the time tossed Sessions bid for the fed bench out.

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

It's part of history. Is Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III an avowed racist? Probably not. Is he fit to be the AG? After Holder, I'd say "yes." Of course, I'm sick of BLM, so you may consider me a racist too.
It's part of history but leftists have their own playbook.

The Myth of Jeff Sessions’s Racist Crusade against Voting Rights
....involved a voter-fraud case that Sessions once prosecuted, which some have presented as both evidence of his supposed bias against black Americans and his desire to prevent them from voting. It is widely accepted that this case was the primary reason that Sessions’s nomination for a federal judgeship was torpedoed in 1986. But during Tuesday’s hearing, not a single senator on the Judiciary Committee referenced the case.

The only mention came from Sessions himself, who preemptively responded to the accusations in his opening remarks: Let me address another issue straight on. I was accused in 1986 of failing to protect the voting rights of African-Americans by presenting the Perry County case — the voter-fraud case — of condemning civil-rights advocates and organization and even harboring, amazingly, sympathies for the KKK. These are false charges.

The voter-fraud case my office prosecuted was in response to pleas from African-American, incumbent, elected officials who claimed the absentee-ballot process involved a situation in which ballots cast for them were stolen, altered, and cast for their opponents. The prosecution was sought to protect the integrity of the ballot, not the black voting. It was a voting-rights case.

McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Sessions, Senate GOP Silences Her

Warren was reading a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King about Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rose on Tuesday and objected to a speech Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was giving in opposition to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general.

McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.

McConnell invoked the little-used Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.” King’s letter argues that, during Sessions’ time as a prosecutor in Alabama, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.” It was that portion of the letter that McConnell read back to the presiding officer, arguing that it was over the line.

The Republican presiding in the chair, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, agreed with McConnell, ruling her in violation of the order and forcing her to sit down.

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren replied.

A vote was then held on Warren’s appeal of the ruling of the chair, and Republicans prevailed. Under the rules, she would be barred from speaking during the remaining 30 hours of the Sessions debate.

Democrats then asked that, notwithstanding the ruling of the chair, her speaking privileges be restored, and McConnell called for a vote on the request. The story is developing.

Watch a clip of the exchange above.

More: Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Jeff Sessions

I've been watching the Senate for many years - but I've never seen anything like this. This seems like a very stupid move by Mitch McConnell. Senator Warren was "Red Carded" by the Senate - which means she will not be allowed to speak on Jeff Sessions anymore.

One must have a heart of stone to read about the silencing of Fauxcahotas without laughing.
She broke the rules and got her ass handed to her. No longer do you RaTz get to choose what laws and rules to enforce. There is an new sheriff in town and he doesn't give a RaTz' ass what the socialists think.

Whatever you say stooge.

Got any thread content to add, Flake? Too bad you got your feelings hurt when she got bitch slapped. Follow the rules or sit down and shut up - too bad the faux squaw didn't understand that.
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


The exact same evidence used in the 80's that led to Sessions not getting a federal judgeship. It was relevant then and it's just as relevant now given the scope of cases the AG will need to oversee.
How far we have fallen.
Here's the real reason Mitch the Turtle had to shut her down. Sessions was in charge of an investigation that led to prosecuting three voting rights activists, and the jury threw his prosecution out. It's not something the gop wants relitigated. It happened. The gop senate at the time tossed Sessions bid for the fed bench out.

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

It's part of history. Is Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III an avowed racist? Probably not. Is he fit to be the AG? After Holder, I'd say "yes." Of course, I'm sick of BLM, so you may consider me a racist too.
It's part of history but leftists have their own playbook.

The Myth of Jeff Sessions’s Racist Crusade against Voting Rights
....involved a voter-fraud case that Sessions once prosecuted, which some have presented as both evidence of his supposed bias against black Americans and his desire to prevent them from voting. It is widely accepted that this case was the primary reason that Sessions’s nomination for a federal judgeship was torpedoed in 1986. But during Tuesday’s hearing, not a single senator on the Judiciary Committee referenced the case.

The only mention came from Sessions himself, who preemptively responded to the accusations in his opening remarks: Let me address another issue straight on. I was accused in 1986 of failing to protect the voting rights of African-Americans by presenting the Perry County case — the voter-fraud case — of condemning civil-rights advocates and organization and even harboring, amazingly, sympathies for the KKK. These are false charges.

The voter-fraud case my office prosecuted was in response to pleas from African-American, incumbent, elected officials who claimed the absentee-ballot process involved a situation in which ballots cast for them were stolen, altered, and cast for their opponents. The prosecution was sought to protect the integrity of the ballot, not the black voting. It was a voting-rights case.
He was the prosecutor in charge of prosecuting/persecuting three voting rights activists.

As you bring up, he also failed to prosecute a possible white tampering of black absentee ballots. I don't think that has his fingerprints actually on it, and the facts of what actually occurred were "milky." Holder would have prosecuted the hell out of it. Session's staff did not.

But Mitch the Turtle doesn't want to re-air it. He wants the confirmation vote now. Unless its on an Obama judge. (-:
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


The exact same evidence used in the 80's that led to Sessions not getting a federal judgeship. It was relevant then and it's just as relevant now given the scope of cases the AG will need to oversee.
How far we have fallen.
May you shed many tears when he is sworn in.
4 million plus have now viewed the video of her reading the letter live, outside of the Senate floor....

Mc Connell gave her more power and the bully pulpit. Every news station is also reporting on it....

so Democratic members are probably shouting, THREE CHEERS for MCConnell!

Nobody would have covered it if McConnell just let her speak

Now....she is the lead story and everyone is saying...WTF?
She did open her mouth, she wasn't shut down for speaking.
She was shut down for speaking, however the poster I was responding too suggested that she be shut down before being allowed to speak.

If you're saying the public is better served by getting propaganda from Democrat media outlets I say bull. She can lie and CNN can report but America needs more facts and less manufactured drama.
She can go to the press and regurgitate all the unfounded accusations contained in the letter anyways but NOW she can not only do that but she can also go to the press and bitch about how the Republicans violated her right to speak on the Senate Floor, they just made her into a free speech Martyr instead of taking the opportunity to make her look stupid by letting her speak and then destroying her argument on the floor of the Senate in front of the cameras.

I don't watch the msm but if they are giving the GOP a black eye it proves how worthless they are, not how bad the GOP is.
That's not the point, what Republican hyper-partisans think isn't important, it's what the general "middle of the road" public thinks that will determine electoral outcomes and this makes the GOP look bad to them. Personally I don't really give a fuck since I have no more respect for the GOP than I do for the Democrats but from a political standpoint what McConnell did makes no sense.
Here's the real reason Mitch the Turtle had to shut her down. Sessions was in charge of an investigation that led to prosecuting three voting rights activists, and the jury threw his prosecution out. It's not something the gop wants relitigated. It happened. The gop senate at the time tossed Sessions bid for the fed bench out.

The facts about the voter fraud case that sank Jeff Sessions’s bid for a judgeship

It's part of history. Is Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III an avowed racist? Probably not. Is he fit to be the AG? After Holder, I'd say "yes." Of course, I'm sick of BLM, so you may consider me a racist too.
It's part of history but leftists have their own playbook.

The Myth of Jeff Sessions’s Racist Crusade against Voting Rights
....involved a voter-fraud case that Sessions once prosecuted, which some have presented as both evidence of his supposed bias against black Americans and his desire to prevent them from voting. It is widely accepted that this case was the primary reason that Sessions’s nomination for a federal judgeship was torpedoed in 1986. But during Tuesday’s hearing, not a single senator on the Judiciary Committee referenced the case.

The only mention came from Sessions himself, who preemptively responded to the accusations in his opening remarks: Let me address another issue straight on. I was accused in 1986 of failing to protect the voting rights of African-Americans by presenting the Perry County case — the voter-fraud case — of condemning civil-rights advocates and organization and even harboring, amazingly, sympathies for the KKK. These are false charges.

The voter-fraud case my office prosecuted was in response to pleas from African-American, incumbent, elected officials who claimed the absentee-ballot process involved a situation in which ballots cast for them were stolen, altered, and cast for their opponents. The prosecution was sought to protect the integrity of the ballot, not the black voting. It was a voting-rights case.
He was the prosecutor in charge of prosecuting/persecuting three voting rights activists.

As you bring up, he also failed to prosecute a possible white tampering of black absentee ballots. I don't think that has his fingerprints actually on it, and the facts of what actually occurred were "milky." Holder would have prosecuted the hell out of it. Session's staff did not.

But Mitch the Turtle doesn't want to re-air it. He wants the confirmation vote now. Unless its on an Obama judge. (-:
You can spin it all you want but there's a reason for the rules and Dems don't mind it a bit when it goes in their favor.
The "so what" is that the Republicans just gave Senator Warren EXACTLY what she wanted, namely Martyr status coupled with damaging the Republicans street creds regarding being "pro freedom of speech". The Republicans missed a golden opportunity to send one of their own (Tim Scott perhaps?) up to rip her argument to shreds on the Senate Floor while at the same time looking like they were all about open discussion, politics is perception and the perception on this one is and is likely to remain that the Republicans canned Senator Warrens right to speak because they didn't like what she had to say. Average Joe citizen doesn't give a damn about arcane Senate rules but he does understand what a gag order represents.

Do you really want the Senate to become a forum where anyone can just read a third party letter of a laundry list of unfounded accusations ?
What do you mean "become"? The Senate has already been that way since it's beginning, the prudent thing to do was to destroy those "unfounded accusations" in front of the cameras.
no the prudent thing to do is to not let unfounded accusations be uttered at all
Oh yeah, that's a better strategy, let Senator Warren go out and cry foul to the press that she was censored before ever being allowed to open her mouth, that'll play better with the public. :rolleyes:

it's a waste of time and money and believe me the Senate already wastes enough of both
Just about everything they do is a waste of time (other peoples) and money (other peoples), so yeah, I'm all for shutting the Senate down and sending all the assholes home for say 51.5 weeks out of the year, however this case is infinitesimally minute by comparison to the REAL time and money wasting exercises that go on in the Senate and thus wasn't worth the Republicans getting a PR Black Eye over.
Uh.....standing up to the Democrats is a black-eye for Republicans?????

Excuse me, but as far as our corrupt press is concerned, everything a Republican does is wrong. Shutting down the Bullshit when you can only speeds up a slow process that is taxing the patience of the public.

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