Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

He can't imagine why that wouldn't be okay.

At least we finally agree on something. You see the issue from an imaginary point of view while the basis I use is the U.S. Constitution.

No, we're still not agreeing, because you're talking out of your ass and imagining that your TP is actually the Constitution.

So is the U.S. Electoral College talking out of its ass too? It posts on its website:

Are there restrictions on who the Electors can vote for?

There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states.

( Link: U. S. Electoral College: Who Are the Electors? How Do They Vote? )​

Oooh, look, you quoted something utterly unrelated to what I said! I guess THAT puts me in my place . . . in your imagination.
I absolutely agree, because making it a holiday would bring more working people to the polls, and we all know how most working people vote. The ironic part of that is Democrats have suggested that in the past.

Because to Dems...voting is sacrosanct. Glad we agree on a national holiday

I'm sure to many it is. But let's face it, who do the uneducated people in inner-cities vote for? Do you think they have any idea what's going on in government? Why do you suppose Piglosi wants children to vote? Because most kids don't care about politics. They care about the newest rock or rap song coming out. They care about a new television series. They care about the newest cell phone features.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an educated voter.
"inner cities"...rap songs....references to "welfare"...sounds like you might want something other than intelligence to determine who can vote huh?

Gee I wonder what that might be...

Just pointing out some facts. Sorry if facts offend you.
Because the majority elected Napoleon and Hitler and plenty of other scumbags.

No one elected Napoleon. Hitler never got a majority...but YOU helped elect Trump.

So much for the intelligence argument.

Ray just took away your right to vote
Blue states would if they had less population. The idea of the EC is to give less populated states some power to have a say as to who our President should be.

EQUAL power is fine. MORE power is not.

I take it we're back to "Individual votes are EVERYTHING, so the popular vote is HOLY!"

Smaller states don't have more power than larger ones do. They don't even have equal the power of larger states. What they DO have is enough power to defend themselves from being turned into voiceless, unrepresented slaves.

silly me.....I thought we were a nation of PEOPLE. Thank you for informing me that we are really a nation of states!

One person, One vote, equal.

We're a nation of people, AND a nation of states in which those people live. No one is responsible for the simplistically incorrect crap you "thought" except you.

Next time, don't presume to think when you're so obviously ill-equipped for it.

I do appreciate your constant insults.

I understand that you are a conservative so you are too immature to contain yourself and refrain from insults and mockery. However I maintain that NO states population should carry extra weight when voting. One person. One vote.

Just because you disagree with it does not mean it is illogical, irrational or wrong.

Just a different opinion.

I just heard, "I can't refute your points, so I'll just declare you wrong and stupid for disagreeing with me and hope it fools someone into thinking I'm not a dolt."

Didn't work. Come back when you sack up and can respond to the points with something real.
Just pointing out some facts. Sorry if facts offend you.

YOU offend me Ray. Idiots offend me. Racists offend me.

So how do you feel about your idiot friend above, voting Ray?

Does he get a pass? He clearly doesn't know shit. Does he get a pass?
Because the majority elected Napoleon and Hitler and plenty of other scumbags.

No one elected Napoleon. Hitler never got a majority...but YOU helped elect Trump.

I'm curious though - if Hitler had a majority, would you be cheering for him instead? What makes majority rule sacrosanct? Are the opinions of 51% of the people guaranteed to be better than the other 49? I just don't get this fixation on democracy as some kind of inherent virtue.
Having done the math it turns out that red states get MORE EC votes (per capita) than blue states. I have no doubt that if blue states had the same advantage conservatives would have already started that civil war they dream of.

Blue states would if they had less population. The idea of the EC is to give less populated states some power to have a say as to who our President should be.


YOU are saying....YOU deserve MORE voting power than me.

That YOUR vote should count MORE than mine.

And the fact that you think that is "fair" makes me wonder about you.....

I feel certain that he's NOT saying that, since he's not looking at the issue in the cockeyed, self-contradicting way you are.

If you feel certain he is NOT demanding a more powerful vote then you are bad at math.

are you a girl? (kidding)

If you feel certain that he IS demanding a more powerful vote, then you are bad at logic.

Are you a man?


I can understand that a small state might not want to be forced to comply to the wishes and desires of a larger state.....

so why can't you understand that a larger state might not like it either?

(note i am not insulting you or mocking you.....Is there any possibility that you can do the same?)

We are not talking about forcing a small state to accept gay marriage or legalize pot. They can discriminate and destroy lives as they see fit. This is about one issue: the presidency.

The president of the WHOLE COUNTRY EQUALLY.

The presidency of ALL of the citizens equally.

NO state should carry extra weight.

Alabama shouldn't have more influence over who runs the country than New York does.

If 63 million Americans vote for....oh...I dunno.....let's say Hillary Clinton....

and 3 million LESS people vote for some other guy.....

the person with the most votes should win.


Perfectly logical and fair.
Just pointing out some facts. Sorry if facts offend you.

YOU offend me Ray. Idiots offend me. Racists offend me.

So how do you feel about your idiot friend above, voting Ray?

Does he get a pass? He clearly doesn't know shit. Does he get a pass?

Everybody here should be allowed to vote. What you don't understand is my suggestion is that people that have absolutely no knowledge of politics and policies not be allowed to vote.....zero. It has nothing to do with race or partisanship. What I would like to see is better representatives and not people who go to the polls for shits and giggles.

Let me ask: how did Alexandria Kelly Bundy make it to Congress--by a knowledgable electorate?
Just pointing out some facts. Sorry if facts offend you.

YOU offend me Ray. Idiots offend me. Racists offend me.

So how do you feel about your idiot friend above, voting Ray?

Does he get a pass? He clearly doesn't know shit. Does he get a pass?

Everybody here should be allowed to vote. What you don't understand is my suggestion is that people that have absolutely no knowledge of politics and policies not be allowed to vote.....zero. It has nothing to do with race or partisanship. What I would like to see is better representatives and not people who go to the polls for shits and giggles.

Let me ask: how did Alexandria Kelly Bundy make it to Congress--by a knowledgable electorate?

"Let me ask: how did Alexandria Kelly Bundy make it to Congress--by a knowledgable electorate?"

How did trump?

And how could Roy Moore almost win a senate seat in Alabama?

a guy who actually states he wants to criminalize gays
Blue states would if they had less population. The idea of the EC is to give less populated states some power to have a say as to who our President should be.


YOU are saying....YOU deserve MORE voting power than me.

That YOUR vote should count MORE than mine.

And the fact that you think that is "fair" makes me wonder about you.....

I feel certain that he's NOT saying that, since he's not looking at the issue in the cockeyed, self-contradicting way you are.

If you feel certain he is NOT demanding a more powerful vote then you are bad at math.

are you a girl? (kidding)

If you feel certain that he IS demanding a more powerful vote, then you are bad at logic.

Are you a man?


I can understand that a small state might not want to be forced to comply to the wishes and desires of a larger state.....

so why can't you understand that a larger state might not like it either?

(note i am not insulting you or mocking you.....Is there any possibility that you can do the same?)

We are not talking about forcing a small state to accept gay marriage or legalize pot. They can discriminate and destroy lives as they see fit. This is about one issue: the presidency.

The president of the WHOLE COUNTRY EQUALLY.

The presidency of ALL of the citizens equally.

NO state should carry extra weight.

Alabama shouldn't have more influence over who runs the country than New York does.

If 63 million Americans vote for....oh...I dunno.....let's say Hillary Clinton....

and 3 million LESS people vote for some other guy.....

the person with the most votes should win.


Perfectly logical and fair.

What's logical is that the President gets to choose Supreme Court judges and now states are forced to accept gay marriage against their will. It's also logical that the President has power with what to do in a state such as an oil pipeline of perhaps where future nuclear waste gets buried. Or perhaps that a President can threaten your school by withdrawing financial aid if they don't allow weirdos in dresses to be in the bathroom or locker room with your daughter in school.

Where do you people get this idea that a smaller populated state has equal power to a large one? It takes nine of our lowest populated states to equal the population of New York city......ONE CITY. New York state has 29 electoral votes. Wyoming has 3.
Yes let's have Mexifornia elect Democratic Presidents for the next 50 years. That is the Liberal wet dream of abolishing the E.C.
Why are you against the rule of the majority ?
We used that method in the Senate, Congress supreme court the X factor you name it.
And btw California is the biggest economy and best state of the union, Alabama, Mississippi, north Dakota, etc....are is less states.

Because the majority elected Napoleon and Hitler and plenty of other scumbags.

The Electoral College was a direct response to how the people often vote away their own liberties over the course of history. Also, why would the less populous states join or remain in the Union if they didn't have a say over who would be the chief executive of the Union of the Several States.

Only a decade later (after the ratification of the Constitution) the people of France voted away their liberties to Napoleon.

Without The Electoral College, We’d Be More Likely To Have A Dictator
Without the Electoral College, we would have Madam President Clinton. :eek-52: No further validation needed.
Just pointing out some facts. Sorry if facts offend you.

YOU offend me Ray. Idiots offend me. Racists offend me.

So how do you feel about your idiot friend above, voting Ray?

Does he get a pass? He clearly doesn't know shit. Does he get a pass?

Everybody here should be allowed to vote. What you don't understand is my suggestion is that people that have absolutely no knowledge of politics and policies not be allowed to vote.....zero. It has nothing to do with race or partisanship. What I would like to see is better representatives and not people who go to the polls for shits and giggles.

Let me ask: how did Alexandria Kelly Bundy make it to Congress--by a knowledgable electorate?

"Let me ask: how did Alexandria Kelly Bundy make it to Congress--by a knowledgable electorate?"

How did trump?

And how could Roy Moore almost win a senate seat in Alabama?

a guy who actually states he wants to criminalize gays

But he didn't win---did he?

Kotex was voted in during the primaries against a veteran politician. No Republican had a chance to beat any Democrat there. In other words, it was Democrats who voted her in--not Republicans.
Everybody here should be allowed to vote. What you don't understand is my suggestion is that people that have absolutely no knowledge of politics and policies not be allowed to vote.....zero.

And there's the rub. You give the idiot above a pass because why? He's white and on your side of the partisan debate?

He's clearly a political and historical idiot.

He (and you) just killed your argument)
It's a constitutional right. There should NOT be impediments. In a true democracy we WANT everyone who is legally eligible to vote to do so. True? It SHOULD be easy

I presume then that since the ownership of a gun, is a right, therefore there should be no impediments. Right?
What's logical is that the President gets to choose Supreme Court judges and now states are forced to accept gay marriage against their will.

No one is forced into a gay marriage against their will moron.

But it's enlightening that you want to use your minority electoral power to take rights away from people because of YOUR bias.

You're making my case for me
Everybody here should be allowed to vote. What you don't understand is my suggestion is that people that have absolutely no knowledge of politics and policies not be allowed to vote.....zero.

And there's the rub. You give the idiot above a pass because why? He's white and on your side of the partisan debate?

He's clearly a political and historical idiot.

He (and you) just killed your argument)

Wait a minute, where did I suggest that people have world knowledge or be precise on everything they say to vote? Again, I would only like to see people vote who do have political knowledge; particularly in current events and government. Are you going to tell me that everything you have written on USMB since you started was 100% accurate? We all make mistakes.
What's logical is that the President gets to choose Supreme Court judges and now states are forced to accept gay marriage against their will.

No one is forced into a gay marriage against their will moron.

But it's enlightening that you want to use your minority electoral power to take rights away from people because of YOUR bias.

You're making my case for me

There you go, a perfect example. Yes, the Supreme Court ruled that states must recognize gay marriage. Even states that voted against it back when Bush was President now are forced to have gay marriage.
Oooh, look, you quoted something utterly unrelated to what I said! I guess THAT puts me in my place . . . in your imagination.

Once again as with my postings based on the law of the land, imagination unnecessary.
we are a Constitutional Federal Republic.
A republic (Latin: res publica) is a form of government in which the country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are not inherited, but are attained through democracy, oligarchy or autocracy. It is a form of government under which the head of state is not a monarch.
Having ruled out democracy, which do you then prefer, oligarchy or autocracy?
The former Soviet Union had a “Politburo.” So I think Democrats want rule by committee. Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, Harris, and Ocasio Chavez running the grand Republic into the fucking sewer.
Interesting. So "democracy" then, to your mind anyway, implies "Soviet Union" which then implies "Democrats" and "rule by committee." Methinks you prone to often sliding well off the rails of your own slippery slopes. Somehow you've managed to remain blissfully unaware that every President and political party (not to mention billionaire driven oligopoly) has thus far "ruled by committee" Meanwhile, you've utterly failed to address a very reasonable, unbiased question..
Democratic Party is a threat to our Constitutional democratic Republic. Democrats helped Putin in his efforts to divide and weaken the United States. Job well done you miserable cocksuckers. The left wing extremists in this nation (Democrats) can’t win legitimately through a democratic process so they steal elections through “vote harvesting” and special counsel investigations to overturn a Constitutional, democratic, election. You fuckers make me sick. Hold everyone of you no good sonsabitches accountable. I don’t like the fact that Democrats attempt to take my vote for Donald Trump away from me. Most lowlife, underhanded, thing I have ever seen in politics and I spent over 20 years working for Democratic Party. It’s fucking sickening what they have done.
Um, little refresher: After Bush92 came Bill Clinton... remember all that Monica Lewinsky stuff? Ken Starr ring any bells? Yeah, he did that. A Republican. Then went and got himself kicked off the Baylor University campus. And I'm no Democrat, Einstein. Point was the Republicans are clearly no better. Seems you simply react to things without actually reading them.
What's logical is that the President gets to choose Supreme Court judges and now states are forced to accept gay marriage against their will.

No one is forced into a gay marriage against their will moron.

But it's enlightening that you want to use your minority electoral power to take rights away from people because of YOUR bias.

You're making my case for me
History proves that events happen. Changes occur. When they happen and the money spigot is the engine and the spigot tightens up, bad stuff happens. Nature finds a way.

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