Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.

unless Fauxcahontis could provide some actual evidence that letter was nothing but hearsay and violates the Senate rules
Interesting rule

Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

In effect it says, if a Senator is being considered for a Cabinet position.......Nobody is allowed to question his past conduct, motives or actions that are unbecoming a Senator

So a Senator up for confirmation can't be questioned about his conduct or motives
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You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
Interesting rule

Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

In effect it says, if a Senator is being considered for a Cabinet position.......Nobody is allowed to question his past conduct, motives or actions that are unbecoming a Senator
You don't have to call someone an asshole to prove they're an asshole. We do it all day long with you libs on this board. All warren did was prove she's an asshole.
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You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
In the Senate it is, the letter was written by a constituent also known as "one of the people the assholes in the Senate work for" , so yeah the opinions of constituents have been fodder for what passes for debate in the Senate since it's inception, supposedly the assholes in the Senate are smart enough to separate opinions from actual evidence (history suggests otherwise but that is besides the point).
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
In the Senate it is, the letter was written by a constituent also known as "one of the people the assholes in the Senate work for" , so yeah the opinions of constituents have been fodder for what passes for debate in the Senate since it's inception, supposedly the assholes in the Senate are smart enough to separate opinions from actual evidence (history suggests otherwise but that is besides the point).
it was nothing but a list of unsupported accusations by a third party and violates the Senate rules
Interesting rule

Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

In effect it says, if a Senator is being considered for a Cabinet position.......Nobody is allowed to question his past conduct, motives or actions that are unbecoming a Senator
You don't have to call someone an asshole to prove they're an asshole. We do it all day long with you libs on this board. All warren did was prove she's an asshole.

Sorry, but your post makes no sense

At no point was Warren calling him any names.....she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King into the record

Rule XIX is overly broad and prevents anyone from examining a Senators record.......even in a confirmation hearing for another position
wow.....this man may be our next attorney general and all some posters can do is be sarcastic ...who gives a shit what party you are from...Fucking grow up and maybe find out something that you might have missed about a person . I care about how I leave my country to my children, this is bullshit ...
Why shouldn't all things be discussed when fucking hiring someone for a job, especially in such high office..
It wasn't a discussion. It was the employing of the liberal's favorite tactic. To smear shit on their opponent. The asshole knew she couldn't directly criticize Sessions so she thought she could get away with letting someone else do it. And since when was Loretta anointed the holy one who's word is gold? Libs don't think rules should apply to them.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
In the Senate it is, the letter was written by a constituent also known as "one of the people the assholes in the Senate work for" , so yeah the opinions of constituents have been fodder for what passes for debate in the Senate since it's inception, supposedly the assholes in the Senate are smart enough to separate opinions from actual evidence (history suggests otherwise but that is besides the point).
it was nothing but a list of unsupported accusations by a third party and violates the Senate rules
According to McConnell It violated one esoteric and little used rule which has been ignored countless times in the past.

In this case it just makes the Republicans look like they are afraid of Senator Warren and what Coretta Scott King has to say, not very smart. Not to mention that if the so called conservatives in the Senate want to distinguish themselves from the anti-free speech, left wing, nut cases sprouting up everywhere the last thing they should want to be doing is censoring a left wing nut case Senator, if the accusations are unsupported then they should be easily rebutted on the Senate Floor.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
In the Senate it is, the letter was written by a constituent also known as "one of the people the assholes in the Senate work for" , so yeah the opinions of constituents have been fodder for what passes for debate in the Senate since it's inception, supposedly the assholes in the Senate are smart enough to separate opinions from actual evidence (history suggests otherwise but that is besides the point).
it was nothing but a list of unsupported accusations by a third party and violates the Senate rules
According to McConnell It violated one esoteric and little used rule which has been ignored countless times in the past.

In this case it just makes the Republicans look like they are afraid of Senator Warren and what Coretta Scott King has to say, not very smart. Not to mention that if the so called conservatives in the Senate want to distinguish themselves from the anti-free speech, left wing, nut cases sprouting up everywhere the last thing they should want to be doing is censoring a left wing nut case Senator, if the accusations are unsupported then they should be easily rebutted on the Senate Floor.

McConnell looked like an idiot and gave Warren additional visibility
Warren was almost done with her reading when McConnell stopped her

Now the headlines read "McConnell censures Coretta Scott King"

Not something you want to do when you are confirming an Attorney General in charge of Civil Rights
wow.....this man may be our next attorney general and all some posters can do is be sarcastic ...who gives a shit what party you are from...Fucking grow up and maybe find out something that you might have missed about a person . I care about how I leave my country to my children, this is bullshit ...
Why shouldn't all things be discussed when fucking hiring someone for a job, especially in such high office..
It wasn't a discussion. It was the employing of the liberal's favorite tactic. To smear shit on their opponent. The asshole knew she couldn't directly criticize Sessions so she thought she could get away with letting someone else do it. And since when was Loretta anointed the holy one who's word is gold? Libs don't think rules should apply to them.

Well, it would be nice for once to see some actual feedback from the opposition instead of the same old slamming each other. Jeff Sessions concerns me...
Do you like Sessions?
4 million plus have now viewed the video of her reading the letter live, outside of the Senate floor....

Mc Connell gave her more power and the bully pulpit. Every news station is also reporting on it....

so Democratic members are probably shouting, THREE CHEERS for MCConnell!
4 million, out of over 240 million adults in the nation.

The fake news reported it, so a few thousand more may have heard about it.


McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Sessions, Senate GOP Silences Her

Warren was reading a 1986 letter by Coretta Scott King about Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) rose on Tuesday and objected to a speech Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was giving in opposition to the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general.

McConnell took particular issue with Warren as she quoted a letter written by Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, when Sessions was under consideration for a federal judgeship in 1986.

McConnell invoked the little-used Rule XIX, which says that “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.” King’s letter argues that, during Sessions’ time as a prosecutor in Alabama, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.” It was that portion of the letter that McConnell read back to the presiding officer, arguing that it was over the line.

The Republican presiding in the chair, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, agreed with McConnell, ruling her in violation of the order and forcing her to sit down.

“I am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott King are not suitable for debate in the United States Senate,” Warren replied.

A vote was then held on Warren’s appeal of the ruling of the chair, and Republicans prevailed. Under the rules, she would be barred from speaking during the remaining 30 hours of the Sessions debate.

Democrats then asked that, notwithstanding the ruling of the chair, her speaking privileges be restored, and McConnell called for a vote on the request. The story is developing.

Watch a clip of the exchange above.

More: Mitch McConnell Cuts Off Elizabeth Warren For Criticizing Jeff Sessions

I've been watching the Senate for many years - but I've never seen anything like this. This seems like a very stupid move by Mitch McConnell. Senator Warren was "Red Carded" by the Senate - which means she will not be allowed to speak on Jeff Sessions anymore.

I think it's brilliant....
wow.....this man may be our next attorney general and all some posters can do is be sarcastic ...who gives a shit what party you are from...Fucking grow up and maybe find out something that you might have missed about a person . I care about how I leave my country to my children, this is bullshit ...
Why shouldn't all things be discussed when fucking hiring someone for a job, especially in such high office..
It wasn't a discussion. It was the employing of the liberal's favorite tactic. To smear shit on their opponent. The asshole knew she couldn't directly criticize Sessions so she thought she could get away with letting someone else do it. And since when was Loretta anointed the holy one who's word is gold? Libs don't think rules should apply to them.

Well, it would be nice for once to see some actual feedback from the opposition instead of the same old slamming each other. Jeff Sessions concerns me...
Do you like Sessions?
That's NOT feedback. It's a driveby smear job and why the rule was put in place. IF Sessions was a racist they would have a hell of a lot more to go on than a opinionated letter from 1986.
As usual.... Lakhota crestes fake news and attempts to pass it off as fact. Elizabeth Warren is a bat-shit crazy pathological liar who declared that she was "Native American" when she is not.

She was silenced for character assassination without evidence. She was warned to stop and she refused. The Senate then took a vote and the majority agreed that she's a bat-shit crazy pathological liar who needs to sit quietly in the corner.
McConnell silenced Coretta Scott King from the grave??'

Smooth move, old white Republican dude.

Hahahahahahahaha ....
wow! the letter needs to be made part of the record in the sessions hearings....it's disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

Coretta Scott King's 1986 statement and testimony on Jeff...
Yes, because unsupported allegations are always so persuasive when describing Southern conservatives.

Whats that expression libs use about Southern conservatives? Scratch one and you'll find a racist?

When someone can find some evidence that just isnt disagreement with the cultural Marxist agenda, then I will take it seriously.

Till then, you liberals are looking ridiculous.
Unsupported allegations?

When you were there and lived it, you become the expert.

In ten years, when people talk about Republicans and their racist birtherism, they will say it's all unsupported allegations. They never claimed Obama was born in Kenya.
If liberals didn't have unsupported claims they wouldn't have anything to say.

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