Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, objected that Warren had broken Senate rules that prohibit one member impugning the conduct of another. Senators then voted 49-43 to uphold a ruling in McConnell’s favour.

THIS^^^ is why she was shut out. She broke a rule that she had been warned about several times.

What did she specifically say that broke the rule?

In order to silence a duly elected US Senator you should have a specific statement

What was it?

Here, she was reading from this.....10 pages worth


and here is the rule they were referring to....

Under Rule 19, senators are not allowed to “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator”.

You have ten pages to work with

Show me a specific statement that you object to

This wasn't about me.....it's about why Warren was blocked......it broke Senate rules.

I'm still looking for a single statement that breaks the rule

What are you offended by?
Got any thread content to add, Flake?


Oh, you mean like yours, with references to ratz and such?

But seriously, regardless of what you think about Warren's politics, this shouldn't sit well with anyone who values free speech and honest debate among our elected public servants.
60 posts were cleaned from this thread - flaming, derailing, trolling - please remember you're in Zone 2. Posts need need to include relevant discussion related to the topic in addition to any flames. Excessive use of memes is considered trolling and spamming and adds little to the discussion. Some infractions were handed out and some thread bans.
Got any thread content to add, Flake?


Oh, you mean like yours, with references to ratz and such?

But seriously, regardless of what you think about Warren's politics, this shouldn't sit well with anyone who values free speech and honest debate among our elected public servants.

Then change the Senate rules. Don't expect them to be ignored based upon a leftist whim. Your false narrative has no merit as it requires "special treatment" to be a valid point.
Got any thread content to add, Flake?


Oh, you mean like yours, with references to ratz and such?

But seriously, regardless of what you think about Warren's politics, this shouldn't sit well with anyone who values free speech and honest debate among our elected public servants.

Then change the Senate rules. Don't expect them to be ignored based upon a leftist whim. Your false narrative has no merit as it requires "special treatment" to be a valid point.

It was a cheap stunt and we both know it.

I'm not surprised that you support the suppression of speech you disagree with though.
So she wanted to read a 10 page unsubstantiated letter that was 30 years old from someone who is no longer alive?

Just want to clear that up...
The debate is over Jeff Sessions the Attorney General nominee, not Senator Sessions.

If he was not a Senator too, the rule invoked to silence Warren would not have applied, and could not have been used to silence her.

So with this cheap move, the GOP has effectively decided that sitting Senators who get nominated to Executive Branch positions get special treatment not afforded to anybody else.

But hey, if you don't like Warren's politics it's all good, right?
She's gonna milk this one for all its worth. If that woman becomes a leader in the Democratic Party, they've gone totally insane.
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In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


Warren was just flaming him, the obvious behavior rule 19 was created to stop, Tonto. It's a good rule. Personal attacks on the Senate floor just turn the place into a zoo. It's bad enough now. As Warren was perfectly allowed to do, she left and continued her flame outside the Senate chamber. No one's voice is silenced, but the Senate floor is not the place to flame your colleagues

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