Elizabeth Warren Barred From Reading Coretta Scott King Letter About Jeff Sessions On Senate Floor

They should have just let her talk.

Now she's a martyr, just like Milo.

People just don't learn. Let 'em talk.

No! You don't achieve anything by tolerating bullshit.

Tolerating hysterical leftist gobbledygook is exactly what got us to this place in history. That's why she's still in office! Liars and idiots have to be publicly called out, and nobody is obliged to listen to them. They don't get to monopolize all venues. They need to be told to shut up and sit the fuck down more often.
They should have just let her talk.

Now she's a martyr, just like Milo.

People just don't learn. Let 'em talk.

No! You don't achieve anything by tolerating bullshit.

Tolerating hysterical leftist gobbledygook is exactly what got us to this place in history. That's why she's still in office! Liars and idiots have to be publicly called out, and nobody is obliged to listen to them. They don't get to monopolize all venues. They need to be told to shut up and sit the fuck down more often.
That's exactly what is said on college campuses.

If you're confident in your positions, let your opponents talk.
They should have just let her talk.

Now she's a martyr, just like Milo.

People just don't learn. Let 'em talk.

No! You don't achieve anything by tolerating bullshit.

Tolerating hysterical leftist gobbledygook is exactly what got us to this place in history. That's why she's still in office! Liars and idiots have to be publicly called out, and nobody is obliged to listen to them. They don't get to monopolize all venues. They need to be told to shut up and sit the fuck down more often.
Koshergirl, Coretta Scott King was NOT an hysterical leftist spouting gobbledygook and as usual you sound like a Nazi. But for whatever reason, getting Warren to shut up is a "good thing," as Martha Stewart would say.
The "so what" is that the Republicans just gave Senator Warren EXACTLY what she wanted, namely Martyr status coupled with damaging the Republicans street creds regarding being "pro freedom of speech". The Republicans missed a golden opportunity to send one of their own (Tim Scott perhaps?) up to rip her argument to shreds on the Senate Floor while at the same time looking like they were all about open discussion, politics is perception and the perception on this one is and is likely to remain that the Republicans canned Senator Warrens right to speak because they didn't like what she had to say. Average Joe citizen doesn't give a damn about arcane Senate rules but he does understand what a gag order represents.

Do you really want the Senate to become a forum where anyone can just read a third party letter of a laundry list of unfounded accusations ?
What do you mean "become"? The Senate has already been that way since it's beginning, the prudent thing to do was to destroy those "unfounded accusations" in front of the cameras.
no the prudent thing to do is to not let unfounded accusations be uttered at all
Oh yeah, that's a better strategy, let Senator Warren go out and cry foul to the press that she was censored before ever being allowed to open her mouth, that'll play better with the public. :rolleyes:

it's a waste of time and money and believe me the Senate already wastes enough of both
Just about everything they do is a waste of time (other peoples) and money (other peoples), so yeah, I'm all for shutting the Senate down and sending all the assholes home for say 51.5 weeks out of the year, however this case is infinitesimally minute by comparison to the REAL time and money wasting exercises that go on in the Senate and thus wasn't worth the Republicans getting a PR Black Eye over.
Fauxcahontis is a perennial whiner no one but her wacko base gives a shit what she says

Free speech be damned.
no one is stopping her from reading that letter she can read it anywhere she wants just not on the Senate floor

there are rules to follow in the Senate so follow them
Squakahontas, the blond Cherokee babe, insists she will not be silenced while appropriating the very words of a woman of a different race. Is this cultural appropriation fair?:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "Coretta Scott King Will Not Be Silenced"

She had the right to read it publicly, just not on the Senate floor
Sure she had the right.

Three other male senators read the letter on the Senate floor. Nothing happened to them.

as I said before maybe they just got away with it because this rule was not known at the time when it was discovered it was enforced

stop whining
In the letter, King wrote that Sessions “used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens.” Among other things, Sessions attempted to “intimidate and frighten elderly black voters,” King added.

McConnell said that, by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, Warren “impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.” He then invoked Rule 19 to force Warren to stop speaking.

The rule is intended to encourage senators to be polite to each other. But McConnell used it squelch debate about a man nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

More: Elizabeth Warren was just silenced on the Senate floor. Her crime was quoting Coretta Scott King.


The exact same evidence used in the 80's that led to Sessions not getting a federal judgeship. It was relevant then and it's just as relevant now given the scope of cases the AG will need to oversee.
How far we have fallen.
that letter was not evidence it was the opinion of one woman
Squakahontas, the blond Cherokee babe, insists she will not be silenced while appropriating the very words of a woman of a different race. Is this cultural appropriation fair?:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "Coretta Scott King Will Not Be Silenced"

She had the right to read it publicly, just not on the Senate floor
Sure she had the right.

Three other male senators read the letter on the Senate floor. Nothing happened to them.

as I said before maybe they just got away with it because this rule was not known at the time when it was discovered it was enforced
Er, they read it AFTER Warren was silenced, putz.
You know the Republic is in deep trouble when the scumbags in the Senate start censoring each other in order to stifle debate, what the heck is McConnell afraid of? Let Senator Dingbat read the letter, if the contents offend Senator Sessions (or any of the other nimrods in the Senate) too fuckin' bad, suck it up buttercups.
reading a letter outlining accusations with no proof is not debate
do you think her testimony/letter read before the Senate hearing to the senators was checked out by the Senators at the time? OF COURSE it was verified...

And this is WHY he did NOT get the consent of the Senate.
do you care to prove your claim or was it just the opinion of the wife of a dead civil rights leader and mere allegation
Squakahontas, the blond Cherokee babe, insists she will not be silenced while appropriating the very words of a woman of a different race. Is this cultural appropriation fair?:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "Coretta Scott King Will Not Be Silenced"

She had the right to read it publicly, just not on the Senate floor
Sure she had the right.

Three other male senators read the letter on the Senate floor. Nothing happened to them.
Who? When? That's interesting.
They should have just let her talk.

Now she's a martyr, just like Milo.

People just don't learn. Let 'em talk.

No! You don't achieve anything by tolerating bullshit.

Tolerating hysterical leftist gobbledygook is exactly what got us to this place in history. That's why she's still in office! Liars and idiots have to be publicly called out, and nobody is obliged to listen to them. They don't get to monopolize all venues. They need to be told to shut up and sit the fuck down more often.
That's exactly what is said on college campuses.

If you're confident in your positions, let your opponents talk.

We aren't obliged to give them the floor, however. Other people get to talk, too.

And while her right to free speech is constitutionally protected, that doesn't mean she gets to monopolize every single platform on the face of the earth. So no, telling Elizabeth Warren to step back from the podium is not the same as dressing up in black and knocking the shit out of Trump supporters.
Banning the letter by the Senate is how the Republicans interpret free speech.
she can read that letter anywhere else she wants and she did so how was her right to free speech hindered?

There are rules as to what Senators can say on the Senate floor

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